BISICLES Thermodynamics

Temperature and water fraction

BISICLES has an optional thermodynamics component along the lines of Aschwanden et al, 2012 (doi: 10.3189/2012JoG11J088). It can be enabled by setting

amr.isothermal = false

Following the Aschwanden et al 2012 model, the state variable, an energy density E (measured in J/kg), is composed from the temperature T and the water fraction w, such that E = CT + Lw, where C is the specific heat capacity, and L is the specific latent heat of fusion. E is a 3D field: the ice sheet is subdivided into n layers and n values for E stored at the centre of each mesh cell. The uppermost layer is labelled layer 0, and the vertical distribution of layer interfaces is specified through the amr.sigma option. E.g, for 10 evenly spaced layers, set

  amr.sigma = 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 

There are relatively few options to set for the thermodynamics component: the initial temperature, and the boundary conditions at the upper and lower surface. The initial temperature is set in the same manner as a constant-in-time temperature. In the Pine Island Glacier example, temperature is read from an hdf5 file with temperatures specified at the centers of layers which subdivide the ice thickness evenly, with the options

  temperature.type = LevelData
  inputLevelData.temperatureFile = pig-bisicles-1km.2d.hdf5
  inputLevelData.temperatureName = temp000000

For a uniform initial temperature, set

  temperature.type = constant
  temperature.value = 268

The file contains 10 variables, temp000000 to temp000009, specifying the temperature at sigma = 0.5,1.5, etc

By default, the boundary condition at the upper surface prescribes zero heat flux. At the lower surface, the default geothermal flux is also zero, but the heat flux due to sliding friction is always imposed. The same means used to specify surface flux for mass can be employed to set these fluxes, with

  surfaceHeatBoundaryData.type = ...
  basalHeatBundaryData.type = ...

The fluxes are measured in J/a/m^2. It is also possible to set an upper surface temperature, rather than a heat flux, by setting

  surfaceHeatBoundaryData.Dirichlett = true  # false by default
  surfaceHeatBoundaryData.Temperature = true # true by default

In that case the field specified by SurfaceHeatBoundaryData is taken to be as a temperature rather than a heat flux.

Drainage and till

Englacial water does not increase in volume indefinitely: once the water fraction w grows beyond a certain value it is drained to a till layer. The current model is crude: it is similar (but cruder than) the drainage model of Aschwanden 2010. The relevant parameters, and their default values, are:

  ColumnThermodynamics.water_fraction_drain = 0.01 
  ColumnThermodynamics.water_drain_factor = 0.02
  CoulmnThermodynamics.water_fraction_max = 0.05

The first parameter (water_fraction_drain) specifies a water fraction below which there is no drainage. The second (water_drain_factor) governs that rate of drainage - which is proportional to the water fraction, for water fractions up to to third parameter (water_fraction_max). water above this limit is immediately transferred to the till.

Water in the till is itself transported elsewhere by the basal hydrology model. In the simplest, default case (see e.g van Pelt and Oerlemans, 2012, Bueler and van Pelt, 2015) it is simply lost (to a putative ground water system) at a rate proportional to the till water depth, and limited to a maximum value. These can be set with

  ColumnThermodynamics.till_water_drain_factor = 0.001 #(default 0.001 1/a)
  ColumnThermodynamics.till_water_max = 4.0 # #(default 4.0 m)

It is possible to set a spatially variable till water drain factor using the surface flux classes. The following example imposes vary rapid drainage in a disc around the origin, preventing till water from accumulating there.

  #in the inputs.* file
  tillWaterDrainFactor.type = pythonFlux
  tillWaterDrainFactor.module = twc
  tillWaterDrainFactor.function =  till_water_drain_factor

  def till_water_drain_factor(x,y,*etc):
    R2 = (240e+3)**2
    factor = 0.005
    fast_factor = 1.0e+3
    r2 = x**2 + y**2
    if (r2 < R2):
        factor = fast_factor

    return factor

A more sophisticated basal hydrology model is in development.

Coupling with the stress model

The thermodynamics model is coupled with the stress balance model through an (optional) temperature dependence of the rate factor that appear in Glen's Law etc ( A(T) ), through an (optional) similar factor in the basal traction that affects Weertman friction rules, and through a relationship between till water depth and effective pressure that affects Coulomb friction rules.

Englacial stress

See also

Basal stress (Weertman)

See also

Basal stress (Coulomb)

See also