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Author:, by Sebastien Barre
[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | X | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z]










































ability able abort (aborted) about above absolute abstract academic accelerate (acceleration) accelerator accept (accepted, accepts) acceptable access (accessed, accessing) accessible accommodate accomplished accord (according) accordingly account accumulation (accumulated, accumulating) accurate (accuracy) achieve (achieved) acquired acquisition across actally actions active (actively) activities actor (actors) acts actual (actually) adapted added (ADDED) adding addition additional (additionally) address (addressed, addresses) adds adequate adjacent adjoined adjoint adjust (adjusted, adjusting, adjusts) adjustment (adjustments) advance (advanced) advantage (advantages) aesthetics affect (affected, affecting, affects) affine after again against aggregated agree (agreed) alamos algorithm (algorithms) alias aligning (aligned) alignment allocate (allocated, allocates, allocating, allocation) allow (allowed, allowing, allows) allowable allowablew almost alone along alpha already also alter (altered) alternate alternative (alternatively) although always alyassin ambient ambiguity ames among amount (amounts) analysis analytic analytical analyzed anatomical ancillary angle (angles) angular animations anisotropic annotation (annotations) annual another answer (answered) antialiasing anymap anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apparent appear (appearing, appears) appearance append (appended, appending, appends) applicable application (applications) applies (applied) apply (applying) approach (approaches) appropriate (appropriately) approved approximate (approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation) arbitrarily arbitrary arc-seconds architecture area (areas) aren args argument (arguments) arial arise around arranged array (arrays) arrives arrows artifacts as-is asked asking aspect assemblies assembly assign (assigned, assigning, assigns) assignment associate (associated, associating, association) assume (assumed, assumes, assuming) assumption asynchronous (asynchronously) asynchrony atan attach (attached, attaches) attachment (attachments) attack attempt (attempted, attempting) attenuation (attenuated) attractive attribute (attributes) august author (Authoring) authored authorship autodetect automatic automatically autorange auxiliary available average (averaged, averaging) avoid (avoided, avoiding, avoids) away axes axis axisymmetric azimuth


back (backing) back-to-front backface background (backgrounds) backward (backwards) backwards-compatibility balances (balanced) band banking barr bartels barycentric base based basic basically basis because (BECAUSE) become (becomes) been before beforehand began begin (beginning, begins) behalf behaves behavior (behaviour) behind being believe bell belong (belongs) below bends beside besides best beta better between beyond bias bigger bilinear binary (BINARY) binding (bindings) bins (binning) bit-mask (bit-masks) bitmap (bitmaps) bits bitwise black blackman blank (blanking) blend (blending, blends) block (blocking, blocks) blue (blues) blur blurry board bold (bolding) bookstein boolean boor border (borders) both bottles bottom bottom-up boudns bounced bound (bounded, bounding, bounds) boundaries boundary bounder boxes branches (branching) breadth break (breaking, breaks) breakup brick brigham brighness bright (brightness) brighter brightest brightnesses bring broad broken brush (brushing) bucket (buckets) buffer (buffering, buffers) build (building, builds) built built-in bulb (bulbs) bump (bumped) bunch burden butterfly button (buttons) by-product bypass (bypasses) byte (BYTES, bytes)


cache (cached, caches, caching) calculate (calculated, calculates, calculating, calculation, calculations) california call (CALLED, called, calling, calls) callback (callbacks) calldata caller came camera (cameras) camera-view campfire candidate (candidates) cannot (CANNOT) canny canvas capabilities capability capping (capped) capture (captured, captures, capturing) cardinal care (carling) careful (carefully) carpet carriage carries (carried) cartesian cascade (cascaded) case (cases) cast (casting, casts) caster (casters) category cause (caused, causes) caution caveats ceiling cell (cells) cell-by-cell cell-links center (centered, centers) centerline central centralize (centralizes) centroid certain chaining chance change (changed, changes, changing) channel (channels) char (chars) character (characters) characteristics characterizes charge charts chebyshev check (checked, checking, checks) child children chip choice (choices) choose (chooses, choosing) chosen chunk (chunks) circle circular circulation circumcenter circumferential circumscribed circumsphere (circumspheres) citriniti citrit city clamp (clamped, clamping) class (classes) classification classified classify classname clean (cleaning, cleans) clear clearly clears (cleared) clientdata clients cline clip (clipped, clipping, clips) clockwise cloned close (closed, closely, closes, closing) closest closure cloud (clouds) cluster (clusters) code (codes) coded coefficient (coefficients) coherent coincidence coincident colapses cold collapse (collapsed, collapses, collapsing) collect (collection, collections, collects) collector collide (collided) collinear collision colon color (colored, coloring, colors, colour) colormap column (columns) combination (combinations) combine (combined, combines) comes coming command (commands) comments common (commonly) communicate (communicates, communication, communications) comp compact (compactness) companion compare (compared, compares, comparing) comparison (comparisons) compatability compatibility (COMPATIBILITY) compatible compensate compilation compile (compiled) compile-time compiler (compilers) complete (completed, completely, completes) complex (COMPLEX) complexity compliance compliant complicated component (components) compose (composed, composing) composite (composited, composites, compositing) compositer (compositers) compound (compounded) compression (compressed) computation (computations) computational (computationally) compute (computed, computes, computing) computer comunicate concat concatenate (concatenated, concatenates, concatenating, concatenation, concatenations) concatentation concave concept concerns (concerned) concrete (CONCRETE) condition (conditions) cone conference configuration (configurations) configure (configured) confine conflict confuse (confusing, confusion) conglomeration conjugate conjunction connect (connected, connecting, connection, connections, connects) connectivity connector conquer consequence conservative conserve consider (considered, considering, considers) consist (consisting, consists) consistency consistent console constant (constantly, constants) constant-time constitutes constrain (constrained) constraint (constraints) constrast construct (constructed, construction, constructs) constructor constructur consumed contain (contained, containing, contains) container conte contents context (contexts) continents continually continue (continues, continuing) continuity continuous (continuously) contour (contoured, contouring, contours) contract contracting contrast (contrasted) contrib contribution (contributed, contributing) control (controlled, controlling, controls) controller (controllers) conv conveniece convenience convenient conventional conventions converge convergence conversion convert (converted, converting, converts) convex convienence convolution (convolutions) cool cooler coord (coords) coordinate (coordinated, coordinates) copies coplanar copy (copied, copying) copyright corder core corkscrews corner (corners) corona correct (corrected, correcting, correctly) correlation correspond (corresponding, corresponds) correspondence corrupted cosine (cosines) cost (costs) could count (counted, counting, counts) counter-clockwise counterclockwise counterpart couple (coupled) courier course courtesy covariance cover (covered, covers) coverage cputime crash create (CREATED, created, creates, creating, creation) createtimer creative creators credits crisp criterion critical crop (cropping) cross (crossed, crosses) cross-section crout crystal ctrl cube (cubes) cubic cubical cull (culled, culling) culler (cullers) cumulative (cumulatively) current (currently) cursor (cursors) curve (curved, curves) custom customizable customize cutoff cuts (cutting) cyberware cycle (cycles) cylinder (cylinders) cylinder-like cylindrical


dangerous dangling daniel dark dash (dashed, dashes) data dataset (DATASET, datasets) date dated datset david daylight deal (deals) deallocation (deallocating) dealloction debug (debugging) debugger debuggin decay decent decide (decides) decimate (decimated, decimation) declarations declared decoded decodes decompose (decomposed) decomposition decoupling decrease (decreasing) decription decsription deep deeper deepest default (defaulted, defaults) defect defer deferred define (defined, defines, defining) definitely definition (definitions) deform deformation defualt degenerate (degeneracy) degree (degrees) degree-of-freedom delaunay delegate (delegated) delete (deleted, deletes, deleting, deletion) delimited delta deltas deltat denominator dense density department depend (depending, depends) dependencies dependency dependent deprecated depricated depth dereference (dereferences, dereferencing) deriv (derived, deriving, derivs) derivation derivative (derivatives) descendants describe (described, describes, describing) description (descriptions) descriptive desctructor design (designed) designated desire (desired) destroy (destroyed, destroying) destruct (destruction) destructor detach detail (detailing, details) detect detector detects (detection) determinant (determinants) determine (determined, determines, determining) develop (developed) developers development deviation device (devices) device-specific diagonal diagonalization diagonalize dialog diameter dicarded didn differ (differs) difference (differences) different (differently) differential diffuse (diffuses, diffusion) digital digitizer (digitizers) dihedral dilate (dilated, dilates) dimension (dimensions) dimensional dimensionality dimensioonality dimmer direct (direction, directions, directly) directional directories directory disable (disabled, disables, disabling) disadvantage disappear disc discards (discarded, discarding) disconnect (disconnected, disconnecting) discovered discrete discretization discusses disjoint disk dispaying dispersed displacement (displacements) display (DISPLAY, displayed, displaying) distance (DISTANCE, distances) distinct distinguish distortion (distorted) distribute (distributed, distributes, distribution) divergence divide (divided, divides, dividing) divisible divisions divs documentation does doesn doing dolly-in dolly-out domain done dots (dotting) double (doubles) double-precision doubt down down-stream downcast downloading downstream draft dragable dragging (dragged) dramatic dramatically drastically draw (drawing, draws) drawn driven driver dummy dumping dumps duplicate (duplicated, duplicates) during dxdz dydz dynamic (dynamics) dynamically


each earlier early earth easier easily east easy eccentricity edelsbrunner edge (edges) edgel (edgels) edit (EDIT) effect (effects) effective (effectively) effficeint efficiency efficient (efficiently) effort eigenfunction eigenvalue (eigenvalues) eigenvector (eigenvectors) eight either elaborate elapsed element (elements) elementary elevation (elevations) eliminate (eliminated, eliminates, elimination) ellipse ellipsoid ellipsoidal elliptic elliptical else embedding embers employee (employees) empty emulator enable (enabled, enables, enabling) encapsulate (encapsulates) enclosing (enclosed) encode (encoded, encodes, encoding) encoder encompass encounted encounter (encountered) encouraged end-points endcode endian ending endpoint (endpoints) ends energy enforce enforcement engineered enough ensure (ensures) enter enters enthalpy entire (entirely) entities entity entries entropy entry environment equal (equally) equation (equations) equivalent (equivalents) erase erasing erode (eroded, erodes) erosion erratic error (errors) esoteric especially essentially estimate (estimated, estimates, estimating, estimation) estimator euclidean evaluate (evaluated, evaluates, evaluating, evaluation) even (EVEN, evenly) event (events) event-driven eventually ever every everything everywhere evokes exact (exactly) examine (examined, examines, examining) example (examples) exceed (exceeded, exceeding, exceeds) except (exceptions) excessive (excessively) exchange exclude (excluded) exclusion exclusive execute (executed, executes, executing, execution) exhausted exist (existing, exists) existence exit (exited, exiting, exits) exitmethod exorbitantly expands (expanded, expanding) expansive expect (expected) expensive experimental experimenting explanation explicit (explicitly) explicity exponent exponential export (exported, exports) exporter (exporters) expose exposure (exposures) express (expressed, expresses) extdent extend (extended, extending, extends) extension extent (extents) exterior external (externally) extra extract (extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts) extreme (extremes) extrude extrusion eyes


face (faces) facet (facets) facilitates facility facing fact factor (factored, factors) factories factorization factory fail failure fairly fall (falls) falloff false family farther farthest farz fashion fast faster fastest favor feature (features) feeds feet fence fewer field (fields) fifth file (files, filled, filling) filename (filenames) fill (fills) fill-in filter (filtered, filters) final (finally) find (finding, finds) fine fine-grained finialize finish (finished, finishes) finite first (FIRST) fits five fixed flag (flags) flat flexible flight flip (flipped, flipping, flips) float (floating, floats) float-type floating-point floor florida flow fluid flush flushing flux focal focalpoint focus (focuses) fold follow (followed, following, follows) follower font (fonts) fool (fooling) foot footprint force (forced, forces) foreach foreground forking form (formed, forming, forms) format (formats, formatted) former formula forty forward (forwards) fouling found four four-sided fourier fourth foward fraction fractional frame (frames) framebuffer (FRAMEBUFFER) framework frankly free (freeing, frees) free-stream freed freedom freq frequence frequencies frequency frequent (frequently) friend from (FROM) front front-to-back frontface frowned frustum fsmach fulfill full full-frame fully func function (functioned, functions) functionality (FUNCTIONALITY) fund further future


gamma gaps garbage gather (gathered) gaussian gavin gems general (GENERAL, generally) general-purpose generalize (generalized) generate (generated, generates, generating, generation) generator generic generically generous geographical geological geometric geometrical (geometrically) geometry gets (getting) ghost give (gives) given giving glasses global (globally) glyph (glyphed, glyphs) goes going golub good gotten gottschalk gouraud government grab (grabbed, grabbing, grabs) grabbers gradient (gradients) grain grammar granted graphic (graphics) graphical graphs gray grayscale great (greatly) greater greedy green grey greyscale grid (grids) ground group (grouping, groups) grow (grows) guarantee (guaranteed) guess guide guideline


hack half halfway halle halogen hamming hand (handed) handle (handled, handles, handling) handler (handlers) hang hann happen (happens) hard hardware harvard hash (hashes) hasn have having header (headers) headlight (headlights) heap heats heavy height held help (helps) helper (helpers) helpful hence here herein hexagon hexahedra hexahedron hidden hide (hides) hiding hierarchical hierarchies hierarchy high higher higher-order higher-performance highest highlight (highlighting, highlights) hint histograms hold (holding, holds) holder hole (holes) homogeneous hook (hooks) hopcroft hoppe horizontal (horizontally) horn horribly hospital hotspot however http huge hughues hugues hull hyperstreamline (hyperstreamlines)


i-j-k idea ideal (ideally) identical identification identifier (identifiers) identify identity ignore (IGNORED, ignored, ignores, ignoring) illegal illumination image (imageing, images, imaging) imagemapper imageof imager (imagers) imaginary imax imbedded imin immediate (immediately) impact implement (implemented, implementing, implements) implementation (IMPLEMENTATION, implementations) implication (implications) implicit (implicitly) implies (implied) import (imported, importing, imports) important (IMPORTANT) importer importer-specific impressive improperly improve (improves) improvement in-lined inaccurate inadequate incandescent inch (inches) incident include (included, includes, including) inclusion inclusive incoming incompatible inconsistent increase (increased, increases, increasing) increment (incremented, incrementing, increments) incremental (incrementally) indeed indent (indenting) indentation independent (independently) index (INDEX, indexed, indexing) indicate (indicated, indicates, indicating, indication) indicator indices indirect (indirectly) individual (individually) inefficient inertial infinite (infinitely) infinity inflection influence (influenced) info inform information (informations) ingests (ingesting) inheritance inherits (inherited) initial (initially) initial-value initialization initialize (initialized, initializes) initiate (initiated, initiates) inject (injected, injecting, injects) inner input (inputs) inquiry insensitive insert (inserted, inserting, insertion) insets inside installs instance (instances) instantiate (instantiated) instead institute instructions insure (insures) inteface integer (integers) integerize integrate (integrates, integrating, integration, integrations) integrator integrity intend (INTENDED, intended) intensities intensity intent inter-process interactive interactor (interactors) interacts (interaction, interactions) intercept (intercepts) interest (interested, interesting) interface (interfaces, interfacing) interior interlaced intermediate internal (INTERNAL, internally) interpenetrate interpolate (interpolated, interpolates, interpolating, interpolation, interpolations) interpret (interpreted, interprets) interpreter (interpreters) interrogating interrupt intersect (intersected, intersecting, intersection, intersections, intersects) interval (intervals) intialize into introduces (introduced, introducing) ints invalid inverse (inversion) invert (inverted, inverts) invertible invisible invocation (invocations) invoke (invoked, invokes, invoking) involve (involves, involving) inward irix irregular island (islands) isoline (isolines) isopoints isosurface (isosurfaces, isosurfacing) isotropic isotropically isovalue issue (issued) istream italic (italics) italicizing item (items) iterate (iterates, iteration, iterations) iterative (iteratively) itself ivar (IVAR, ivars) iverse


jacobi jacobian january java jmax jmin joined joystick judge julia july jump just (justs) justification justified


k-plane kaiser kd-trees keep (keeping, keeps) kept kernel (kernels) key-to-fill key-to-headlight keyboard keypress keys keystroke kill kilobytes kind kinetic kirk kitware kmax kmin know (knowing) known kochanek kochenek kutta


label (labeled, labeling, labels) laboratory lace lacks lanczos landmark (landmarks) language (languages) laplacian large larger largest laser last later latitude latter lattice layer (layered, layers) laying leading leaf (leafs) leaks least leave (leaves, leaving) left left-right legacy (LEGACY) legend (legends) length (lengths) lens less lets (letting) letters level (levels) level-of-detail levels-of-detail liability liberty libraries library liens lies light (lighting, lights) light-tracking like (likely) limit (limited, limits) limitations lindstrom line (lines) line-line linear (linearly) linefeed link (linked, links) linker list (listed, lists) lithography little live lmcolor load (loaded, loading, loads) local (locally) locality locate (located, locating, location, locations) locator (locators) lock (locked, locking) lockups logarithmic logic logical logs (logging) long longer longest longitude look (looking, looks) lookat lookup lookuptable loop (looping, loops) loosely lorensen lose lost lots low-pass low-res lower lower-left lowest lucky ludke luminance lying


mach machine (machines) macro (macros) made magic magnification magnify magnitude (magnitudes) main maintain (maintained, maintaining, maintains) major majority make (makes) makefile making manage (manages, managing) management manager mandelbrot mangled manhatten manifold manipulate (manipulated, manipulates, manipulating, manipulation) manner manocha manual (manually) many mapper (mappers) maps (mapped, mapping) marching mark (marked, marks) markers marshal mask (masked, masking, masks) mass massless masters match (matched, matching) material (materials) math mathematic matrices matrix matrox matter maximum maxium maybe mean (meaning, means) meant measure (measured, measures) measurement (measurements) mechanical mechanism (mechanisms) median medical medium medium-res meet member (members) memory memory-management menu merge (merged, merges, merging) mesa (MESA) mesh (meshes) message (messages) messed metafile meteor meters method (METHOD, METHODS, methods) methodology metric mhalle mice michael microsoft middle midpoints might milliseconds mine minimal minimize (minimizes, minimizing) minimum minor minus mirror mirror-pad misc misses (missed) mixed mixed-length modal mode (modeled, modeling, modes) model (models) modeler modification (modifications) modifiedtime modifiers modifies (MODIFIED, modified) modify modulation (modulated) modulo moffett molds momentum monitor (monitoring) monotonically moon more most motion motivated mouse move (moves) moved movement moving mtime much multi multi-component multi-grid multi-part multi-processing multi-processor multi-resolution multi-spectral multiple (multiples) multiplication multiplicative multiplicity multiplier multiplies multiply (multiplied, multiplying) multiprocessing multiray multiresolution multisamples multithreading (multithreaded) multivalued must (MUST) mutex mutltiply mutual


n-components n-dimensional n-sided n-tuples name (NAME, names) named naming nand nasty national native natural nature navigation ncells ncells- near (nearly) nearest nearest-neighbor nearz necessarily necessary need (needed, needing, needs) negated negative neighbor (neighboring, neighbors, neighbour) neighborhood (neighborhoods) neither nesting (nested) network (networks) neutral never newer newly newton next nice (nicely) nifty no-arguments nodal node (nodes) noise nominal non-blocking non-boundary non-castable non-compressed non-constant non-convex non-field non-incrementing non-linear non-manifold non-maximum non-member non-mesa non-negative non-planar non-positive non-power non-self-intersecting non-standard non-static non-toroidal non-transformed non-triangular non-zero non-zero-valued none nonlinear nonnegative norm normal (normaled, normally, normals) normalization normalize (NORMALIZED, normalized, normalizes) normall north notation notch note (NOTE, notes) noted nothing notice notification notify (notifying) notion npts npts- null (NULL) number (numbers) numerical (numerically) nx-ny-nz nxmx


obey object (objects) object-object object-oriented oblique observed observer (observers) obsolete obtain (obtained, obtaining, obtains) occasion (occasions) occlusion occupancy occupied occur (occured, occuring, occurs) occurrences occurring (occurred) octahedron octant (octants) octree (octrees) octree-based offers offscreen offset often older omni once one-quarter one-to-one ones only (ONLY) onto opacities opacity opacity-modulating opaque open (opened, opening, opens) open-ended operate (operated, operates, operating, operation, operations) operator (operators) opportunity opposed opposite optimal optimality optimizations optimize (optimized) option (options) optional (optionally) order (ordered, ordering, orders) ordinary organize (organized) orient (oriented, orienting) orientation origin (origins) original (originally) orlando ortho orthogonal orthogonalize orthographic ostream other (others) otherwise outer outgoing outline (outlined, outlines) output (outputs) outside (OUTSIDE, outsides) over over-constrain overall overflowing overhead overide overlap (overlapped, overlapping) overlay (overlays) overload (overloaded, overloading, overloads) overridden override (overrides) overshoots overwrite (overwrites, overwritten) owned ownership owning owns


package (packages) packed padding page paint (paints) painter pair (pairs) palette paper parallel parallelepiped parallelism parallelogram parameter (parameters) parametric parametrically parent parralel parse parser part (PART, parts) partial (partially) particle particular (particularly, particulars) partioning pass (passed, passes, passing) passband patch (patched, patches) patents (patented) path (paths) pattern (patterns) pcmaker pcoords peak peek pending penny people percentage (percentages) perceptual perfect perform (performed, performing, performs) performance period periodically permissible permits permutation permute (permutes, permuting) perpendicular perspective pertinent peter phase phong phys physical (physically) pick (picked, picking) pick-up pickable picker (pickers) piece (pieced, pieces) piecewise pile pipeline (PIPELINE, pipelined, pipelines) pipes pivot pixar pixel (pixels) pixelize pixmap (pixmaps) place (placed, places, placing) place-holder placement planar planarity plane (planes, planning) planimetric plans plastic plate (plates) platform (platforms) platform-dependent platform-independent play please plot (plots, plotted, plotting) plotters plus pnmtops point (pointed, pointing, points) point-by-point pointdata pointer (pointers) pointerless poisson poked polar pole poly (polys) poly-data poly-line (poly-lines) poly-vertex polydata polygon (polygons) polygonal polygonalize polyhedra polyhedral polyhedron polyline (polylines) polynomial (polynomials) polytechnic poor (poorly) port (ported, ports) portability portable portion (portions) position (positioned, positioning, positions) positional positive possibilities possible possibly post post-concatenated potential (potentially) power (powers) powerful practice pre-allocated pre-computed pre-concatenated pre-existing pre-multiplied precedence precedes (preceding) precisely precision precomputed prediction prefer preference (preferences) preferred prefix premature (prematurely) prepare (prepares) preprocessing prescribe present preservation preserve (preserved, preserves, preserving) press (pressed) pressure presumed presumption pretty prevent (prevented, preventing, prevents) preview previous (previously) primarily primary primitive (primitives) principle print (printed, printing) printf printout printself prior priority private probably probe problem (problems) proc procedural procedure (procedures) proceed (proceeds) proceedings process (PROCESS, processed, processes, processing) processors produce (produced, produces, producing) product (products) profiles program (programmed, programming, programs) programmable programmatically programmer (programmers) progress progressive project (projected, projecting, projection, projections) projector prop (props) propagate (propagated, propagates, propagation) proper (properly) properties property propogate proportion proportional protect (protected) protocol prototype provide (provided, provides, providing) proxy prune (pruning) pseudo pseudoinverse public (publicly) pull (pulls) punched pure purpose (purposely, purposes) push (pushed, pushes) puts (putting) pyramid python


quad (quads) quadrant quadratic quadric (quadrics) quadrilateral (quadrilaterals) qualify quality quantity quantization quantize (quantized, quantizes) quaternion queries query (queried, querying) question queue quick (quickly) quicksort quiet quite


r-axis r-coordinate r-g-b-a-r-g-b-a r-s-t radial radians radiating radii radius rainbow ramp (ramps) random (randomly) randomization range (ranges, ranging) rapid (rapidly) rare raster rate rather ratio (ratios) ray-casting rays re-check re-defines re-executes re-grid re-loading re-order re-renders (re-rendering) re-sampled re-triangulation reached read (reading, reads) read-only readable reader (readers) ready real (REAL, really) realizable realize (realized) realloc reallocate (reallocated, reallocates) rearrange (rearranges) reason reasonable rebuild (rebuilding) recall receive (received, receives, receiving) recent recipes reclaim (reclaimed, reclaims) recognizes recommend recommended recompile recompute (recomputed, recomputing) reconfigure reconstructs (reconstruction) record (recorded, records) recover rectangle rectangular rectilinear recursion recursive (recursively) red-blue red-green-blue red-green-blue-alpha redirect reds reduce (reduced, reduces, reducing) reduction reexecute refer (refers) reference (references, referencing) referring (referred) refine reflect (reflected, reflections) reformatting refuse regardless regards (regarding) region (regions) register (registered) registration regression regular (regularly) reinitialized reinsertion (reinserted, reinserting) relabeled relation (related) relationship relative (relatively) relax relaxation release (released, releases, releasing) relevant reload (reloading) rely remain (remaining, remains) remap remaps remember remote (remotely) removal remove (removed, removes, removing) render (RENDERING, rendered, rendering, renders) renderer (renderered, renderering, renderers) renderings renderman rensselaer reorder (reorders) repeat (repeated, repeating, repeats) repeatability repeatedly repetition replace (replaced, replaces, replacing) replacement replication (replicated) report (reported) reposition (repositioning) repositories represent (represented, representing, represents) representation (representations) representative reproduce (reproduced) request (requested, requesting, requests) require (REQUIRED, required, requires, requiring) requirement (requirements) resample (RESAMPLE, resampled, resamples, resampling) rescale rescription research reserved reset (resets, resetting) resize reslices resolution resolution-sided resolve resource (resources) respect respectively respond response responsibility responsible rest restore (restored) restrained restricted (restrictions) restrip result (resulting, results) resultant retain (retained, retaining) retriangulate retrieval retrieve (retrieved, retrieves, retrieving) return (returned, returning, returns) reuse reused reversal reverse (reversed, reverses, reversing) reverves rewind reynold (Reynolds) rgba (RGBA) rheingans ribbon (ribbons) richard ride ridiculous right (rights) right-hand-rule rigid rigidbody ring (ringing, rings) rmax rmin rmis robust roll root (roots) rotate (rotated, rotates, rotation, rotations) rotational round (rounded, rounding, roundness) round-off route (routes, routing) routine (routines) rows ruin rule (rules) ruled ruler run-length run-time runge runs (running) runtime


s-axis s-coordinate s-texture saada sacrifices safe (SAFE) safer safest safety same sample (sampled, samples, sampling) satisfactory satisfies (satisfied) satisfy (satisfying) saturation (saturated) save (saves) saved saving scalar (scalars) scalar-based scale (scaled, scales, scaling) scalings scan (scanned, scanning) scatter scene (scenes) scheme schroder screen (screens) script (scripting, scripts) seames seams search (searched, searches, searching) searchers second (seconds) section (SECTION) seed (seeds) seeing seek seems seen segment (segmented, segments) segmentation select (selected, selecting, selection, selects) selectively self self-adjusting self-intersect (self-intersecting) self-reference (self-referencing) semantics semi-colon semi-cycle semi-infinite semi-planar send (sending, sends) sense sensitive sent separate (SEPARATE, separated, separately, separates, separation) separator sequence (sequences) sequentially series serve (serves) sets (setting) settings setup several severe shader (shaders) shading shadow (shadows) shallow shallower shape (shaped, shapes) share (shared, sharing) sharp (sharply, sharpness) shear shell shepard shift (shifted, shifting, shifts) shine (shines, shining) shooting short shortened shot should shouldn show (showing, shows) shown shrink (shrinking, shrinks) shrinkage shuffling shut side (sides) sided sidestep siggraph sigma sign (signed) signal significant (significantly) silently silicon similar similarity simple simpler simplex (simplexes) simplices simplicity simplification simplify (simplified, simplifying) simply simulate (simulated) simultaneously sinc since sine single (SINGLE) single-component single-precision singleton singular singularities singularity sinusoid sinusoidal site situations sixteen sixth size (sizes) size-factor sized sizeof skeleton skewed skinny skip (skipped) skirt slab slack sleep slice (slices) slide slightly slope (slopes) slot slower slowest small smaller smallest smax smin smooth (smoothed, smoothing, smoothly) smoother sobel sockets software (SOFTWARE) solid solution (solutions) solve (solves) some someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere soon sort (sorted, sorting, sorts) sounds source (sources) south space (spaced, spaces, spacing, spacings) span sparingly sparser spatial (spatially) spawn (spawned) spec special (specially) specialization (specializations) specialized specific specifically specification specifies specifing specify (specified, specifying) spectrum specular speed (speeding, speeds) spend sphere (spheres) spherical splat (splats, splatting) spline (splines) split (splits, splitting) spontaneously spot (spots) spotlight spread springs sprintf sproc (SPROC) sqrt square (squared, squares) squeeze (Squeezes) squeezing (squeezed) stability stable stack stagnation stale stamp stand-alone standalone standard standpoint stanford start (starting, starts) start-up state (states) statement (statements) static stationary statistically statistics status stay stderr stdout steaming steers (steering) step (stepping, steps) stereo stereo-capable stiffness still stop (stopped, stops) storage store (stored, stores, storing) straight strain strange stream (streamed, streaming, streams) streamer (streamers) streamline (streamlines) streamtubes stress strictly stride (strides) string (strings) stringle strip (striped, striping, stripped, strips) stripe strp structure (structured, structures) strung stubs studio stuff style (styles) sub-cell sub-class (sub-classes) sub-divisions sub-iteration (sub-iterations) sub-samples sub-tubes sub-voxel subcell subclass (subclassed, subclasses, subclassing) subclass-specific subdivide (subdivided, subdivides, subdividing) subdivision (subdivisions) subextent subject sublist subsample (subsampled, subsamples, subsampling) subsequent (subsequently) subset substitution subtly subtract (subtracts) subvolume subwindow succeeds success successful (successfully) successive such sufficient suffix suggestion (suggested) suitable suited summarized summary sums (summed) sunlight sunset super superclass (superclasses) superior superquadric (superquadrics) supersampling supersedes suposed supper supplemental supplies (suppled, supplied) supply (supplying) support (supported, supporting, supports) supposedly suppression sure surface (surfaces) surgical surrounding (surrounded) survey swap (swapped, swapping, swaps) sweep (sweeping, sweeps) sweet sweldens swept swirl swiss-army-knife switch (switched, switches, switching) symbol (symbols) symetric symmetric symmetry synchronize (synchronized) synonymous synonyms system (systems)


t-axis t-coordinate (t-coordinates) table (tables) tabular tags tail take (takes) taken taking tangent target task taubin tcoords tearing tech technique (techniques) tell (tells) temp temperature template (templated) temporarily temporary tend (tends) tension tensor (tensors) term (termed, terms) terminal terminate (terminated, terminates, termination) terribly tessellation test (tested, testing, tests) tetra tetrahedra tetrahedral tetrahedron tetrahedronalization (tetrahedronalizations) text textbook texture (textures) than that (THAT) their them themselves then theorem there therefore these (THESE) thesis theta they thick (thickness) thin thing (things) think (thinking) thinnest third thirty this (THIS) thomas those though thought thousand thread (THREAD, threaded, threads) thread-safe three three-group three-quarters threshold (thresholded, thresholding, thresholds) through throughout thus tick (ticks) tiff (TIFF) tiffcomp tightens tightest-fitting tiled tiling time (timeing, times) timed timer (timers) timestamps timing title (titles) together toggle (toggled) tolerance took toolkit top-bottom top-down topological (topologically) topology toroid (toroids) toroidal torus total (totally) touch (touched) toward (towards) tracer traces (tracing) track (tracking) trackball trans transfer transform (transformed, transforming, transforms) transformable transformation (transformations) transformation-related transition translate (translated, translates, translation, translations) translational translator translucent transmitted transparency transparent (transparently) transpose (transposed) travels (travelled) traversal traverse (traversed, traversing) treat (treated, treating, treats) treatment tree (trees) tree-like tri-linear triad triangle (triangles) triangular triangulate (triangulated, triangulates, triangulation, triangulations) trick trickiest tried tries trigger (triggered, triggering, triggers) triplet (triplets) trouble true truncate trying tube (tubes) tube-like tungsten tunnels tuple (tuples) turn (turned, turning, turns) twelve twenty twice two-dimensional two-sided txtplastic type (types) type-checking typecast (typecasting) typical (typically)


ugly ullman unaffected unavailable unbound unchanged unclear unconnected uncontrolled uncut undefine (undefined) under underlying undershoots undesirable uneven unexpected unfinished unfortunately unified uniform (uniformly) uniform-level unigraphics uninitialized union unique unit (united, units) unity universal university unix (UNIX) unknown unless unlike unlock unmodified unnecessary unneeded unnormalized unordered unorganized unpickable unpredictable unreferenced unregister unsatisfactory unselected unsigned unsorted unstable unstructured until untransformed unused unusual unvisited up-to-date update (UPDATE, updated, updates, updating) upon upper upper-right upstream upward usage used useful usefull useless user (users) user-controllable user-defined user-programmable user-provided user-specified user-supplied usermatrix uses usgs (USGS) using usinge usual (usually) utah utility utilized


valence valid validity value (values) vanishes variable (variables) variance variant (variants) variation (variations) varies (varied) variety various vary (varying) vector (vectors) velocity verify version (versioning, versions) versus vert vertex vertical (vertically) vertices verticies verts very vibration video view (VIEW, viewing, views) view-plane viewer viewpoint viewport (VIEWPORT, viewports) violated virtual visibility visible visit (visited) visual visualization visualize (visualized, visualizing) void volume (volumes) volumepro volumetric vorticity voxel (voxels) voxelization vx-vy-vz


wait (waiting) walk wall walltime want (wants) warm warmer warmth warning (WARNING, warnings) warp (warping) warranty wavefront ways weaker wedge weight (weighted, weighting, weights) weird well were west what whatever when whenever where whereas whether which while white (whites) whole whose widely widening widget (widgets) width will (WILL) window (windowed, windowing, windows) wine wireframe wise wish with with-contrib with-mesa within without women woods word (words) work (working, works) work-around world (WORLD) world-coordinate worry worse worst would wrap (wrapped, wrapping) wrap-pad wrapper writable write (writes, writing, written) writer (writers) wrong wxyz (WXYZ)


x-axis x-component x-direction x-dx x-origin x-range x-server x-shadows x-values x-y-z xmax xmin xnext xprev xproj xwindow (Xwindows)


y-axis y-component y-direction y-dy y-max-value y-min-value y-shadows yacc yield (yields) ymax ymin your yourself


z-axis z-buffer (z-buffering) z-component z-coordinate z-direction z-dz z-shadows z-shift z-value z-y-z zbuffer zero zero-offset zfar zhang zmax zmin znear zone zoom (zoomed, zooming) zoom-in zoom-out zorin zplane zslice
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