LevelGodunov Member List
This is the complete list of members for
LevelGodunov, including all inherited members.
computeUpdate(LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_dU, LevelFluxRegister &a_finerFluxRegister, LevelFluxRegister &a_coarserFluxRegister, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, const LayoutData< FluxBox > &a_WHalf, const Real &a_time, const Real &a_dt) | LevelGodunov | |
computeWHalf(LayoutData< FluxBox > &a_WHalf, LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_S, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_UCoarseOld, const Real &a_TCoarseOld, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_UCoarseNew, const Real &a_TCoarseNew, const Real &a_time, const Real &a_dt) | LevelGodunov | |
define(const DisjointBoxLayout &a_thisDisjointBoxLayout, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_coarserDisjointBoxLayout, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int &a_refineCoarse, const Real &a_dx, const GodunovPhysics *const a_godunovFactory, const int &a_normalPredOrder, const bool &a_useFourthOrderSlopes, const bool &a_usePrimLimiting, const bool &a_useCharLimiting, const bool &a_useFlattening, const bool &a_useArtificialViscosity, const Real &a_artificialViscosity, const bool &a_hasCoarser, const bool &a_hasFiner) | LevelGodunov | |
getGodunovPhysicsPtr() | LevelGodunov | |
getGodunovPhysicsPtrConst() const | LevelGodunov | |
getMaxWaveSpeed(const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U) | LevelGodunov | |
highOrderLimiter(bool a_highOrderLimiter) | LevelGodunov | |
LevelGodunov() | LevelGodunov | |
LevelGodunov(const LevelGodunov &) | LevelGodunov | [private] |
m_artificialViscosity | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_domain | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_dx | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_exchangeCopier | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_grids | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_hasCoarser | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_hasFiner | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_isDefined | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_normalPredOrder | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_numCons | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_numFluxes | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_numGhost | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_patcher | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_patchGodunov | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_patchGodunovNoBox | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_refineCoarse | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_U | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_useArtificialViscosity | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_useCharLimiting | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_useFlattening | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_useFourthOrderSlopes | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
m_usePrimLimiting | LevelGodunov | [protected] |
operator=(const LevelGodunov &) | LevelGodunov | [private] |
step(LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, LevelData< FArrayBox > a_flux[CH_SPACEDIM], LevelFluxRegister &a_finerFluxRegister, LevelFluxRegister &a_coarserFluxRegister, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_S, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_UCoarseOld, const Real &a_TCoarseOld, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_UCoarseNew, const Real &a_TCoarseNew, const Real &a_time, const Real &a_dt) | LevelGodunov | |
~LevelGodunov() | LevelGodunov | |