Chombo + EB + MF
This is the complete list of members for PatchMappedConsOperator, including all inherited members.
addArtificialViscosity(FArrayBox &a_UnewFab, const FArrayBox &a_UoldFab, FluxBox &a_flux, Real a_weight) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
addMappedArtificialViscosity(FArrayBox &a_JUnewFab, const FArrayBox &a_UoldFab, FluxBox &a_flux, const FluxBox &a_N, const FArrayBox &a_J, const Box &a_box, Real a_weight) | PatchMappedConsOperator | |
artificialDissipation(Real a_artificialDissipation) | PatchMappedConsOperator | |
artificialViscosity(Real a_artificialViscosity) | PatchConsOperator | |
define(const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const Real &a_dx, LevelGridMetrics *a_levelGridMetrics, const MOLPhysics *const a_molPhysics, const int &a_numStates) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
PatchConsOperator::define(const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const Real &a_dx, const MOLPhysics *const a_molPhysics, const int &a_numStates) | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
doDeconvolution(bool a_doDeconvolution) | PatchConsOperator | |
doFaceDeconvolution(bool a_doFaceDeconvolution) | PatchConsOperator | |
evalFlux(const FArrayBox &a_UavgFab, FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg, FluxBox &a_FfromWfaceAvg, Real a_weight, bool a_setFlattening, FArrayBox &a_flatteningFab) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
evalRHS(FArrayBox &a_LofU, const FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
fluxCorrection(FluxBox &a_fluxAvg, const FArrayBox &a_UavgFab) | PatchMappedConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
forwardBasisTransform(FArrayBox &a_W, const int a_dir, const Box &a_box) | PatchMappedConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
getAllFluxes(FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg, FluxBox &a_FfaceCen, const FluxBox &a_WfaceAvg, const FluxBox &a_WfaceCen) | PatchMappedConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
getFaceAvg(FluxBox &a_faceW, const FArrayBox &a_cellW, const FArrayBox &a_WofUavg, FArrayBox &a_flatteningFab, bool a_setFlattening) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
getFluxDivergence(FArrayBox &a_LofU, const FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg) | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
getMaxWaveSpeed(const FArrayBox &a_U, const Box &a_bx) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
getNormalFlux(FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg, const FArrayBox &a_UavgFab, Real a_weight, bool a_setFlattening, FArrayBox &a_flatteningFab) | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
highOrderLimiter(bool a_highOrderLimiter) | PatchConsOperator | |
isDefined() const | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
limitFaceValues(bool a_limitFaceValues) | PatchConsOperator | |
m_artificialDissipation | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_artificialViscosity | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_blockDomain | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_coordSys | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_currentBox | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_currentDataIdx | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_currentTime | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_doDeconvolution | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_doFaceDeconvolution | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_domain | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_dx | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_hasCoarser | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_hasFiner | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_highOrderLimiter | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_isCurrentBoxSet | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_isCurrentTimeSet | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_isDefined | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_isMaxSpeedSet | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_levelGridMetrics | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_limitFaceValues | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_maxSpeed | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_molMappedPhysics | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_molPhysics | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_noPPM | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_numFields | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_numFluxes | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_numFluxesPerField | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_numGhost | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_spaceOrder | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_unitNormalLayPtr | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_useArtificialDissipation | PatchMappedConsOperator | protected |
m_useArtificialViscosity | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_useFlattening | PatchConsOperator | protected |
m_util | PatchConsOperator | protected |
noPPM(bool a_noPPM) | PatchConsOperator | |
numGhost(int a_numGhost) | PatchConsOperator | |
operator=(const PatchMappedConsOperator &a_input) | PatchMappedConsOperator | private |
PatchConsOperator() | PatchConsOperator | |
PatchMappedConsOperator(const int a_numFluxesPerField=1) | PatchMappedConsOperator | |
PatchMappedConsOperator(const PatchMappedConsOperator &a_input) | PatchMappedConsOperator | private |
postRiemann(FArrayBox &a_Wface, int a_dir, const Box &a_box) | PatchMappedConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
preRiemann(FArrayBox &a_WLeft, FArrayBox &a_WRight, int a_dir, const Box &a_box) | PatchMappedConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
reduceFlux(FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg, FluxBox &a_FfaceForGrad) | PatchConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
reverseBasisTransform(FArrayBox &a_W, const int a_dir, const Box &a_box) | PatchMappedConsOperator | protectedvirtual |
setCurrentBox(const DataIndex &a_currentDataIdx, const Box &a_currentBox) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
PatchConsOperator::setCurrentBox(const Box &a_currentBox) | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
setCurrentTime(const Real &a_currentTime) | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |
setMaxSpeed(Real a_maxSpeed) | PatchMappedConsOperator | |
spaceOrder(int a_spaceOrder) | PatchConsOperator | |
unitNormals(const LayoutData< FluxBox > *const a_unitNormalLayPtr) | PatchMappedConsOperator | |
updateODE(FArrayBox &a_solnFab, const FArrayBox &a_rhsFab, Real a_dt) | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
useArtificialDissipation(bool a_useArtificialDissipation) | PatchMappedConsOperator | |
useArtificialViscosity(bool a_useArtificialViscosity) | PatchConsOperator | |
useFlattening(bool a_useFlattening) | PatchConsOperator | |
~PatchConsOperator() | PatchConsOperator | virtual |
~PatchMappedConsOperator() | PatchMappedConsOperator | virtual |