
Here's an example of a callback option that takes no arguments, and simply records that the option was seen:

def record_foo_seen (option, opt, value, parser):
    parser.saw_foo = 1

parser.add_option("--foo", action="callback", callback=record_foo_seen)

Of course, you could do that with the ``store_true'' action. Here's a slightly more interesting example: record the fact that -a is seen, but blow up if it comes after -b in the command-line.

def check_order (option, opt, value, parser):
    if parser.values.b:
        raise OptionValueError("can't use -a after -b")
    parser.values.a = 1
parser.add_option("-a", action="callback", callback=check_order)
parser.add_option("-b", action="store_true", dest="b")

If you want to reuse this callback for several similar options (set a flag, but blow up if -b has already been seen), it needs a bit of work: the error message and the flag that it sets must be generalized.

def check_order (option, opt, value, parser):
    if parser.values.b:
        raise OptionValueError("can't use %s after -b" % opt)
    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, 1)
parser.add_option("-a", action="callback", callback=check_order, dest='a')
parser.add_option("-b", action="store_true", dest="b")
parser.add_option("-c", action="callback", callback=check_order, dest='c')

Of course, you could put any condition in there--you're not limited to checking the values of already-defined options. For example, if you have options that should not be called when the moon is full, all you have to do is this:

def check_moon (option, opt, value, parser):
    if is_full_moon():
        raise OptionValueError("%s option invalid when moon full" % opt)
    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, 1)
                  action="callback", callback=check_moon, dest="foo")

(The definition of is_full_moon() is left as an exercise for the reader.)

Fixed arguments

Things get slightly more interesting when you define callback options that take a fixed number of arguments. Specifying that a callback option takes arguments is similar to defining a ``store'' or ``append'' option: if you define type, then the option takes one argument that must be convertible to that type; if you further define nargs, then the option takes that many arguments.

Here's an example that just emulates the standard ``store'' action:

def store_value (option, opt, value, parser):
    setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
                  action="callback", callback=store_value,
                  type="int", nargs=3, dest="foo")

Note that optparse takes care of consuming 3 arguments and converting them to integers for you; all you have to do is store them. (Or whatever: obviously you don't need a callback for this example. Use your imagination!)

Variable arguments

Things get hairy when you want an option to take a variable number of arguments. For this case, you have to write a callback; optparse doesn't provide any built-in capabilities for it. You have to deal with the full-blown syntax for conventional Unix command-line parsing. (Previously, optparse took care of this for you, but I got it wrong. It was fixed at the cost of making this kind of callback more complex.) In particular, callbacks have to worry about bare -- and - arguments; the convention is:

If you want an option that takes a variable number of arguments, there are several subtle, tricky issues to worry about. The exact implementation you choose will be based on which trade-offs you're willing to make for your application (which is why optparse doesn't support this sort of thing directly).

Nevertheless, here's a stab at a callback for an option with variable arguments:

def varargs (option, opt, value, parser):
    assert value is None
    done = 0
    value = []
    rargs = parser.rargs
    while rargs:
        arg = rargs[0]

        # Stop if we hit an arg like "--foo", "-a", "-fx", "--file=f",
        # etc.  Note that this also stops on "-3" or "-3.0", so if
        # your option takes numeric values, you will need to handle
        # this.
        if ((arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2) or
            (arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != "-")):
            del rargs[0]

     setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)

parser.add_option("-c", "--callback",
                  action="callback", callback=varargs)

The main weakness with this particular implementation is that negative numbers in the arguments following -c will be interpreted as further options, rather than as arguments to -c. Fixing this is left as an exercise for the reader.

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