NodeQCFI Member List

This is the complete list of members for NodeQCFI, including all inherited members.

clearMemory()NodeQCFI [private]
coarseFineInterp(LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phiFine, const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phiCoarse, bool a_inhomogeneous)NodeQCFI
define(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, Real a_dx, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_loCFIVS, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_hiCFIVS, int a_refToCoarse, NodeBCFunc a_bc, int a_interpolationDegree=2, int a_ncomp=1, bool a_verbose=false)NodeQCFI
define(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, Real a_dx, const Box &a_domain, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_loCFIVS, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_hiCFIVS, int a_refToCoarse, NodeBCFunc a_bc, int a_interpolationDegree=2, int a_ncomp=1, bool a_verbose=false)NodeQCFI
isDefined() const NodeQCFI
m_bcNodeQCFI [protected]
m_coarseningsNodeQCFI [protected]
m_domainPenultimateNodeQCFI [protected]
m_dxNodeQCFI [protected]
m_dxPenultimateNodeQCFI [protected]
m_gridsNodeQCFI [protected]
m_hiCFIVScoarserNodeQCFI [protected]
m_interNodeQCFI [protected]
m_isDefinedNodeQCFI [protected]
m_loCFIVScoarserNodeQCFI [protected]
m_ncompNodeQCFI [protected]
m_qcfi2NodeQCFI [protected]
m_refToCoarseNodeQCFI [protected]
m_verboseNodeQCFI [protected]
NodeQCFI(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, Real a_dx, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_loCFIVS, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_hiCFIVS, int a_refToCoarse, NodeBCFunc a_bc, int a_interpolationDegree=2, int a_ncomp=1, bool a_verbose=false)NodeQCFI
NodeQCFI(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, Real a_dx, const Box &a_domain, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_loCFIVS, const LayoutData< NodeCFIVS > *const a_hiCFIVS, int a_refToCoarse, NodeBCFunc a_bc, int a_interpolationDegree=2, int a_ncomp=1, bool a_verbose=false)NodeQCFI
setDefaultValues()NodeQCFI [private]
setVerbose(bool a_verbose)NodeQCFI

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