Chombo Gallery: Embedded Boundary Grid Generation.

The surface geometry on the left was generated by the RAP package, based on the Overture overset grid library. The embedded boundary grid on the right was generated using the Cubes package in Cart3D, followed by translation into the block-structured representation in EBChombo. In the image on the right, the region in blue corresponds to the cells that are in the flow field; the ones in red are covered by the solid body. The geometry is for a nozzle design for generating the gas jet in a laser-driven plasma-wakefield accelerator, obtained from C. Geddes and E. Esarey at LBNL.

The images below show the bottom topography of the San Francisco Bay as represented using an embedded boundary grid generation tool based on a representation of the surface as the graph of a function. The embedded boundary is colored by the z-coordinate (i.e. depth) of the boundary in each cell. The left image is of the entire bay, the right one of the area around the Golden Gate. Courtesy of Mike Barad (UC Davis), Peter Schwartz (LBNL).