Chombo + EB + MF
This is the complete list of members for PolyGeom, including all inherited members.
bndryArea(const VolIndex &a_vof, const EBISBox &a_ebisBox) | PolyGeom | static |
computeAlpha(const Real &a_volFrac, const RealVect &a_normal) | PolyGeom | static |
computeAnyVolume(const Real &a_alpha, const Real &a_norm0, const Real &a_norm1, const Real &a_norm2) | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
computeNormalAndAlpha(Real &a_alpha, RealVect &a_normal, const int &a_upDir, const Tuple< RealVect, CH_SPACEDIM > &a_poly) | PolyGeom | static |
computeTanDirs(int upDir) | PolyGeom | static |
computeVolume(const Real &a_alpha, const RealVect &a_normal) | PolyGeom | static |
cross(const RealVect &a_xvec1, const RealVect &a_xvec0) | PolyGeom | static |
determinant(const Vector< Vector< Real > > &a_A) | PolyGeom | static |
determinantSD(const Real a_A[SpaceDim][SpaceDim]) | PolyGeom | static |
determinantSDM1(const Real a_A[SpaceDim-1][SpaceDim-1]) | PolyGeom | static |
distancePointToPlane(const RealVect &a_point, const RealVect &a_normal, const RealVect &a_pointOnLine) | PolyGeom | static |
dot(const RealVect &a_xvec1, const RealVect &a_xvec0) | PolyGeom | static |
getAreaTolerance() | PolyGeom | static |
getJacobianAndInverse(Real a_Jacobian[SpaceDim][SpaceDim], Real a_Jinverse[SpaceDim][SpaceDim], RealVect &a_normal, RealVect a_tangents[SpaceDim-1]) | PolyGeom | inlinestatic |
getLengthTolerance() | PolyGeom | static |
getMinor(Real a_Aminor[SpaceDim-1][SpaceDim-1], const Real a_A[SpaceDim][SpaceDim], int a_row, int acol) | PolyGeom | static |
getTangentVectors(RealVect a_tangen[CH_SPACEDIM-1], const RealVect &a_normal) | PolyGeom | inlinestatic |
getTolerance() | PolyGeom | static |
getVectDx() | PolyGeom | static |
getVolumeTolerance() | PolyGeom | static |
invertMatrix(Real a_AInverse[SpaceDim][SpaceDim], const Real a_A[SpaceDim][SpaceDim], bool a_test) | PolyGeom | static |
matrixSolveComp(const Vector< Vector< Real > > &a_A, const Vector< Real > &a_rhs, const int &a_icomp) | PolyGeom | static |
normal(const VolIndex &a_vof, const EBISBox &a_ebisBox, const Real &a_bndryArea) | PolyGeom | static |
pointToLine(RealVect &a_closestPt, RealVect &a_normal, const RealVect &a_point, const RealVect &a_pointOnLine, const RealVect &a_direction) | PolyGeom | static |
PolyGeom() | PolyGeom | inline |
posifyVector(RealVect &vect, IntVect &signs) | PolyGeom | static |
s_areatolerance | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
s_lengthtolerance | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
s_tolerance | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
s_vectDx | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
sAndZVolume(const Real &a_alpha, const RealVect &a_normal) | PolyGeom | static |
setAreaTolerance(const Real &a_tolerance) | PolyGeom | static |
setLengthTolerance(const Real &a_tolerance) | PolyGeom | static |
setTolerance(const Real &a_tolerance) | PolyGeom | static |
setVectDx(const RealVect &a_vectDx) | PolyGeom | static |
setVolumeTolerance(const Real &a_tolerance) | PolyGeom | static |
sortVector(RealVect &vect, IntVect &ivmap) | PolyGeom | static |
tetCentroid(const RealVect &normal, const Real &alpha) | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
tetVolume(const RealVect &normal, const Real &alpha) | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
threeDFunc(const Real &arg) | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
twoDFunc(const Real &arg) | PolyGeom | protectedstatic |
unifyVector(RealVect &normal, Real &sumSquare) | PolyGeom | static |
~PolyGeom() | PolyGeom | inline |