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00001 /* _______              __
00002   / ___/ /  ___  __ _  / /  ___
00003  / /__/ _ \/ _ \/  ' \/ _ \/ _ \
00004  \___/_//_/\___/_/_/_/_.__/\___/ 
00005 */
00006 //
00007 // This software is copyright (C) by the Lawrence Berkeley
00008 // National Laboratory.  Permission is granted to reproduce
00009 // this software for non-commercial purposes provided that
00010 // this notice is left intact.
00011 // 
00012 // It is acknowledged that the U.S. Government has rights to
00013 // this software under Contract DE-AC03-765F00098 between
00014 // the U.S.  Department of Energy and the University of
00015 // California.
00016 //
00017 // This software is provided as a professional and academic
00018 // contribution for joint exchange. Thus it is experimental,
00019 // is provided ``as is'', with no warranties of any kind
00020 // whatsoever, no support, no promise of updates, or printed
00021 // documentation. By using this software, you acknowledge
00022 // that the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and
00023 // Regents of the University of California shall have no
00024 // liability with respect to the infringement of other
00025 // copyrights by any part of this software.
00026 //
00030 #ifndef CH_BASEFAB_H
00031 #define CH_BASEFAB_H
00033 //
00034 // $Id: BaseFab.H,v 1.7 2002/01/26 01:11:05 dmartin Exp $
00035 //
00037 #include <cstdlib>
00038 #include <assert.h>
00039 #include <string>
00040 #include <typeinfo>
00041 #include "Box.H"
00042 #include "Arena.H"
00043 #include "Interval.H"
00046 //
00047 //@Man:
00048 //@Memo: A Fortran Array-like Container
00049 /*@Doc:
00051   BaseFab emulates the Fortran array concept.  
00052   Useful operations can be performed upon
00053   BaseFab's in C++, and they provide a convenient interface to
00054   Fortran when it is necessary to retreat into that language.
00056   `BaseFab' is a template class.  Through use of the
00057   template, a `BaseFab' may be based upon any class.  So far at least,
00058   most applications have been based upon simple types like `integer's,
00059   `real's, or `doubleprecision's.  Most applications do not use BaseFab's 
00060   directly, but utilize specialized classes derived from BaseFab.
00062   It will be easier to use a `BaseFab' if you understand the following
00063   concepts.  `BaseFab' objects depend on the dimensionality of space
00064   (indirectly through the DOMAIN `Box' member).  It is
00065   typical to define the macro `CH_SPACEDIM' to be 1, 2, or 3 to indicate
00066   the dimension of space.  See the discussion of class `Box' for more
00067   information.  A `BaseFab' contains a `Box' DOMAIN, which indicates the
00068   integer indexing space over which the array is defined.  A `BaseFab'
00069   also has NVAR components.  By components, we mean that for each
00070   point in the rectangular indexing space, there are NVAR values
00071   associated with that point.  A Fortran array corresponding to a
00072   `BaseFab' would have (CH_SPACEDIM+1) dimensions.
00074   By design, the array layout in a `BaseFab' mirrors that of a
00075   Fortran array.  The first index (x direction for example) varies
00076   most rapidly, the next index (y direction), if any, varies next
00077   fastest. The component index varies last, after all the spatial
00078   indices.
00080   It is sometimes convenient to be able to treat a sub-array within an
00081   existing `BaseFab' as a `BaseFab' in its own right.  This is often
00082   referred to as 'aliasing' the `BaseFab'.  Note that when aliasing is 
00083   used, the BaseFab's domain will not, in general, be the same as the 
00084   parent BaseFab's domain, nor will the number of components.
00085   BaseFab is a dimension dependent class, so CH_SPACEDIM must be 
00086   defined as either 1, 2, or 3 when compiling.
00088   This is NOT a polymorphic class.
00090   It does NOT provide a copy constructor or assignment operator.
00092   T MUST have a default constructor and an assignment operator.
00093 */
00095 template <class T>
00096 class BaseFab
00097 {
00098 public:
00102   /*@ManDoc: Constructs an invalid `BaseFab'.  The domain is invalid, the
00103     number of components is zero, and no actual array memory is
00104     allocated.  An invalid `BaseFab' must be resize()d
00105     (see `BaseFab::resize') before use.
00106   */
00107   BaseFab ();
00113   BaseFab (const Box& bx,
00114            int        n);
00120   virtual ~BaseFab ();
00122   /*@ManDoc: This function resizes a `BaseFab' so it covers the `Box' B
00123                with N components.  The default action
00124                is that under resize()ing, the memory allocated for the
00125                `BaseFab' only grows and never shrinks.  This function is
00126                particularly useful when a `BaseFab' is used as a temporary
00127                space which must be a different size whenever it is used.
00128                Resize()ing a temp will often be faster than re-allocating a
00129                `BaseFab' because memory allocation can often be avoided.
00130     */
00131   void resize (const Box& b,
00132                int        N = 1);
00134   /*@ManDoc: Make BaseFab with desired domain and number of components.
00135                existing data is lost.  Data is in uninialized state.
00136     */
00137   virtual void define(const Box& box, int comps) { resize(box, comps);}
00139   /*@ManDoc: The function returns the `BaseFab' to the invalid state.  (See
00140                comments for constructors above.)  The memory is freed.
00141     */
00142   void clear ();
00151   int nComp () const;
00157   const Box& box () const;
00159   /*@ManDoc: Returns a pointer to an array of SpaceDim integers
00160                giving the length of the domain in each direction.
00161     */
00162   const int* size () const;
00164   /*@ManDoc: Returns the lower corner of the domain.  See
00165                class `Box' for analogue.
00166     */
00167   const IntVect& smallEnd () const;
00169   /*@ManDoc:  Returns the upper corner of the domain.  See
00170                 class `Box' for analogue.
00171     */
00172   const IntVect& bigEnd () const;
00178   Interval interval() const
00179   { return Interval(0, nvar-1); }
00181   /*@ManDoc: Returns a modifiable lvalue reference to the Nth component value
00182                defined at position p in the domain.  This operator may be
00183                inefficient if the C++ compiler is unable to optimize the
00184                C++ code.
00185     */
00186   T& operator() (const IntVect& p,
00187                  int            N);
00189   T& operator() (const IntVect& p);
00191   /*@ManDoc: Returns a conatant reference to the Nth component value
00192     defined at position p in the domain.  This operator may be
00193     inefficient if the C++ compiler is unable to optimize the
00194     C++ code.
00195     */
00196   const T& operator() (const IntVect& p,
00197                        int            N) const;
00199   const T& operator() (const IntVect& p) const;
00201   /*@ManDoc: This function puts numcomp component values, starting at
00202                component N, from position pos in the domain into array data,
00203                that must be allocated by the user.
00204     */
00205   void getVal (T*             data,
00206                const IntVect& pos,
00207                int            N,
00208                int            numcomp) const;
00210   /*@ManDoc: This function puts all component values, starting at
00211                component 0, from position pos in the domain into array data,
00212                that must be allocated by the user.
00213     */
00214   void getVal (T*             data,
00215                const IntVect& pos) const;
00219   /*@ManDoc: Returns the lower corner of the domain.  Instead of
00220                returning them in the form of IntVects, as in smallEnd
00221                and bigEnd, it returns the values as a pointer to an
00222                array of constant integers.  This is useful when
00223                interfacing to Fortran subroutines.  It should not be
00224                used in any other context!!!
00226     */
00227   const int* loVect () const;
00229   /*@ManDoc: Returns the upper corner of the domain.  Instead of
00230                returning them in the form of IntVects, as in smallEnd
00231                and bigEnd, it returns the values as a pointer to an
00232                array of constant integers.  This is useful when
00233                interfacing to Fortran subroutines.  It should not be
00234                used in any other context!!!
00236     */
00237   const int* hiVect () const;
00239   /*@ManDoc: Returns a pointer to an integer that contains the 
00240                number of components in the BaseFab. This is useful when
00241                interfacing to Fortran subroutines.  It should not be
00242                used in any other context!!!
00244     */
00245   const int* nCompPtr () const;
00247   /*@ManDoc: Returns a pointer to an object of type T that is the
00248                value of the Nth component associated with the cell at
00249                the low end of the domain.  This is commonly used to
00250                get a pointer to data in the array which is then handed
00251                off to a Fortran subroutine. It should not be used in
00252                any other context!!!  Remember that data is stored in
00253                Fortran array order, with the component index coming
00254                last.  In other words, `dataPtr' returns a pointer to
00255                all the Nth components.  
00257 */
00258   T* dataPtr (int N = 0);
00260   /*@ManDoc: Returns a constant pointer to an object of type T that is
00261                the value of the Nth component associated with the cell
00262                at the low end of the domain.  This is commonly used to
00263                get a pointer to data in the array which is then handed
00264                off to a Fortran subroutine.  It should not be used in
00265                any other context!!! Remember that data is stored in
00266                Fortran array order, with the component index coming
00267                last.  In other words, `dataPtr' returns a pointer to
00268                all the Nth components.  
00270 */
00271   const T* dataPtr (int N = 0) const;
00275   /*@ManDoc: Returns true if the domain of fab is totally contained within
00276                the domain of this `BaseFab'.
00277     */
00278   bool contains (const BaseFab<T>& fab) const;
00280   /*@ManDoc: Returns true if bx is totally contained
00281                within the domain of this `BaseFab'.
00282     */
00283   bool contains (const Box& bx) const;
00287   /*@ManDoc: The setVal functions set subregions in the `BaseFab' to a
00288                constant value.  This most general form specifies the sub-box,
00289                the starting component number, and the number of components
00290                to be set.
00291     */
00292   void setVal (T          x,
00293                const Box& bx,
00294                int        nstart,
00295                int        ncomp);
00303   void setVal (T          x,
00304                const Box& bx,
00305                int        N);
00313   void setVal (T   x,
00314                int N);
00322   void setVal (T x);
00325   /*@ManDoc: Modifies this BaseFab by copying the contents of the
00326                argument BaseFab into it.  This, the most general form
00327                of copy, specifies the contents of any sub-box srcbox
00328                in `BaseFab' src may be copied into a (possibly
00329                different) destbox in the destination `BaseFab'.  Note
00330                that although the srcbox and the destbox may be
00331                disjoint, they must be the same size and shape.  If the
00332                sizes differ, the copy is undefined and a runtime error
00333                results.  This copy function is the only one of the
00334                copy functions to allow a copy between differing
00335                boxes. The user also specifies how many components are
00336                copied, starting at component srccomp in src and stored
00337                starting at component destcomp.  The results are
00338                UNDEFINED if the src and dest BaseFabs are the same and
00339                the srcbox and destbox overlap.
00341 */
00342   BaseFab<T>& copy (const BaseFab<T>& src,
00343                     const Box&        srcbox,
00344                     int               srccomp,
00345                     const Box&        destbox,
00346                     int               destcomp,
00347                     int               numcomp);
00349   /*@ManDoc: Modifies this BaseFab by coping the contents of the
00350              argument BaseFab into it.  A copy within the intersecting
00351              region of the domains of the two BaseFabs is performed.
00352              The user specifies how many components are copied,
00353              starting at component srccomp in src and stored starting
00354              at component destcomp.
00356 */
00357   BaseFab<T>& copy (const BaseFab<T>& src,
00358                     int               srccomp,
00359                     int               destcomp,
00360                     int               numcomp = 1);
00362   /*@ManDoc: Modifies this BaseFab by coping the contents of the
00363              argument BaseFab into it.  A copy within the intersecting
00364              region of the domains of the two BaseFabs and the
00365              specified Box destbox is performed.  All components are
00366              copied.
00368 */
00369   BaseFab<T>& copy (const BaseFab<T>& src,
00370                     const Box&        destbox);
00372   /*@ManDoc: Modifies this BaseFab by coping the contents of the
00373              argument BaseFab into it.  A copy within the intersecting
00374              region of the domains of the two BaseFabs is performed.
00375              All components are copied.
00377 */
00378   BaseFab<T>& copy (const BaseFab<T>& src);
00386   void copy(const Box& RegionFrom, 
00387             const Interval& Cdest, 
00388             const Box& RegionTo,
00389             const BaseFab<T>& src, 
00390             const Interval& Csrc);
00402   BaseFab<T>& shift (const IntVect& v);
00412   BaseFab<T>& shift (int idir,
00413                      int n_cell);
00428   BaseFab<T>& shiftHalf (int dir,
00429                          int num_halfs);
00438   BaseFab<T>& shiftHalf (const IntVect& num_halfs);
00449   virtual int size(const Box& b, const Interval& comps) const;
00457   virtual void linearOut(void* buf, const Box& R, const Interval& comps) const;
00460   virtual void linearIn(void* buf, const Box& R, const Interval& comps);
00463   static int preAllocatable(){ return 0;} // static preAllocatable
00465 protected:
00466   //
00467   // Allocates memory for the `BaseFab<T>'.
00468   //
00469   void define ();
00470   //
00471   // Deallocates memory for the `BaseFab<T>'.
00472   //
00473   void undefine ();
00474   //
00475   // template class static data member.  not sure if this will
00476   // work with all compilers.  It has been in the draft standard
00477   // for some time
00478   //
00479   static Arena* s_Arena;
00480   //
00481   //
00482   static std::string name();
00483   //
00484   // The function called by BaseFab copy operations.
00485   //
00486   virtual void performCopy (const BaseFab<T>& src,
00487                             const Box&        srcbox,
00488                             int               srccomp,
00489                             const Box&        destbox,
00490                             int               destcomp,
00491                             int               numcomp);
00493   //
00494   // This function is called by the `BaseFab' setVal operations.
00495   //
00496   void performSetVal (T          x,
00497                       const Box& bx,
00498                       int        nstart,
00499                       int        numcomp);
00502 private:
00503   //
00504   // These functions are made private to prevent use of the default 
00505   // functions provided by the C++ compiler.
00506   //
00508   BaseFab<T>& operator= (const BaseFab<T>&);
00509   BaseFab (const BaseFab<T>&);
00511 protected:
00513   Box  domain;   // My index space.
00514   int  nvar;     // Number components.
00515   long numpts;   // Cached number of points in FAB.
00516   long truesize; // nvar*numpts that was allocated on heap.
00517   T*   dptr;     // The data pointer.
00518 };
00520 #include "BaseFabImplem.H"
00522 #endif /*CH_BASEFAB_H*/

Generated on Tue Jul 2 10:42:19 2002 for Chombo by doxygen1.2.16