Chombo + EB
This is the complete list of members for ComputeCutCellMoments< dim >, including all inherited members.
addBdMoments(CutCellMoments< dim > &a_coarseCutCell, const IFData< dim+1 > &a_IFData, const int &a_degreeP, const bool &a_useConstraints, const IndexTM< Real, dim > &a_refinedCenterDelta, const IndexTM< int, dim > &a_localHilo) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
addMomentMaps(const Vector< CutCellMoments< dim > > &a_refinedCutCellVector, const int &a_degreeP, const bool &a_useConstraints) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
addMoments(PthMoment &a_momentMap, PthMoment &a_refinedMomentMap, const IndexTM< Real, dim > &a_refinedCenterDelta) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
BdCutCellMoments typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
ComputeCutCellMoments() | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
ComputeCutCellMoments(const ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > &a_computeCutCellMoments) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
ComputeCutCellMoments(const IFData< dim > &a_info) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
computeMoments(const int &a_order, const int &a_degreeP, const bool &a_useConstraints, RefinementCriterion< dim > &a_refinementCriterion, const int &a_numberOfRefinements=0) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
computeResiduals(const int &a_order, const int &a_degreeP, const bool &a_useConstraints) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
computeResiduals(const Vector< CutCellMoments< dim > > &a_refinedCCMoms, const int &a_degreeP) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
computeRhs(LSProblem< dim > &a_lsp, const int &a_order) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
dump() const | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
factorial(const IvDim &a_multiIndex) const | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
IvDim typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
LocPthMoment typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
m_boundaryMomentsComputed | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
m_cutCellMoments | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
OneDMoments typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
operator=(const ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > &a_computeCutCellMoments) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
print(ostream &out) const | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
PthMoment typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
PthMomentLesserDimension typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
PthMomentLoc typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
refine(const int &a_order, const int &a_degreeP, const bool &a_useConstraints, RefinementCriterion< dim > &a_refinementCriterion, const IndexTM< int, dim > &a_refineInDir, const int &a_numberOfRefinements) | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
RvDim typedef | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > | |
~ComputeCutCellMoments() | ComputeCutCellMoments< dim > |