BISICLES AMR ice sheet model  0.9
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAMRDamageContinuum damage model
 CAmrIceClass to manage non-subcycled AMR ice-sheet model
 CAmrIceBaseAbstract base class for amr ice sheet models (AmrIce, AMRIceControl)
 CAMRMelangeContinuum melange transport model
 CArrheniusRateFactorArrhenius Rate Factor
 CAxbyFluxProvide the flux a*x + b*y, where x,y are fluxes and a,b are scalars
 CBasalFrictionPowerLawImplements BasalFrictionRelation to provide a power law
 CBasalFrictionRelationVirtual base class for basal friction relations
 CBasicThicknessIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CBoxBoundedFluxApplies a flux inside a box and (optionally inside a time interval) and zero outside
 CCalvingModelVirtual base for calving models
 CCliffCollapseCalvingModelA calving model which implements the Pollard and DeConto cliff-collapse mechanism using the ice mask
 CCompositeCalvingModelCalving model which lets us compose multiple calving models
 CCompositeFluxAdds together a list of fluxes
 CconstantFluxSimple implementation of SurfaceFlux which sets surface flux to a constant in space and time
 CconstantFrictionBasalFriction where $ \beta^2 $ is constant in space and time
 CConstantIceTemperatureIBCConcrete IceInternalEnergyIBC that sets ice temperature to be constant
 CConstantRateFactorConstant Rate Factor
 CConstitutiveRelationAbstract class around the englacial constitutive relations for ice
 CCopyBasalFrictionAllows pre-defined basal friction coefficients to be passed in and copied
 CDamageConstitutiveRelationComputes the effective viscosity $\mu$ including a factor due to crevassing
 CDamageIceObserverContains an AMRDamage, responds to changes in the ice sheet state
 CDamagePhysIBCPhysIBC for the damage model
 CDomainEdgeCalvingModelEnsure open ocean on one or more domain edges
 CFlotationCalvingModelCalving model which removes all floating ice
 CfortranInterfaceFluxClass which takes an input fortran array
 CFortranInterfaceIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CGaussianBumpFrictionBasal friction with a gaussian bump centred on b
 CGaussianFunctionX1D Gaussian hump
 CHumpIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CIceBCFuncWrapperThis BCFunction simply wraps a BCFunc
 CIceDivideCompGridVTOBCApply ice divide conditions along one boundary
 CIceInternalEnergyIBCCommon virtual base class for internal energy transport IBC
 CIceNonlinearViscousTensorImplement NonlinearViscousTensor for typical (velocity-depenendent) ice rheology
 CIceThermodynamicsCommon function for thermodynamics, including transport within columns
 CIceThicknessIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions for ice-sheet problems
 CIceVelBCFunctionBCFunction-derived class to handle velocity-solve BC's
 CIceVelocitySolverAbstract class to manage the nonlinear solve for the ice-sheet momentum
 CIntFineInterpReplaces fine level BaseFAB<int> data with coarse level data
 CInverseIceVelocitySolverAbstract subclass of IceVelocitySolver that supports inverse velocity problems
 CInverseVerticallyIntegratedVelocitySolverImplementation of InverseIceVelocitySolver for the vertically integrated (SSA,SSA*,L1L2) stress models
 CJFNKSolverJacobian-Free Newton Krylov (JFNK) solver for the nonlinear ice-sheet/shelf momentum equations
 CL1L2ConstitutiveRelationImplemnets ConstitutiveRelation to give the effective viscosity in the L1L2 stress model
 CLevelDataBasalFrictionBasalFriction that computes $ \beta^2 $ from data on a uniform grid
 CLevelDataIBCClass LevelDataIBC stores initial topography and thickness data on a single levels and imposes either periodic or reflection boundary conditions
 CLevelDataMuCoefficientMuCoeffcient that computes $ \phi $ from data on a uniform grid
 CLevelDataTemperatureIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CLevelSigmaCSBasic Sigma fourth-order coordinate system on an AMR level
 CMarineIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CMaskedCalvingModelCalving model which uses a masked input to enforce shelf collapse
 CMaskedFluxApplies a different surface flux depending on the mask
 CMaximumExtentCalvingModelA calving model which enforces a maximum extent of the ice shelf
 CMelangeIceObserverContains an AMRMelange, responds to changes in the ice sheet state
 CMelangePhysIBCPhysIBC for the melange model
 CMultiLevelDataBasalFrictionBasalFriction that computes $ \beta^2 $ from data on a non-uniform grid
 CMultiLevelDataIBCClass MultiLevelDataIBC stores initial topography and thickness data on multiple levels and imposes either periodic or reflection boundary conditions
 CNaturalCompGridVTOBCApply natural conditions along one boundary
 CNoCalvingModelSimplest calving model : don't do anything
 CNormalizedFluxNormalizes any flux so that the integrated flux has a specified value
 CNoSlipCompGridVTOBCApply no-slip conditions along one boundary
 CObjectiveWithGradientSpecify operations required to carry out gradient based optimization
 CPatersonRateFactorPaterson Rate Factor
 CPerEdgeCompGridVTOBCApply a different CompGridVTOBC along each boundary
 CPiecewiseLinearFluxSurfaceFlux which has a piecewise linear dependence on ice thickness
 CPressureLimitedBasalFrictionRelationBasal friction relation which satisfies Tb = min(|Tb'|, a*p) u/|u|
 CProductSurfaceFluxClass which multiplies two surface fluxes together
 CProximityCalvingModelCalve ice based on proximity to the grounding line
 CRateFactorRate factor A(T) in (e.g) Glen's law
 CRateProportionalToSpeedCalvingModelA Calving model that provides a rate proportional to speed: the constant of proportionality can vary in x,y,t
 CReflectionIceInternalEnergyIBCPartial implementation of IceInternalEnergyIBC, provides reflection (or periodic) boundary conditions
 CsingularStreamFrictionA straight or twisting ice stream of width W with a discontinous C
 CsinusoidalFrictionSimple version which sets basal friction to a sinusoidal profile
 CSurfaceFluxAbstract class defining the surface flux interface
 CThicknessCalvingModelA thickness-based calving model which should permit advance and retreat
 CTransformationAbstract class for co-ordinate Transformations
 CtwistyStreamFrictionSimple basal friction resulting in a twisting ice stream
 CVariableRateCalvingModelA Calving model that provides a simple rate
 CVerticalConductionInternalEnergyIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CVieliPayneBCFunctionBCFunction-derived class to handle velocity-solve BC's
 CVieliPayneIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CzeroFluxSimple implementation of SurfaceFlux which sets surface flux to zero
 CzeroFrictionBasalFriction which sets basal friction to zero. Probably completely useless
 CZwingerRateFactorZwinger Rate Factor