Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BLIteratorIterator for the BoxLayout class. Used to iterate through the Points in bit space associated with patches of the domain
BoxAn interval in DIM dimensional space
BoxLayoutAn organization of Boxes that represents the computational domain
CTensor< T, C, RestD >Tensor object used to interface with data pointwise in a constant RectMDArray
IntervalA linear interval with integer bounds
LevelData< T, C, D, E >Structure which holds all of the data in a computational domain for a given level of refinement
MultigridMultigrid: solve a FV discretization of Poisson's equation on a union of rectangles
PointA point in space
RectMDArray< T, C, D, E >Multidimensional Rectangular Array of data
ShiftA direction in space represented by a Point object
Stencil< T >An object which contains a set of offsets and coefficients associated with the application of a stencil
Tensor< T, C, RestD >Tensor object used to interface with data pointwise in a RectMDArray

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