Example of how someone might compile the AMRINS code. Beginning with the 4 tarballs: -rw-r--r-- 1 noel anag 3522801 May 1 10:31 AMRINS-modifiedBaseline.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 noel anag 3182261 May 1 10:31 Chombo-modifiedBaseline.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 noel anag 3534258 May 1 10:32 AMRINS-30April2003.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 noel anag 3894718 May 1 10:32 Chombo.1.2-30April2003.tar.gz Assuming the tarballs reside in the current directory, these commands should do the following: Create a milestoneF directory, populate with code, then compile serial and parallel for both the modified baseline and current code. mkdir -p milestoneF cd mileStoneF mkdir -p current mkdir -p modifiedBaseline cp ../AMRINS-30April2003.tar.gz current cp ../Chombo.1.2-30April2003.tar.gz current cp ../AMRINS-modifiedBaseline.tar.gz modifiedBaseline cp ../Chombo-modifiedBaseline.tar.gz modifiedBaseline gunzip */* cd current tar -xf AMRINS-30April2003.tar tar -xf Chombo.1.2-30April2003.tar cd Chombo/lib gmake lib DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE MPI=TRUE gmake lib DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE cd ../.. cd dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous gmake all DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE MPI=TRUE gmake all DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE cd ../../../.. cd modifiedBaseline tar -xf AMRINS-modifiedBaseline.tar tar -xf Chombo-modifiedBaseline.tar cd Chombo/lib gmake lib DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE MPI=TRUE gmake lib DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE cd ../.. cd dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous gmake all DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE MPI=TRUE gmake all DIM=3 DEBUG=FALSE cd ../../../.. ls -l */dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/*.ex the ls should result in something similar to: -rwxr-x--- 1 ndk lbn 8758416 May 1 14:34 current/dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/ns3d.OSF1.g++.f90.MPI.ex* -rwxr-x--- 1 ndk lbn 7998048 May 1 14:34 current/dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/ns3d.OSF1.g++.f90.ex* -rwxr-x--- 1 ndk lbn 7602848 May 1 14:32 modifiedBaseline/dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/ns3d.OSF1.g++.f90.MPI.ex* -rwxr-x--- 1 ndk lbn 6881648 May 1 14:39 modifiedBaseline/dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/ns3d.OSF1.g++.f90.ex* Example batch script: --------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/csh #BSUB -J jobname #BSUB -n 4 #BSUB -W 00:30 #BSUB -P hp602 #BSUB -q esto_big #BSUB -o sout #BSUB -e serr echo "This job runs on `hostname`." echo " ---- starting job output" # make sure executable, input, and vortexring.dat are around # cp ../ns3d.OSF1.g++.f90.MPI.ex . ls -l *.ex inputs.* ls vortexring.dat pwd prun -n 4 ns3d.OSF1.g++.f90.MPI.ex inputs.benchmark.32x32x64 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The input files for the current code can be found in the same directory as the executable: halem3% ls -l dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/ total 36 drwxr-x--- 3 ndk lbn 8192 May 1 15:15 ./ drwx------ 27 ndk lbn 8192 May 1 15:11 ../ -rw------- 1 ndk lbn 1483 May 1 15:12 inputs.benchmark.32x32x48 -rw------- 1 ndk lbn 1483 May 1 15:12 inputs.benchmark.32x32x48.b32 -rw------- 1 ndk lbn 1482 May 1 15:12 inputs.benchmark.64x64x96 -rw------- 1 ndk lbn 1482 May 1 15:12 inputs.benchmark.64x64x96.b32 -rw------- 1 ndk lbn 1488 May 1 15:12 inputs.benchmark.96x96x144 -rw------- 1 ndk lbn 1488 May 1 15:12 inputs.benchmark.96x96x144.b32 The input files with a ".b32" suffix are for running with a maxboxsize of 32. Otherwise the maxboxsize is 48. This is the only difference between the input files with/without the b32 suffix. The input files for the modifed baseline are in the same directory as the executable: halem3% ls dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/inputs.bench* dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/inputs.benchmark.32x32x48 dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/inputs.benchmark.64x64x96 dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/_exec-viscous/inputs.benchmark.96x96x144 After running, memory and timing results can be found in the output file of processor zero (pout.0). In particular, the following lines: halem3% grep "AMR Run completed" pout.0 AMR Run completed. mem= 127.688MB wall-clock time: 821.900 seconds halem3% grep "Gather end memory" pout.0 Gather end memory from procs: avg: 130.036 min: 121.832 max: 141.928 (MB)