MeshRefine Class Reference

#include <MeshRefine.H>

Inheritance diagram for MeshRefine:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MeshRefine:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class which manages grid generation.

This class manages grid generation from sets of tagged cells. It is designed to be a pure virtual base class from which another class may be derived with a specific grid-generation algorithm (for example, the BRMeshRefine class).

There are two ways grids can be defined based on tagged cells. one takes a single IntVectSet of tags defined on the BaseLevel mesh and uses that set of tags for every level to be refined; the other takes a Vector<IntVectSet> of tags defined on all the mesh levels to be refined and uses those.

Long Description:

Create new meshes based on tagged cells on a range of levels of a mesh hierarchy. Each level of tagged cells is used to generate a new mesh at the next finer level. The finest level in the output mesh will be one level higher than the top of the range of levels given as input. As a special case, use the same tags (appropriately refined) for all levels.


Call the regrid functions after computing error estimates and tagging cells. To add a new mesh level, set TopLevel to the index of the finest level in the existing mesh and define tags on the finest level. To keep the existing number of mesh levels, set TopLevel to one less than the index of the finest level and don't define any tags on the finest level. If a single IntVectSet of tags is passed (instead of a Vector<IntVectSet>) then the same tags (properly refined) will be used for all the new meshes up to level TopLevel+1. In any case, the meshes at levels BaseLevel and below are not modified. The output argument newmeshes will be reallocated to the necessary size before being used. When this function returns, the elements of the newmeshes vector corresponding to the unchanged levels will be filled in with copies of the levels from the old mesh vector. The variable tags is modified in an undefined way, so its contents should not be relied upon. The variable BlockFactor specifies the amount by which each box will be coarsenable. Every grid box will have an integral multiple of BlockFactor cells in each dimension and also lower index values that are integral multiples. As a side effect, the minimum box size will be BlockFactor.

Expensive validations are done only when debugging is enabled (i.e. the DEBUG make variable is "TRUE").

Usage Notes:

All the input vectors should be defined with max index >= TopLevel. They should have values for indices [BaseLevel:TopLevel]. (except for OldMeshes, which must be defined for all indices). The new mesh vector newmeshes will be redefined up to index TopLevel+1. RefRatios should be defined such that RefRatios[L] is the value to use to refine the level L mesh to produce the level L+1 mesh. The tags vector is modified in an undefined manner. The output variable newmeshes may not be completely defined if an exception occurs. The BlockFactor can be used to force a minimum box size.

Public Member Functions

 MeshRefine ()
 default constructor -- leaves object in an unusable state
 MeshRefine (const Box &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize)
 full constructor -- leaves object in usable state
 MeshRefine (const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize)
 full constructor -- leaves object in usable state
virtual ~MeshRefine ()
void define (const Box &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize)
 define function -- size of RefRatios will define maximum number of levels
void define (const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize)
 define function -- size of RefRatios will define maximum number of levels
virtual int regrid (Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_newmeshes, const IntVectSet &a_tags, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_oldMeshes)
 create hierarchy of grids from a single level of tags
virtual int regrid (Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_newmeshes, Vector< IntVectSet > &a_tags, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_oldMeshes)
 create hierarchy of grids from tags at all levels
const Vector< int > & refRatios () const
 returns vector of refinement ratios
Real fillRatio () const
 returns fillRatio
int blockFactor () const
 returns blocking factor
int bufferSize () const
 returns proper nesting buffer size
int maxSize () const
 returns maximum box size in any dimension -- 0 means no limit
void refRatios (const Vector< int > &a_nRefVect)
 sets vector of refinement ratios
void fillRatio (const Real a_fill_ratio)
 sets fillRatio
void blockFactor (const int a_block_factor)
 sets blocking factor
void bufferSize (const int a_buffer_size)
 sets proper nesting buffer size
void maxSize (const int a_max_size)
 sets maximum box size in any dimension -- 0 means no limit
bool isDefined () const
 has this object been defined properly?
void granularity (int a_granularity)
 sets proper nesting region granularity.
virtual void makeBoxes (Vector< Box > &a_mesh, const IntVectSet &a_tags, const IntVectSet &a_pnd, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int a_maxSize, const int a_totalBufferSize) const =0
 constructs a set of boxes which covers a set of tagged cells
void setPNDMode (int a_mode)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void computeLocalBlockFactors ()
 computes local blockFactors used internally to enforce the BlockFactor
bool properlyNested (const Box &a_box, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const IntVectSet &a_pnd, int a_totalBuffer) const
virtual void makePNDs (Vector< IntVectSet > &a_pnds, Vector< int > &a_totalBufferSize, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains, const IntVectSet &a_baseMesh, const Vector< int > &a_bufferSize) const
 Computes proper nesting domains.
virtual void makePNDs (Vector< IntVectSet > &a_pnds, Vector< int > &a_totalBufferSize, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains, const Vector< Box > &a_baseMesh, const Vector< int > &a_bufferSize) const

Protected Attributes

bool m_isDefined
Vector< ProblemDomainm_vectDomains
Vector< IntVectSetm_pnds
int m_lastBase
int m_lastTop
int m_lastBuffer
Vector< int > m_nRefVect
Real m_fillRatio
int m_blockFactor
Vector< int > m_level_blockfactors
int m_bufferSize
int m_maxSize
int m_granularity
int m_PNDMode

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MeshRefine::MeshRefine (  ) 

default constructor -- leaves object in an unusable state

MeshRefine::MeshRefine ( const Box a_baseDomain,
const Vector< int > &  a_refRatios,
const Real  a_fillRatio,
const int  a_blockFactor,
const int  a_bufferSize,
const int  a_maxSize 

full constructor -- leaves object in usable state

a_baseDomain  level 0 domain
a_refRatios  refinement ratios -- refRatio[0] is btwn levels 0 and 1
a_fillRatio  measure of how efficiently tagged cells will be covered
a_blockFactor  amount by which grids are guaranteed to be coarsenable
a_bufferSize  proper nesting buffer amount
a_maxSize  maximum grid length in any direction -- 0 means no limit.

MeshRefine::MeshRefine ( const ProblemDomain a_baseDomain,
const Vector< int > &  a_refRatios,
const Real  a_fillRatio,
const int  a_blockFactor,
const int  a_bufferSize,
const int  a_maxSize 

full constructor -- leaves object in usable state

a_baseDomain  level 0 domain
a_refRatios  refinement ratios -- refRatio[0] is btwn levels 0 and 1
a_fillRatio  measure of how efficiently tagged cells will be covered
a_blockFactor  amount by which grids are guaranteed to be coarsenable
a_bufferSize  proper nesting buffer amount
a_maxSize  maximum grid length in any direction -- 0 means no limit.

virtual MeshRefine::~MeshRefine (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void MeshRefine::define ( const Box a_baseDomain,
const Vector< int > &  a_refRatios,
const Real  a_fillRatio,
const int  a_blockFactor,
const int  a_bufferSize,
const int  a_maxSize 

define function -- size of RefRatios will define maximum number of levels

a_baseDomain  level 0 domain
a_refRatios  refinement ratios -- refRatio[0] is btwn levels 0 and 1
a_fillRatio  measure of how efficiently tagged cells will be covered
a_blockFactor  amount by which grids are guaranteed to be coarsenable
a_bufferSize  proper nesting buffer amount
a_maxSize  maximum grid length in any direction -- 0 means no limit

Reimplemented in BRMeshRefine.

void MeshRefine::define ( const ProblemDomain a_baseDomain,
const Vector< int > &  a_refRatios,
const Real  a_fillRatio,
const int  a_blockFactor,
const int  a_bufferSize,
const int  a_maxSize 

define function -- size of RefRatios will define maximum number of levels

a_baseDomain  level 0 domain
a_refRatios  refinement ratios -- refRatio[0] is btwn levels 0 and 1
a_fillRatio  measure of how efficiently tagged cells will be covered
a_blockFactor  amount by which grids are guaranteed to be coarsenable
a_bufferSize  proper nesting buffer amount
a_maxSize  maximum grid length in any direction -- 0 means no limit

Reimplemented in BRMeshRefine.

virtual int MeshRefine::regrid ( Vector< Vector< Box > > &  a_newmeshes,
const IntVectSet a_tags,
const int  a_baseLevel,
const int  a_topLevel,
const Vector< Vector< Box > > &  a_oldMeshes 
) [virtual]

create hierarchy of grids from a single level of tags

This function creates a hierarchy of grids from a single level of tags on BaseLevel. If tags exist, then all levels will have grids. Returns the new finest level of grids.

a_newmeshes  new set of grids at every level
a_tags  tagged cells on baseLevel
a_baseLevel  index of base mesh level (finest unchanged level)
a_topLevel  top level to refine (one less than finest possible level)
a_oldMeshes  existing grids (if no previous grids, set to domains)

virtual int MeshRefine::regrid ( Vector< Vector< Box > > &  a_newmeshes,
Vector< IntVectSet > &  a_tags,
const int  a_baseLevel,
const int  a_topLevel,
const Vector< Vector< Box > > &  a_oldMeshes 
) [virtual]

create hierarchy of grids from tags at all levels

This function creates a hierarchy of grids from tags at all refinement levels. It is possible that not all levels will return with grids, since there may not be tags at all levels. Returns the new finest level of grids.

a_newmeshes  new set of grids at every level
a_tags  tagged cells on each existing level
a_baseLevel  index of base mesh level (finest unchanged level)
a_topLevel  top level to refine (one less than finest possible level)
a_oldMeshes  existing grids (if no previous grids, set to domains)

const Vector<int>& MeshRefine::refRatios (  )  const

returns vector of refinement ratios

Real MeshRefine::fillRatio (  )  const

returns fillRatio

int MeshRefine::blockFactor (  )  const

returns blocking factor

int MeshRefine::bufferSize (  )  const

returns proper nesting buffer size

int MeshRefine::maxSize (  )  const

returns maximum box size in any dimension -- 0 means no limit

void MeshRefine::refRatios ( const Vector< int > &  a_nRefVect  ) 

sets vector of refinement ratios

void MeshRefine::fillRatio ( const Real  a_fill_ratio  ) 

sets fillRatio

void MeshRefine::blockFactor ( const int  a_block_factor  ) 

sets blocking factor

void MeshRefine::bufferSize ( const int  a_buffer_size  ) 

sets proper nesting buffer size

void MeshRefine::maxSize ( const int  a_max_size  ) 

sets maximum box size in any dimension -- 0 means no limit

bool MeshRefine::isDefined (  )  const

has this object been defined properly?

void MeshRefine::granularity ( int  a_granularity  ) 

sets proper nesting region granularity.

virtual void MeshRefine::makeBoxes ( Vector< Box > &  a_mesh,
const IntVectSet a_tags,
const IntVectSet a_pnd,
const ProblemDomain a_domain,
const int  a_maxSize,
const int  a_totalBufferSize 
) const [pure virtual]

constructs a set of boxes which covers a set of tagged cells

constructs a set of boxes which covers a set of tagged cells by using the algorithm of choice. Everything should be on the same level, and blocking factor is not applied. Boxes will be on the same refinement level as the tags. This would normally be a protected function, but it can be useful to call it on its own, so it has been left public.

a_mesh  output: refined boxes at each new level
a_tags  input: set of tagged cells to cover
a_pnd  input: proper nesting domain in which mesh boxes must live
a_domain  input: physical domain
a_maxSize  input: largest number of cells in any dimension for any box

Implemented in BRMeshRefine.

void MeshRefine::setPNDMode ( int  a_mode  ) 

virtual void MeshRefine::computeLocalBlockFactors (  )  [protected, virtual]

computes local blockFactors used internally to enforce the BlockFactor

This function computes values for m_local_blockfactors array, which is the amount that tags on a level are coarsened in order to guarantee that the grids on the next finer level are coarsenable by the BlockFactor.

bool MeshRefine::properlyNested ( const Box a_box,
const ProblemDomain a_domain,
const IntVectSet a_pnd,
int  a_totalBuffer 
) const [protected]

virtual void MeshRefine::makePNDs ( Vector< IntVectSet > &  a_pnds,
Vector< int > &  a_totalBufferSize,
const int  a_baseLevel,
const int  a_topLevel,
const Vector< ProblemDomain > &  a_domains,
const IntVectSet a_baseMesh,
const Vector< int > &  a_bufferSize 
) const [protected, virtual]

Computes proper nesting domains.

This should only be called by refine. it assumes that everything has already been coarsened by the local blocking factor

a_pnds  output: proper nesting domains at each level
a_baseLevel  input: index of highest AMR level not to be refined
a_topLevel  input: index of highest AMR level in output
a_domains  input: (same as in meshRefine)
a_baseMesh  input: boxes at mesh level BaseLevel
a_bufferSize  input: (similar to meshRefine; but with level-dependent coarsening factors)

virtual void MeshRefine::makePNDs ( Vector< IntVectSet > &  a_pnds,
Vector< int > &  a_totalBufferSize,
const int  a_baseLevel,
const int  a_topLevel,
const Vector< ProblemDomain > &  a_domains,
const Vector< Box > &  a_baseMesh,
const Vector< int > &  a_bufferSize 
) const [protected, virtual]

a_pnds  output: proper nesting domains at each level
a_baseLevel  input: index of highest AMR level not to be refined
a_topLevel  input: index of highest AMR level in output
a_domains  input: (same as in meshRefine)
a_baseMesh  input: boxes at mesh level BaseLevel
a_bufferSize  input: (similar to meshRefine; but with level-dependent coarsening factors)

Member Data Documentation

bool MeshRefine::m_isDefined [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_lastBase [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_lastTop [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_lastBuffer [protected]

Vector<int> MeshRefine::m_nRefVect [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_blockFactor [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_bufferSize [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_maxSize [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_granularity [protected]

int MeshRefine::m_PNDMode [protected]

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