NodeIntegrals.H File Reference

#include "LevelData.H"
#include "NodeFArrayBox.H"
#include "Vector.H"
#include "IntVectSet.H"
#include "NamespaceHeader.H"
#include "NamespaceFooter.H"

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Real integral (const NodeFArrayBox &a_nfab, const Real a_dx, const Box &a_subbox, const int a_startComp=0, const int a_numComp=1)
 Computes integral of a subbox of a NodeFArrayBox.
Real integral (const NodeFArrayBox &a_nfab, const Real a_dx, const int a_startComp=0, const int a_numComp=1)
 Computes integral of a NodeFArrayBox.
Real integral (const BoxLayoutData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_layout, const Real a_dx, const Interval &a_interval, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of a BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox>.
Real integral (const Vector< LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > * > &a_phi, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domain, const Vector< int > &a_nRefFine, const Real a_dxCrse, const Interval a_comps, const int a_lBase, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of multilevel array, counting only valid nodes at each level.
Real integral (const Vector< LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > * > &a_phi, const Vector< Box > &a_domain, const Vector< int > &a_nRefFine, const Real a_dxCrse, const Interval a_comps, const int a_lBase, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of multilevel array, counting only valid nodes at each level.
Real integral (const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phi, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_finerGridsPtr, const int a_nRefFine, const Real a_dx, const Interval a_comps, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.
Real integral (const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phi, const Box &a_domain, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_finerGridsPtr, const int a_nRefFine, const Real a_dx, const Interval a_comps, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.
Real integral (const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phi, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_finerGridsCoarsened, const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &a_IVSVext, const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened, const int a_nRefFine, const Real a_dx, const Interval a_comps, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.
Real integral (const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phi, const Box &a_domain, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_finerGridsCoarsened, const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &a_IVSVext, const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened, const int a_nRefFine, const Real a_dx, const Interval a_comps, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.
Real integral (const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phi, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &a_IVSVext, const Real a_dx, const Interval a_comps, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes, with no finer level.
Real integral (const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &a_phi, const Box &a_domain, const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &a_IVSVext, const Real a_dx, const Interval a_comps, bool a_verbose=true)
 Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes, with no finer level.

Function Documentation

Real integral ( const NodeFArrayBox a_nfab,
const Real  a_dx,
const Box a_subbox,
const int  a_startComp = 0,
const int  a_numComp = 1 

Computes integral of a subbox of a NodeFArrayBox.

Computes integral of the data in a subbox of a_nfab.

a_nfab  the data on which to take the integral
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_subbox  CELL-centered subbox over which to take integral
a_startComp  starting component
a_numComp  number of components

Real integral ( const NodeFArrayBox a_nfab,
const Real  a_dx,
const int  a_startComp = 0,
const int  a_numComp = 1 

Computes integral of a NodeFArrayBox.

Computes integral of the data in a_nfab.

a_nfab  the data on which to take the integral
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_startComp  starting component
a_numComp  number of components

Real integral ( const BoxLayoutData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_layout,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval a_interval,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of a BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox>.

Computes integral of a_layout. Ignores ghost cells for LevelData.

This is an internal function that should NOT normally be called by the user.

a_layout  the data on which to take the norm
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_interval  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const Vector< LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > * > &  a_phi,
const Vector< ProblemDomain > &  a_domain,
const Vector< int > &  a_nRefFine,
const Real  a_dxCrse,
const Interval  a_comps,
const int  a_lBase,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of multilevel array, counting only valid nodes at each level.

Computes integral of multilevel array a_phi. Only the valid nodes at each level are counted. The valid nodes at a level are those that are not covered by the interior of any finer level.

a_phi  multilevel data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_nRefFine  refinement ratios between successive levels
a_dxCrse  mesh spacing at base level a_lBase
a_comps  components to use in computing norm
a_lBase  index of base level to use in Vectors
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const Vector< LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > * > &  a_phi,
const Vector< Box > &  a_domain,
const Vector< int > &  a_nRefFine,
const Real  a_dxCrse,
const Interval  a_comps,
const int  a_lBase,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of multilevel array, counting only valid nodes at each level.

Computes integral of multilevel array a_phi. Only the valid nodes at each level are counted. The valid nodes at a level are those that are not covered by the interior of any finer level.

a_phi  multilevel data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_nRefFine  refinement ratios between successive levels
a_dxCrse  mesh spacing at base level a_lBase
a_comps  components to use in computing norm
a_lBase  index of base level to use in Vectors
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_phi,
const ProblemDomain a_domain,
const DisjointBoxLayout a_finerGridsPtr,
const int  a_nRefFine,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval  a_comps,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.

Computes integral of single-level array a_phi. Only the valid nodes at this level are counted. The valid nodes are the interior nodes of this level that are not projections of interior nodes of the finer level, if any.

This function computes exterior boundary nodes, and interior boundary nodes of the coarsened finer level, if any. It is more efficient to precompute these boundary-node objects and call one of the other integral functions below.

a_phi  the data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_finerGridsPtr  pointer to CELL-centered grids on the next finer level, or NULL if there is none.
a_nRefFine  refinement ratio to next finer level
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_comps  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_phi,
const Box a_domain,
const DisjointBoxLayout a_finerGridsPtr,
const int  a_nRefFine,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval  a_comps,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.

Computes integral of single-level array a_phi. Only the valid nodes at this level are counted. The valid nodes are the interior nodes of this level that are not projections of interior nodes of the finer level, if any.

This function computes exterior boundary nodes, and interior boundary nodes of the coarsened finer level, if any. It is more efficient to precompute these boundary-node objects and call one of the other integral functions below.

a_phi  the data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_finerGridsPtr  pointer to CELL-centered grids on the next finer level, or NULL if there is none.
a_nRefFine  refinement ratio to next finer level
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_comps  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_phi,
const ProblemDomain a_domain,
const DisjointBoxLayout a_finerGridsCoarsened,
const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &  a_IVSVext,
const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &  a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened,
const int  a_nRefFine,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval  a_comps,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.

Computes integral of single-level array a_phi. Only the valid nodes at this level are counted. The valid nodes are the interior nodes of this level that are not projections of interior nodes of the finer level, if any.

The a_IVSVext argument is obtained from the calls:
interiorBoundaryNodes(IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes(), a_domain);
exteriorBoundaryNodes(a_IVSVext, IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes();

The a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened argument is obtained from the call:
interiorBoundaryNodes(a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened, a_phi.getBoxes(), a_finerGridsCoarsened, a_domain);

a_phi  the data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_finerGridsCoarsened  CELL-centered grids on the next finer level
a_IVSVext  exterior boundary nodes of this level
a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened  interior boundary nodes of coarsened finer-level grids
a_nRefFine  refinement ratio to next finer level
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_comps  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_phi,
const Box a_domain,
const DisjointBoxLayout a_finerGridsCoarsened,
const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &  a_IVSVext,
const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &  a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened,
const int  a_nRefFine,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval  a_comps,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes.

Computes integral of single-level array a_phi. Only the valid nodes at this level are counted. The valid nodes are the interior nodes of this level that are not projections of interior nodes of the finer level, if any.

The a_IVSVext argument is obtained from the calls:
interiorBoundaryNodes(IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes(), a_domain);
exteriorBoundaryNodes(a_IVSVext, IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes();

The a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened argument is obtained from the call:
interiorBoundaryNodes(a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened, a_phi.getBoxes(), a_finerGridsCoarsened, a_domain);

a_phi  the data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_finerGridsCoarsened  CELL-centered grids on the next finer level
a_IVSVext  exterior boundary nodes of this level
a_IVSVintFinerCoarsened  interior boundary nodes of coarsened finer-level grids
a_nRefFine  refinement ratio to next finer level
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_comps  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_phi,
const ProblemDomain a_domain,
const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &  a_IVSVext,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval  a_comps,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes, with no finer level.

Computes integral of single-level array a_phi, where there is no finer level. Only the valid nodes at this level are counted. The valid nodes are the interior nodes of this level.

The a_IVSVext argument is obtained from the calls:
interiorBoundaryNodes(IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes(), a_domain);
exteriorBoundaryNodes(a_IVSVext, IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes();

a_phi  the data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_IVSVext  exterior boundary nodes of this level
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_comps  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

Real integral ( const LevelData< NodeFArrayBox > &  a_phi,
const Box a_domain,
const LayoutData< Vector< IntVectSet > > &  a_IVSVext,
const Real  a_dx,
const Interval  a_comps,
bool  a_verbose = true 

Computes integral of single-level array, counting only valid nodes, with no finer level.

Computes integral of single-level array a_phi, where there is no finer level. Only the valid nodes at this level are counted. The valid nodes are the interior nodes of this level.

The a_IVSVext argument is obtained from the calls:
interiorBoundaryNodes(IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes(), a_domain);
exteriorBoundaryNodes(a_IVSVext, IVSVint, a_phi.getBoxes();

a_phi  the data on which to take the norm
a_domain  CELL-centered physical domain on each level
a_IVSVext  exterior boundary nodes of this level
a_dx  mesh spacing at this level
a_comps  interval of components to use
a_verbose  verbosity, whether to print norms of each box

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