Chombo + EB  3.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifdef CH_LANG_CC
2 /*
3  * _______ __
4  * / ___/ / ___ __ _ / / ___
5  * / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ V \/ _ \/ _ \
6  * \___/_//_/\___/_/_/_/_.__/\___/
7  * Please refer to Copyright.txt, in Chombo's root directory.
8  */
9 #endif
11 #ifndef _LIST_H_
12 #define _LIST_H_
14 #include "MayDay.H"
15 #include "Pool.H"
17 #include "BaseNamespaceHeader.H"
19 template <class T> class ListLink;
20 template <class T> class ListIterator;
21 template <class T> class List;
23 // this is so this internal class doesn't appear in doxygen documentation
24 #ifndef DOXYGEN
26 // Internal helper class for the List class
27 template <class T>
28 class ListLink
29 {
30 private:
31  friend class List<T>;
32  friend class ListIterator<T>;
34  ListLink (const T& _val,
35  ListLink<T>* _pre,
36  ListLink<T>* _suc)
37  :
38  val(_val),
39  pre(_pre),
40  suc(_suc)
41  {}
43  void swap(ListLink<T>* a);
45  T val;
46  ListLink<T>* pre;
47  ListLink<T>* suc;
48 };
50 #endif // doxygen
52 /// Iterator over a List
53 /**
54  The class ListIterator<T> is an iterator over class List<T>.
55  This class does NOT provide a default constructor or an assignment operator.
56 */
57 template <class T>
58 class ListIterator
59 {
60 public:
62  /// Construct a ListIterator<T> to first element of aList.
63  inline ListIterator (const List<T>& aList);
65  /// The copy constructor.
66  inline ListIterator (const ListIterator<T>& rhs);
68  /// Reset this ListIterator<T> to point to the first element in the List<T>.
69  inline void rewind ();
71  /// Reset this ListIterator<T> to point to the first element in the List<T>.
72  /**
73  Same as rewind(), but included to be consistent with other iterators.
74  */
75  inline void begin();
77  /// Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by this ListIterator<T>.
78  inline const T& operator() () const;
80  inline T& operator() () ;
82  /// Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by this ListIterator<T>.
83  inline const T& operator* () const;
85  /// This is a conversion operator to makes the iterator look like a pointer
86  /**
87  This operator makes it easy to check if the
88  iterator is pointing to an element on the List<T>. If the
89  iterator has been moved off the List<T> or if the List<T> is
90  empty, this conversion returns the NULL pointer.
91  */
92  inline operator bool () const;
94  /// Return true if the iterator is not past the end of the list.
95  /**
96  Same as bool(), but included to be consistent with other iterators.
97  */
98  inline bool ok() const ;
100  /// Returns true if ListIterator<T> doesn't point to any element on the List<T>.
101  inline bool operator! () const;
103  /// Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by the iterator.
104  inline const T& value () const;
106  /// Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by the iterator.
107  const T& value ();
109  /// The prefix auto-increment operator.
110  /**
111  Advances the ListIterator<T> to point to the next element on the
112  List<T>. It then returns a reference to itself to allow for chaining
113  with other operators.
114  */
115  inline ListIterator<T>& operator++ ();
117  /// The prefix auto-decrement operator.
118  /**
119  Moves theListIterator<T> to point to the previous element on the
120  List<T>. It then returns a reference to itself to allow for
121  chaining with other operators.
122  */
123  inline ListIterator<T>& operator-- ();
125  /// The postfix auto-decrement operator.
126  /**
127  Moves the ListIterator<T> to point to the previous element on the
128  List<T>. It then returns a ListIterator<T> that points to
129  the old element to allow for chaining with other operators.
130  */
131  inline ListIterator<T> operator-- (int);
133  /// The postfix auto-increment operator.
134  /**
135  This advances the ListIterator<T> to point to the next element
136  on the List<T>. It then returns a ListIterator<T> that points to
137  the old element to allow for chaining with other operators.
138  */
139  inline ListIterator<T> operator++ (int);
141  /// Equality test for two ListIterator<T>s
142  /**
143  Do the two ListIterator<T>s point to the same List<T> and
144  the same element within the List<T>?
145  */
146  inline bool operator== (const ListIterator<T>&) const;
148  /// Are the ListIterator<T>s not equal?
149  inline bool operator!= (const ListIterator<T>&) const;
151 protected:
153  /**
154  Construct a ListIterator<T> to a List<T> and object in that List<T>.
155  */
156  inline ListIterator (const List<T>& _list,
157  ListLink<T>* _p);
159  /**
160  A reference to the List<T> to which we point.
161  */
162  const List<T>& list;
164  /**
165  A pointer to the element in the List<T> to which we point.
166  */
169 private:
170  friend class List<T>;
171  //
172  // These are disallowed.
173  //
174  ListIterator ();
176 };
178 /// A Doubly-Linked List Class
179 /**
181  The List<T> class is a template class that implements a doubly-linked list
182  of objects. A List<T> is a useful container class when the number of
183  objects in the collection is not known ahead of time. A List<T> can
184  contain an arbitrary number of elements; operations such as insertion,
185  deletion, and catenation are easily implemented and inexpensive.
187  The only difficulty when defining a list class is devising a mechanism to
188  access the elements. In an array, an element is accessed using an
189  integer index. Since the elements in a List<T> are ordered by position,
190  we could define an integer indexing operation that walks along the
191  List<T> links from the beginning until the numbered element is found.
192  Unfortunately, this would be very inefficient when accessing elements near
193  the end of a long list. Another solution is to allow user access to the
194  individual link objects that contain the element as well as the forward and
195  backward pointers. This is not a satisfactory solution since it allows
196  user access to the internal representation of the class. The solution
197  chosen is to define a ListIterator<T> template class.
199  Think of a ListIterator<T> as a pointer to an object in the List<T>. You
200  can access the element currently pointed to by the iterator, move the
201  iterator forward and backward through the List<T>, and use it as a
202  mechanism to define where elements should be inserted and deleted. If the
203  iterator is moved off the end of the list it behaves as a null pointer.
205  This is a concrete class, not a polymorphic one.
206 */
208 template <class T>
209 class List
210 {
211 public:
213  /// Construct an empty List<T>.
214  inline List ();
216  inline List (bool usePool);
218  /// The copy constructor.
219  List (const List<T>& rhs);
221  /// The assignment operator.
222  List<T>& operator= (const List<T>& rhs);
224  /// The destructor.
225  inline ~List();
227  /// Adds a copy of the value to the beginning of the List<T>.
228  inline void prepend (const T& value);
230  /// Adds a copy of the value to the end of the List<T>.
231  inline void append (const T& value);
233  /// Adds a copy of the value to the end of the List<T>.
234  void add (const T& value);
236  /// Appends a copy of all items in List<T> src to this List<T>.
237  void join (const List<T>& src);
239  /// Appends a copy of all items in List<T> src to this List<T>.
240  /**
241  This differs from join() in that it unlinks the objects from
242  the List<T> src and glues them to the end of this List<T>,
243  leaving List<T> src empty. This is more efficient that
244  join() if src is no longer needed.
245  */
246  void catenate (List<T>& src);
248  /// Removes all objects from the List<T>.
249  void clear ();
251  /// Returns a copy of this List<T> on the heap.
252  /**
253  It is the user's responsibility to delete this when no longer
254  needed.
255  */
256  inline List<T>* copy () const;
258  /// Returns a reference to the first element in the List<T>.
259  inline T& firstElement () const;
261  /// Returns a reference to the last element in the List<T>.
262  inline T& lastElement () const;
264  /// Returns true if the List<T> contains an object identical to \em value.
265  /**
266  Type T must have an operator==() defined, or be an intrinsic type.
267  */
268  bool includes (const T& value) const;
270  /// Returns true if the this and rhs are memberwise equal.
271  /**
272  Lists are memberwise equal if he two lists are the same size and
273  each of the elements in the list compare equal. Type T must have
274  an operator==() defined, or be an intrinsic type.
275  */
276  bool operator== (const List<T>& rhs) const;
278  /// Returns true if the this and rhs are not equal.
279  bool operator!= (const List<T>& rhs) const;
281  /// Returns true if the List<T> is empty.
282  inline bool isEmpty () const;
284  /// Returns true if the List<T> is not empty.
285  inline bool isNotEmpty () const;
287  /// Returns the number of objects in the List<T>.
288  int length () const;
290  /// Removes the first element in the List<T>.
291  inline void removeFirst ();
293  /// Removes the last element in the List<T>.
294  inline void removeLast ();
296  /// Returns reference to object pointed to by the ListIterator<T>.
297  inline const T& operator[] (const ListIterator<T>& li) const;
299  /// Returns reference to object pointed to by the ListIterator<T>.
300  inline T& operator[] (const ListIterator<T>& li);
302  /// Removes all objects in the List<T> equal to value.
303  void remove (const T& value);
305  /// Removes all objects in the List<T> equal to any of the values in \rm lst.
306  void remove (const List<T>& lst);
308  /// Removes the object pointed to by the ListIterator<T>.
309  void remove (ListIterator<T>& lit);
311  /// Transfer the object pointed to by lit from the List<T> lit is associated with to this one
312  void transfer(ListIterator<T>& lit);
314  /// Replace the value pointed to by the ListIterator<T> by val.
315  inline void replace (ListIterator<T>& li,
316  const T& val);
318  /// Insert val into List<T> after the object pointed to by \em lit.
319  inline void addAfter (ListIterator<T>& lit,
320  const T& val);
322  /// Insert val into List<T> before the object pointed to by \em lit
323  inline void addBefore (ListIterator<T>& lit,
324  const T& val);
326  /// Returns a ListIterator<T> to the first object in this List<T>.
327  inline ListIterator<T> listIterator () const;
329  /// Returns a ListIterator<T> to the first object in this List<T>.
330  inline ListIterator<T> first () const;
332  /// Returns a ListIterator<T> to the last object in this List<T>.
333  inline ListIterator<T> last () const;
335  /// sort according to operator< (note: currently implemented with BubbleSort)
336  void sort();
338  void checkLinks() const;
339 protected:
341  /**
342  A helper function for removing nodes.
343  */
344  void remove (ListLink<T> *ln);
346  void removeLink(ListLink<T> *ln);
348  /**
349  A helper function for adding nodes.
350  */
351  ListLink<T>* addBefore (ListLink<T>* ln,
352  const T& val);
354  /**
355  A helper function for adding nodes.
356  */
357  ListLink<T>* addAfter (ListLink<T>* ln,
358  const T& val);
360  /**
361  The head of the list.
362  */
365  /**
366  The tail of the list.
367  */
370  /**
371  Our good and trusted friend.
372  */
373  friend class ListIterator<T>;
375  /**
376  A new member that hopefully will make our List snappier.
377  In particular when you have a large number of items, like in Particle code.
378  */
379  static Pool linkPool;
381  bool m_usePool;
382 };
384 //
385 // Inlines.
386 //
388 //
389 // The ListIterator stuff.
390 //
392 template <class T>
393 inline
395  ListLink<T>* _p)
396  :
397  list(_list),
398  p(_p)
399 {
400 }
402 template <class T>
403 inline
405  : list(aList)
406 {
407  p = list.head;
408 }
410 template <class T>
411 inline
413  :
414  list(li.list),
415  p(li.p)
416 {
417 }
419 template <class T>
420 inline
421 void
423 {
424  p = list.head;
425 }
427 template <class T>
428 inline
429 void
431 {
432  p = list.head;
433 }
435 template <class T>
436 inline
437 const T&
439 {
440  CH_assert(p != 0);
441  return p->val;
442 }
444 template <class T>
445 inline
446 T&
448 {
449  CH_assert(p != 0);
450  return p->val;
451 }
453 template <class T>
454 inline
455 const T&
457 {
458  CH_assert(p != 0);
459  return p->val;
460 }
462 template <class T>
463 inline
464 bool
466 {
467  return p != 0 ? true : false;
468 }
470 template <class T>
471 inline
473 {
474  return ok() ;
475 }
477 template <class T>
478 inline
479 bool
481 {
482  return p == 0 ? true : false;
483 }
485 template <class T>
486 inline
487 const T&
489 {
490  CH_assert(p != 0);
491  return p->val;
492 }
494 template <class T>
495 inline
498 {
499  if (p)
500  p = p->suc;
501  return *this;
502 }
504 template <class T>
505 inline
508 {
509  if (p)
510  p = p->pre;
511  return *this;
512 }
514 template <class T>
515 inline
518 {
519  const ListIterator<T> li = *this;
520  ++(*this);
521  return li;
522 }
524 template <class T>
525 inline
528 {
529  const ListIterator<T> li = *this;
530  --(*this);
531  return li;
532 }
534 template <class T>
535 inline
536 bool
538 {
539  return (&list == &_li.list && p == _li.p) ? true : false;
540 }
542 template <class T>
543 inline
544 bool
546 {
547  return ! ListIterator<T>::operator==(_li);
548 }
550 //
551 // List stuff.
552 //
554 template <class T>
555 inline
557  :
558  head(0),
559  tail(0),
560  m_usePool(true)
561 {
562 }
564 template <class T>
565 inline
567 {
568  clear();
569 }
571 template <class T>
572 inline
573 void
575 {
576  addBefore(head, value);
577 }
579 template <class T>
580 inline
581 void
583 {
584  addAfter(tail, value);
585 }
588 template <class T>
589 inline
590 List<T>*
592 {
593  List<T>* newlist = new List<T>(*this);
594  if (newlist == 0)
595  MayDay::Error("Out of memory in List::copy ");
596  return newlist;
597 }
599 template <class T>
600 inline
601 T&
603 {
604  CH_assert(head != 0);
605  return head->val;
606 }
608 template <class T>
609 inline
610 T&
612 {
613  CH_assert(tail != 0);
614  return tail->val;
615 }
617 template <class T>
618 inline
619 bool
621 {
622  return head == 0 && tail == 0;
623 }
625 template <class T>
626 inline
627 bool
629 {
630  return !isEmpty();
631 }
633 template <class T>
634 inline
635 void
637 {
638  remove(head);
639 }
641 template <class T>
642 inline
643 void
645 {
646  remove(tail);
647 }
649 template <class T>
650 inline
651 const T&
653 {
654  CH_assert(li.p != 0);
655  return li.p->val;
656 }
658 template <class T>
659 inline
660 T&
662 {
663  CH_assert(li.p != 0);
664  return li.p->val;
665 }
667 template <class T>
668 inline
669 void
671  const T& _val)
672 {
673  CH_assert(li.p != 0);
674  li.p->val = _val;
675 }
677 template <class T>
678 inline
679 void
681  const T& val)
682 {
683  addAfter(lit.p, val);
684 }
686 template <class T>
687 inline
688 void
690  const T& val)
691 {
692  addBefore(lit.p, val);
693 }
695 template <class T>
696 inline
699 {
700  return ListIterator<T>(*this,head);
701 }
703 template <class T>
704 inline
707 {
708  return ListIterator<T>(*this,head); //[NOTE: same as first()]
709 }
711 template <class T>
712 inline
715 {
716  return ListIterator<T>(*this,tail);
717 }
719 #include "BaseNamespaceFooter.H"
721 #include "ListImplem.H"
723 #endif /*_LIST_H_*/
void addAfter(ListIterator< T > &lit, const T &val)
Insert val into List<T> after the object pointed to by lit.
Definition: List.H:680
T & lastElement() const
Returns a reference to the last element in the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:611
bool operator!=(const ListIterator< T > &) const
Are the ListIterator<T>s not equal?
Definition: List.H:545
ListLink< T > * p
Definition: List.H:167
ListIterator< T > listIterator() const
Returns a ListIterator<T> to the first object in this List<T>.
Definition: List.H:706
void prepend(const T &value)
Adds a copy of the value to the beginning of the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:574
#define CH_assert(cond)
Definition: CHArray.H:37
The destructor.
Definition: List.H:566
List< T > & operator=(const List< T > &rhs)
The assignment operator.
Definition: ListImplem.H:67
const T & value() const
Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by the iterator...
Definition: List.H:488
void append(const T &value)
Adds a copy of the value to the end of the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:582
ListLink< T > * tail
Definition: List.H:368
void clear()
Removes all objects from the List<T>.
Definition: ListImplem.H:264
bool operator!() const
Returns true if ListIterator<T> doesn&#39;t point to any element on the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:480
List< T > * copy() const
Returns a copy of this List<T> on the heap.
Definition: List.H:591
void rewind()
Reset this ListIterator<T> to point to the first element in the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:422
ListIterator< T > last() const
Returns a ListIterator<T> to the last object in this List<T>.
Definition: List.H:714
const T & operator*() const
Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by this ListIterator<T>...
Definition: List.H:456
ListLink< T > * head
Definition: List.H:363
int isEmpty(const box2d *)
const T & operator()() const
Return a constant reference to the object in the List<T> currently pointed to by this ListIterator<T>...
Definition: List.H:438
const T & operator[](const ListIterator< T > &li) const
Returns reference to object pointed to by the ListIterator<T>.
Definition: List.H:652
void removeFirst()
Removes the first element in the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:636
bool ok() const
Return true if the iterator is not past the end of the list.
Definition: List.H:465
ListIterator< T > & operator--()
The prefix auto-decrement operator.
Definition: List.H:507
void removeLast()
Removes the last element in the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:644
bool m_usePool
Definition: List.H:381
void addBefore(ListIterator< T > &lit, const T &val)
Insert val into List<T> before the object pointed to by lit.
Definition: List.H:689
A Doubly-Linked List Class.
Definition: List.H:21
Iterator over a List.
Definition: List.H:20
Pool is a class to optimize memory allocation.
Definition: Pool.H:63
const List< T > & list
Definition: List.H:162
T & firstElement() const
Returns a reference to the first element in the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:602
ListIterator< T > first() const
Returns a ListIterator<T> to the first object in this List<T>.
Definition: List.H:698
static Pool linkPool
Definition: List.H:379
bool isNotEmpty() const
Returns true if the List<T> is not empty.
Definition: List.H:628
static void Error(const char *const a_msg=m_nullString, int m_exitCode=CH_DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE)
Print out message to cerr and exit with the specified exit code.
void replace(ListIterator< T > &li, const T &val)
Replace the value pointed to by the ListIterator<T> by val.
Definition: List.H:670
C::self_type operator*(const C &, const C &)
Definition: GenericArithmeticI.H:132
bool operator==(const ListIterator< T > &) const
Equality test for two ListIterator<T>s.
Definition: List.H:537
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the List<T> is empty.
Definition: List.H:620
void begin()
Reset this ListIterator<T> to point to the first element in the List<T>.
Definition: List.H:430
Construct an empty List<T>.
Definition: List.H:556
ListIterator< T > & operator++()
The prefix auto-increment operator.
Definition: List.H:497