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PP_ListIterator< T > Class Template Reference

Iterate over a List for ParmParse. More...

#include <ParmParse.H>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PP_ListIterator (const PP_List< T > &aList)
 : Construct a PP_ListIterator<T> to first element of aList.
 PP_ListIterator (const PP_ListIterator< T > &rhs)
 : The copy constructor.
void rewind ()
const T & operator() () const
const T & operator * () const
 operator void * ()
bool operator! () const
const T & value () const
PP_ListIterator< T > & operator++ ()
PP_ListIterator< T > & operator-- ()
PP_ListIterator< T > operator-- (int)
PP_ListIterator< T > operator++ (int)
bool operator== (const PP_ListIterator< T > &) const
bool operator!= (const PP_ListIterator< T > &) const
 : Are the PP_ListIterator<T>s not equal?

Protected Member Functions

 PP_ListIterator (const PP_List< T > &_list, PP_ListLink< T > *_p)

Protected Attributes

const PP_List< T > & list
PP_ListLink< T > * p


class PP_List<T>

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class PP_ListIterator< T >

Iterate over a List for ParmParse.

The class PP_ListIterator<T> is an iterator over class PP_List<T>.

This class does NOT provide a default constructor or an assignment operator.

This is a convenience class for ParmParse and will not be in any way supported by anyone at ANAG.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T >::PP_ListIterator const PP_List< T > &  aList  )  [inline]

: Construct a PP_ListIterator<T> to first element of aList.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T >::PP_ListIterator const PP_ListIterator< T > &  rhs  )  [inline]

: The copy constructor.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T >::PP_ListIterator const PP_List< T > &  _list,
PP_ListLink< T > *  _p
[inline, protected]

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
const T & PP_ListIterator< T >::operator *  )  const [inline]

: Return a constant reference to the object in the PP_List<T> currently pointed to by this PP_ListIterator<T>.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T >::operator void *  )  [inline]

: This is a conversion operator that makes the iterator look like a pointer. This operator makes it easy to check if the iterator is pointing to an element on the PP_List<T>. If the iterator has been moved off the PP_List<T> or if the PP_List<T> is empty, this conversion returns the NULL pointer.

template<class T>
bool PP_ListIterator< T >::operator!  )  const [inline]

: Returns true if PP_ListIterator<T> doesn't point to any element on the PP_List<T>.

template<class T>
bool PP_ListIterator< T >::operator!= const PP_ListIterator< T > &   )  const [inline]

: Are the PP_ListIterator<T>s not equal?

template<class T>
const T & PP_ListIterator< T >::operator()  )  const [inline]

: Return a constant reference to the object in the PP_List<T> currently pointed to by this PP_ListIterator<T>.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T > PP_ListIterator< T >::operator++ int   )  [inline]

: This is the postfix auto-increment operator. It advances the PP_ListIterator<T> to point to the next element on the PP_List<T>. It then returns a PP_ListIterator<T> that points to the old element to allow for chaining with other operators.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T > & PP_ListIterator< T >::operator++  )  [inline]

: This is the prefix auto-increment operator. It advances the PP_ListIterator<T> to point to the next element on the PP_List<T>. It then returns a reference to itself to allow for chaining with other operators.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T > PP_ListIterator< T >::operator-- int   )  [inline]

: This is the postfix auto-decrement operator. It moves the PP_ListIterator<T> to point to the previous element on the PP_List<T>. It then returns a PP_ListIterator<T> that points to the old element to allow for chaining with other operators.

template<class T>
PP_ListIterator< T > & PP_ListIterator< T >::operator--  )  [inline]

: This is the prefix auto-decrement operator. It moves the PP_ListIterator<T> to point to the previous element on the PP_List<T>. It then returns a reference to itself to allow for chaining with other operators.

template<class T>
bool PP_ListIterator< T >::operator== const PP_ListIterator< T > &   )  const [inline]

: Do the two PP_ListIterator<T>s point to the same PP_List<T> and the same element within the PP_List<T>?

template<class T>
void PP_ListIterator< T >::rewind  )  [inline]

: Reset this PP_ListIterator<T> to point to the first element in the PP_List<T>.

template<class T>
const T & PP_ListIterator< T >::value  )  const [inline]

: Return a constant reference to the object in the PP_List<T> currently pointed to by the iterator.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class T>
friend class PP_List<T> [friend]

Member Data Documentation

template<class T>
const PP_List<T>& PP_ListIterator< T >::list [protected]

template<class T>
PP_ListLink<T>* PP_ListIterator< T >::p [protected]

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