BISICLES Python Interface

BISICLES' python interface is intended to make some of less performance intensive parts of BISICLES easier to program. It is fairly crude : at certain points during a run BISICLES will use an embedded python interpreter to evaluate various fields. At the moment, it is possible to specify surface fluxes (that is, accumulation and melting), the initial geometry (topography and thickness), the initial temperature and the basal traction coefficient. The most likely application of the Python interface is in defining idealized problems, where the use of the LevelData interface would lead to undesirable numerical error

You should have included the python interface when building BISICLES, otherwise you will need to do so. You will need to run the appropriate make clean

To run BISICLES with the python interface, you need to ensure that the environment variable PYTHONPATH includes the directory where your python modules (.py files) are stored. If this is the working directory, then in serial, run BISICLES like so

PYTHONPATH=`pwd` driver2d.Linux.64.mpic++.gfortran.DEBUG.OPT.ex inputs.file sout.0 2>err.0 &
and in parallel, assuming 4 processors,
nohup mpirun -np 4 -x PYTHONPATH=`pwd` driver2d.Linux.64.mpic++.gfortran.DEBUG.OPT.MPI.ex inputs.file &

Surface Fluxes

To specify a surface flux through a python function write a python function that takes five scalar arguments (x,y,t,thickness,topography). Let's say that you have created a file
def acab(x,y,t,thck,topg):
    return 1.0e-3 * (thck + topg)
then you would include lines like
surfaceFlux.type = pythonFlux
surfaceFlux.module = foo
surfaceFlux.function = acab
in the input file. It is possible to add a few keyword args (kwargs) to surfaceFlux.function, e.g, if you want to compute a melt rate that depends on distance from the grounding line, you could have
import math
def melt(x,y,t,thck,topg,gl_proximity=0.0,gl_proximity_scale=1.0):
    d = - math.log(gl_proximity + 1.0e-10) * gl_proximity_scale
    return -  (d/1.0e+3)**2 * gl_proximity 

with input file lines
basalFlux.type = maskedFlux
basalFlux.floating.type = pythonFlux
baslaFlux.floating.module = foo
basalFlux.floating.function = acab
basalFlux.floating.n_kwargs = 2
basalFlux.floating.kwargs = gl_proximity gl_proximity_scale

So far the supported list is short

  1. gl_proximity : solution to p + scale^2 * grad^2 = 1 (grounded) or 0 (floating) with natural BCs
  2. gl_proximity_scale : scale in the above

Initial Geometry and boundary conditions

To set the initial thickness and topography using python functions, create a python module contain two scalar functions of (x,y), e.g
def thck(x,y):
     return 1.5e+2

def topg(x,y):
    return -1.0e+2 - x/1.0e+3
and specify it in the configuration file like so
geometry.problem_type = Python
PythonIBC.module = foo
PythonIBC.thicknessFunction = thck
PythonIBC.topographyFunction = topg
x and y are double precision floating point numbers, they are given in meters, and will correspond to the centers of cells. Note that they will be on the BISICLES co-ordinate system, ie the bottom left corner of the mesh is (0,0)

The choice of

geometry.problem_type = Python
implies boundary conditions as well as initial conditions. By default, reflection boundary conditions (ice divides) are imposed on all four domain edges. This can be changed to periodic boundary conditions in the usual way, e.g
amr.is_periodic = 0 1 0
selects reflection boundaries at the x-faces of the domain, but periodic boundaries at the y-faces. Alternatively , a mixture of Reflection (Ice Divide) and No Slip conditions can be imposed through the PythonIBC.bc_lo and PythonIBC.bc_hi options. Choose 0 for reflection , and 1 for no-slip. For example
PythonIBC.bc_lo = 0 1 # ice divide at x = 0 , no slip at y = 0
PythonIBC.bc_hi = 1 1 # no-slip at x = L , no slip at y = W
To set a marine boundary condition, use DomainEdgeCalvingModel, e.g
CalvingModel.type = DomainEdgeCalvingModel
CalvingModel.front_hi = 1 0    #impose a marine boundary at the high x-face 
CalvingModel.front_lo = 0 0
Alternatively, it is possible to maintain a calving front inside the domain by setting a large negative accumulation: Adding a function
def melt(x,y,t,thck,topg):
    melt = 0.0
    if (x^2 + y^2 > 1.0e+12):
      melt = -1.0e+3
    return melt
to a python module and the configuration lines
basalFlux.type = pythonFlux
basalFlux.module = foo
basalFlux.function = melt
would lead to a quarter-circular calving front centered on the bottom left corner with radius 1000 km

Initial Geometry and temperature boundary conditions

To set the initial temperature using python functions, create a python module containing a scalar function of (x,y,thickness,topography,sigma), e.g
def temperature(x,y,thck,topg,sigma):
    T = 263.0
    if (abs(y-64.0e+3) < 8.0e+3):
        T = T + sigma*10.0
    return T

and specify it in the configuration file like so
temperature.type = Python
PythonIceTemperatureIBC.module = foo
PythonIceTemperatureIBC.function = temperature

Basal Friction Coefficient

You can specify a basal friction coefficient in much the same way as a surface flux, e.g add

import math

def friction(x,y,t,thck,topg):
    friction = 1.01e+3 + 1.0e+3 * math.sin(x * 1.0e+3)*math.sin(y * 1.0e+3)
    return friction   
in a python module and
geometry.beta_type = Python
PythonBasalFriction.module = foo
PythonBasalFriction.function = friction
in the configuration file.