void AMR_Create(int MPI_communicator, int components, int dimension, int centering, int datatype, int ordering, int* levelhandle); void AMR_addPatchFloat( int levelhandle, int* loRange, int* hiRange, int* loValid, int* hiValid, float* dataPtr); void AMR_Close(int levelhandle); void AMR_Delete(int levelhandle);
void AMR_GetInfo(int levelhandle, int* MPI_communicator, int* nComponents, int* dimension, int* centering, int* datatype, int* ordering, int* localcount); void AMR_GetPatchInfo( int levelhandle, int** loRange, int** hiRange, int** loValid, int** hiValid); void AMR_GetPatchFloat( int levelhandle, float** dataPtr); void AMR_NextPatchInfo( int levelhandle, int** loRange, int** hiRange, int** loValid, int** hiValid); void AMR_NextPatchFloat( int levelhandle, float** dataPtr);
extern "C" { int helm3_( double dx, double helmsoeff, double scale, double tolerance, int maxIter, int minIter, int* domain_lo, int* domain_hi, int phi, int rhs ) { int p_comps, p_dimension,p_centering,p_type,p_ordering,p_count; AMR_GetInfo(phi,&p_comps, &p_dimension,&p_centering, &p_type,&p_ordering,&p_count); //---perform checks on input data here.... return codes, etc. omitted--- AliasDataFactory phiFactory(phi); AliasDataFactory rhsFactory(rhs); levelData<FArrayBox> p(phiFactory); levelData<FArrayBox> r(rhsFactory); ProblemDomain pd(Box(domain_lo, domain_hi)); HelmHoltzOp hop; LevelSolver solver; hop.setHelmCoeff(helmcoeff); hop.scaleHelmCoeff(scale); solver.setTolerace(tolerance); solver.setMaxIter(maxIter); solver.define(p.getBoxes(), NULL, pd, dx, 1, &hop, p_comps); solver.levelSolveH(p, r); return 0; } }
void ChomboHelmHoltz3(XArray3<Grid3<double> >& phi, XArray3<Grid3<double> >& rhs, double dx, double helmcoeff, double scale, double tolerance, int maxIter, int minIter, const Region& domain) { int p, r, i; AMR_Create( 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, &p); AMR_Create( 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, &r); for (nodeIterator ni(phi); ni; ++ni) { i = ni(); double *p_ptr(phi.ptr(i)), *r_ptr(rhs.ptr(i)); Region reg = phi.floorplan(i); Region valid(reg); valid.grow(-1); AMR_addPatchDouble(p, reg.lower()(), reg.upper()() valid.lower()(), valid.upper()(), p_ptr); AMR_addPatchDouble(r, reg.lower()(), reg.upper()() valid.lower()(), valid.upper()(), r_ptr); } AMR_close(p); AMR_close(r); helm3_(dx, helmcoeff,scale, tolerance, maxIter, minIter,domain.lower()(), domain.upper()(), p, r); AMR_Delete(p); AMR_Delete(r); }
subroutine CHhelm3(dx, helmcoeff, scale, tolerance, maxIter, minIter) integer maxIter, minIter, phi_handle, rhs_handle, offset, lo(3), hi(3) real*8 dx(3), helmcoeff, scale, tolerance) DBASEMODULE() call amrcreate( 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, phi_handle) call amrcreate( 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, rhs_handle) do this_block = 1, level_blocks call dBaseGetIntCoords( "phi", this_block, lo, hi) call dBaseGetDataOffset("phi", this_block, offset) call amraddpatchdouble(phi_handle, lo, hi, lo, hi, DATA(offset)) call dBaseGetDataOffset("rhs", this_block, offset) call amraddpatchdouble(rhs_handle, lo, hi, lo, hi, DATA(offset)) end do call amrclose(phi_handle) call amrclose(rhs_handle) call helm3(dx, helmcoeff,scale, tolerance, maxIter, & minIter,dl, dh , phi_handle, rhs_handle) return end
and MPI_Comm_f2c
to create language independent fundamental types for MPI Communicators.
AMR_OpenHDF5(char *filename, int MPI_Communicator, int mode, int *hdf5) AMR_WriteData(int hdf5, int numLevels, int *levelData, int ncomp, char **compNames, int *refineFactor, double *spacing, double time, double dt, CONST int *domain_lo, CONST int *domain_hi) AMR_ReadMetaData(int hdf5, int *numLevels, int *ncomp, int *ndim, double *spacingCoarse, int *domain_lo_valid, int * domain_hi_valid, double *time, double* dtCoarse) AMR_ReadLevel(int hdf5, int level, int levelDatahandle, int compBegin, int ncomp)