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LevelMG Member List

This is the complete list of members for LevelMG, including all inherited members.
clearMemory()LevelMG [protected]
define(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_ba, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_baseBaPtr, Real a_dxLevel, int a_refRatio, const Box &a_domain, int a_nCoarserLevels, const LevelOp *const a_opin, int a_ncomp=1)LevelMG
define(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_ba, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_baseBaPtr, Real a_dxLevel, int a_refRatio, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, int a_nCoarserLevels, const LevelOp *const a_opin, int a_ncomp)LevelMG
define(const LevelMG &L, int refCoarse, const LevelOp *const opin_a)LevelMG
isDefined() constLevelMG
LevelMG(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_ba, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_baseBaPtr, Real a_dxLevel, int a_refRatio, const Box &a_domain, int a_nCoarserLevels, const LevelOp *const a_opin, int a_ncomp=1)LevelMG
LevelMG(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_ba, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_baseBaPtr, Real a_dxLevel, int a_refRatio, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, int a_nCoarserLevels, const LevelOp *const a_opin, int a_ncomp=1)LevelMG
LevelMG(const LevelMG &L, int refCoarse, const LevelOp *opin_a)LevelMG
m_averageOpLevelMG [protected]
m_baLevelMG [protected]
m_baCoarsenedLevelMG [protected]
m_baseBaPtrLevelMG [protected]
m_crseCorrLevelMG [protected]
m_crseResidLevelMG [protected]
m_domainLevelMG [protected]
m_dxLevelLevelMG [protected]
m_isDefinedLevelMG [protected]
m_lCoarsePtrLevelMG [protected]
m_levelopPtrLevelMG [protected]
m_nCoarserLevelsLevelMG [protected]
m_numBottomGSRBLevelMG [protected]
m_numSmoothDownLevelMG [protected]
m_numSmoothUpLevelMG [protected]
m_refToCoarLevelMG [protected]
m_residLevelMG [protected]
mgRelax(LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_soln, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_rhs, bool bottomsolveflag)LevelMG
setDefaultValues()LevelMG [protected]
setnumBottomGSRB(int a_numBottomGSRB)LevelMG [inline]
setnumSmoothDown(int a_numSmoothDown)LevelMG [inline]
setnumSmoothUp(int a_numSmoothUp)LevelMG [inline]

Generated on Wed Apr 16 14:27:43 2003 for Chombo by doxygen1.2.16