BISICLES stresses

Every BISICLES simulation requires both basal and englacial stress models to be defined. These relate basal and englacial stresses to the velocity field. There are also options to modify the driving stress

Driving stress

The driving stress is determined by the geometry, however there are some options that can be used to modify it. Input geometry may lead to isolated ares of implausible driving stress, for example at tall ice cliffs. The option

  velocity_rhs.max_rhs_dx = 1.0e+10 #(Pa m) :any floating point number > 1

is disabled by default but will ensure that rho * g * h * |grad(s)| * dx < velocity_rhs.max_rhs_dx 1.0e+10 Pa m: roughly speaking a value of1.0e+10 Pa m: corresponds to a 1 km high ice grounded cliff.

Driving stresses are modified immediately upstream and downstream of the grounding line to avoid the combination of steep slopes and zero basal friction that would otherwise arise. This is the one-sided scheme described in Cornford, J. Comput. Phys. 2013, and is enabled by default. It can be disabled with.

  velocity_rhs.gl_correction = false # true is the default

Basal stresses

The basal stress model is broken down into a spatially varying basal friction coefficient beta^2(x,y) and temperature dependent rate factor A(T), which do not depend on velocity and a basal friction relation f ( C, u), where C = \beta^2/A(T), which does. A (T) = 1.0 by default. The simplest model is the linear viscous sliding law tau_b = C u, more complex rules include the usual power law tau_b = \beta^2 |u|^{-2/3} u , and rules that depend on the effective pressure. The code also include an additional linear basal traction term, so that the final rule applied is tau_b = f( C, u) + C_0 u with C_0 used to impose, for example, drag from rocky fjord walls. Note that whatever friction coefficient is chosen, it will only be applied to grounded ice or floating ice immediately adjacent to an ice free region whose upper surface lies above the lower surface of the ice (a fjord wall).

Basal friction coefficient

If you have built the doxygen code documentation, the C++ class hierarchy underlying the basal friction coefficient is described at classBasalFriction.html.

Floating and grounded ice

By default, BISICLES sets beta^2 = 0 for every cell whose center is grounded. Setting

  basal_friction.grounding_line_subdivision = 4 # (any integer > 0, but 4 is recommended)

selects a sub-grid interpolation scheme, which proves useful in some circumstances (see e.g Cornford et at, Ann, Glac. 2016). The thickness above flotation is interpolated between cell centers to compute a grounded-ice fraction w, with < w < 1, which is used to weight beta^2. At some point we may make this the default.

The subgrid scheme typically means that a factor of two coarser mesh can be used. Note that BISICLES does not suffer from the much more severe truncation errors noted in Seroussi, The Cryopshere, 2014 when the subgrid scheme is not used: we attribute this to the one-sided difference scheme for the driving stress described in Cornford, J. Comput. Phys. 2013. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled with

  velocity_rhs.gl_correction = false # true is the default

Drag from Rocky Walls

Floating Ice flowing between rocky walls (e.g Petermann Glacier) experiences some drag by default, the coefficient C_0 is computed from the basal friction coefficient that would apply if the ice was grounded, and from the contact areas between ice and rock. It is possible to increase this drag with a scalar parameter.

wall_drag.basic = true # default true
wall_drag.extra = 0.0 # default 0.0

Drag in thin ice regions

Realistic problems are sometimes made more difficult by the appearance of fast flowing thin ice, often far from the regions of interest, which tends to reduce the stable time step. This can sometimes be mitigated by imposing some additional drag in thin ice regions. Be careful with this parameter - it can easily slow down ice shelves.

thin_ice_drag.extra = 10.0 # default 0.0
thin_ice_drag.thickness = 10.0 # default 0.0

Constant Friction

The simplest meaningful beta^2 is constant in space and time. E.g to set beta^2 = 1000 on all grounded ice:
geometry.beta_type = constantBeta
geometry.betaValue = 1.0e+3

Python Basal Friction

See also the description of the python interface.

If beta^2 can be expressed as a simple function of local thickness and topography, the python interface can compute it. The major advantage of this method is that the python expression can be readily evaluated on whatever meshes the AMR scheme throws up without the need for interpolation. For example, create a function

import math

def friction(x,y,t,thck,topg):
    friction = 1.01e+3 + 1.0e+3 * math.sin(x * 1.0e+3)*math.sin(y * 1.0e+3)
    return friction   
in a python module and set
geometry.beta_type = Python
PythonBasalFriction.module = foo
PythonBasalFriction.function = friction
in the configuration file.

LevelData Basal Friction

See also the description of the LevelData interface.

If beta^2 cannot be expressed as a simple function, it might be represented as data on a uniform mesh. Typically, this will be the case if beta^2 was computed from observations in some way. BISICLES will average or interpolate the data as needed as meshes are generated, with one caveat: the data mesh spacing must be compatible with the AMR scheme. Typically, the data level grid will usually have a resolution that coincides with one of the AMR levels. For example, to read the field btrc from a file basal.2d.hdf5:

geometry.beta_type = LevelData
inputLevelData.frictionFile = basal.2d.hdf5
inputLevelData.frictionName = btrc
It is also possible to use a number of files to make a time-dependent beta^2. E.g,
geometry.beta_type = LevelData
inputLevelData.frictionFileFormat = basal%4d.2d.hdf5
inputLevelData.frictionFileStartTime = 0.0
inputLevelData.frictionFileTimeStep = 1.0
inputLevelData.frictionName = btrc

will interpolate data in time between the files basal0000.2d.hdf5,basal0001.2d.hdf5,...

MultiLevelData Basal Friction

Essentially the same as having a LevelData basal friction coefficient, but with a non-uniform mesh. Tricky in practice, but, e.g
geometry.beta_type = MultiLevelData
inputLevelData.frictionFile = basal.2d.hdf5
inputLevelData.frictionName = btrc


Other beta^2 options include sinusoidalBeta, sinusoidalBetay, twistyStreamx, singularStream, gaussianBump. These exist for testing to be carried out without the python interface: don't worry about them.

Basal rate factor

If you have built the doxygen code documentation, the C++ class hierarchy underlying the rate factor is described at classRateFactor.html

Basal friction relation

If you have built the doxygen code documentation, the C++ class hierarchy underlying the basal friction relation is described at classBasalFrictionRelation.html

Power law basal friction relation

The power law basal friction relation covers rules of the form tau_b = C |u|^{m-1} u, which includes linear viscous sliding (m=1), and hard bed sliding (m=1/3), and yield stress sliding (m=0.9999, though this will not work well). For example, specify the common third power law by setting tau_b = C |u|^{-2/3} u

main.basalFrictionRelation = powerLaw
BasalFrictionPowerLaw.m = 0.3333 # for m = 1/3
BasalFrictionPowerLaw.includeEffectivePressure = false #optional false is the default


BasalFrictionPowerLaw.includeEffectivePressure = true
Then a factor hab^m (where hab is the thickness above flotation) is introduced.

Pressure limited basal friction relation

The pressure limited law modifies another basal friction relation f(C,u) to ensure that basal traction cannot exceed the Coulomb friction, proportional to the effective pressure N. Two forms are implemented, the version from Tsai 2015, where |tau_b| = min( a * N, f(C,u) ), and the version from Leguy 2014 (also Schoof 2005 and Gagliardini 2007), where |tau_b| =

To choose Tsai 2015, set

main.basalFrictionRelation = pressureLimitedLaw
BasalFrictionPressureLimitedLaw.coefficient = 0.5 #for example. Coulomb friction coefficient. should be 0 < a < 1 
BasalFrictionPressureLimitedLaw.model = Tsai
BasalFrictionPressureLimitedLaw.basalFrictionRelation = powerLaw
BasalFrictionPowerLaw.m = 0.3333

To choose Leguy 2014, set

main.basalFrictionRelation = pressureLimitedLaw
BasalFrictionPressureLimitedLaw.coefficient = 8.0e12  #for example
BasalFrictionPressureLimitedLaw.model = Leguy
BasalFrictionPressureLimitedLaw.basalFrictionRelation = powerLaw
BasalFrictionPowerLaw.m = 0.3333

Englacial stresses

The englacial stress model is broken down into a spatially varying stiffness factor phi(x,y) and temperature dependent rate factor A(T), which do not depend on velocity and a relation f ( A, grad u), which does, to provide an effective viscosity phi f (A, grad u). The simplest model is a linear rheology (constant f). Ice sheet models will usually need either Glen's flow law or a rule based on it such as the L1L2 rule (Schoof and Hindmarsh 2010). There is also an experimental rule that combines any other relation with a continuum damage model.

Englacial stiffness (mu) coefficient

If you have built the doxygen code documentation, the C++ class hierarchy underlying the stiffness factor is described at classMuCoefficient.html

Englacial rate factor

If you have built the doxygen code documentation, the C++ class hierarchy underlying the rate factor is described at classRateFactor.html

Englacial Constitutive relation

The englacial constitutive relation has three roles. First, it computes the effective viscosity (mu) given the strain rate (e_ij) and rate factor (A), so that the stress components are given by t_ij = mu * e_ij. Secondly, it computes the rate of strain heating (usually mu * e_ij * e_ji). Thirdly, it is currently responsible for reconstructing the velocity field u(x,y,z) from the basal velocity u_b(x,y), though this is slated for change when non-vertically integrated stresses are supported.

If you have built the doxygen code documentation, the C++ class hierarchy underlying the englacial constitutive relation is described at classConstitutiveRelation.html

Glen's flow law

To choose Glen's flow law, set
main.ConstitutiveRelation = GlensLaw 
GlensLaw.n = 3.0 # 3.0 is the default
GlensLaw.epsSqr0 = 1.0e-12 = 0.0 #

The LlL2 flow law

The L1L2 law is a variant of Glen's flow law used to approximate vertical shear strains in vertically integrated models.
main.ConstitutiveRelation = L1L2
L1L2.n = 3.0 # 3.0 is the default
L1L2.epsSqr0 = 1.0e-12 = 0.0 #
L1L2.solverTolerance =1.0e-6
L1L2.effectiveViscositySIAGradSLimit = 1.0e-2 # limit grad(s) in the mass flux calculation
L1L2.additionalVelocitySIAGradSLimit = 1.0e+10 # limit grad(s) in the effective viscosity
L1L2.additionalVelocitySIAOnly = false # default is true
L1L2.startFromAnalyticMu = false       # can be true for n = 3
L1L2.layerCoarsening = 0               # (integer n, default =0) coarsen the vertical layers by 2^n times for the L1L2 calculation.