
Updated: 7 October 2003
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pbmtextps - render text into a PBM image using a postscript interpreter  


pbmtextps [-font fontname] [-fontsize fontsize] [-resolution resolution] [-stroke strokesize] text  


This program is part of Netpbm.

pbmtextps takes a single line of text from the command line and renders it into a PBM image.

The image is cropped at the top and the right. It is not cropped at the left or bottom so that the text begins at the same position relative to the origin. You can use pnmcrop to crop it all the way.  


By default, pbmtextps uses TimesRoman.

You can specify the font to use with the -font option. This is the name of any valid postscript font which is installed on your system.

Size of font in points. See the -resolution option for information on how to interpret this size.

Default is 24 points.

Resolution in dots per inch of distance measurements pertaining to generation of the image. PBM images don't have any inherent resolution, so a distance such as "1 inch" doesn't mean anything unless you separately specify what resolution you're talking about. That's what this option does.

In particular, the meaning of the font size is determined by this resolution. If the font size is 24 points and the resolution is 150 dpi, then the font size is 50 pixels.

Default is 150 dpi.

Width of line to use for stroke font. There is no default stroke width because the letters are solid by default.


You can generate antialiased text by using a larger resolution than the default and scaling the image down using pamscale.

See the manual for the similar pbmtext for more advice on usage.


pbmtextps was added to Netpbm in Release 10.0 (June 2002).  


pbmtext, pamcut, pnmcrop, pamcomp, ppmchange, pnmrotate, pamscale, ppmlabel, pbm  


Copyright (C) 2002 by James McCann

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