Chombo + EB  3.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifdef CH_LANG_CC
2 /*
3  * _______ __
4  * / ___/ / ___ __ _ / / ___
5  * / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ V \/ _ \/ _ \
6  * \___/_//_/\___/_/_/_/_.__/\___/
7  * Please refer to Copyright.txt, in Chombo's root directory.
8  */
9 #endif
11 #ifndef _PROBLEMDOMAIN_H_
12 #define _PROBLEMDOMAIN_H_
14 #ifndef WRAPPER
15 #include <iostream>
17 #include "Vector.H"
18 #include "IntVect.H"
19 #include "Box.H"
20 #include "Misc.H"
21 #endif
23 #include "SPACE.H"
24 #include "NamespaceHeader.H"
26 /// Class to manage box-shifting used to enforce periodic BC's
27 /** The ShiftIterator class contains a list of shift vectors necessary
28  to enforce periodic boundary conditions (enforced by shifting the
29  Box of each Fab, then copying any overlapping valid cells with
30  ghost cells of the shifted Fab. Depending on the number of periodic
31  directions, the list of shift vectors over which to iterate differs.
32 */
34 {
35 public:
36  /// Basic constructor
37  ShiftIterator();
39  /// Defining Constructor
40  /**
41  Builds a ShiftIterator based on the periodicity in
42  \em a_isPeriodic
43  */
44  ShiftIterator(const bool* a_isPeriodic);
46  /// Copy constructor
47  ShiftIterator(const ShiftIterator& a_shiftIt);
49  /// Destructor
52  /// Assignment operator
53  ShiftIterator& operator=(const ShiftIterator& a_src);
55  /// Recompute shift vectors based on periodic directions
56  void computeShifts(const bool* a_isPeriodic);
58  /// Returns the current shift unit vector
59  inline IntVect operator()() const;
61  /// Equivalent to the () operator
62  IntVect i() const
63  {
64  return this->operator()();
65  }
66  /// Increment to the next shift unit vector
67  inline void operator++();
69  /// Equivalent to the ++ operator
70  void incr()
71  {
72  ++(*this);
73  }
75  /// Is the iterator still within its range of shift vectors?
76  inline bool ok() const;
78  ///which periodic image is this
79  int index() const
80  {
81  return m_index;
82  }
84  const IntVect& operator[](int index) const
85  {
86  return m_shift_vectors[index];
87  }
88  /// Reset to first shift unit vector
89  inline void reset();
91  /// Equivalent to reset()
92  inline void begin();
94  /// Skip the iterator to the end.
95  /**
96  ok() will return false after this method is called.
97  */
98  void end();
100 private:
102  int m_index;
106 };
108 /// A class to facilitate interaction with physical boundary conditions
109 /**
111  ProblemDomain is a class which facilitates the application of physical
112  boundary conditions, both periodic and non-periodic. This class contains
113  much of the functionality of the Box class, since logically the
114  computational domain is generally a Box.
116  Intersection with a ProblemDomain object will result in only removing
117  regions which are outside the physical domain in non-periodic directions.
118  Regions outside the logical computational domain in periodic directions will
119  be treated as ghost cells which can be filled with an exchange() function
120  or through suitable interpolation from a coarser domain.
122  Since ProblemDomain will contain a Box, it is a dimension dependent class,
123  so SpaceDim must be defined as either 1, 2, or 3 when compiling.
125  Note that this implementation of ProblemDomain is inherently
126  cell-centered.
128 */
131 {
132 public:
134  // Constructors
136  /// The default constructor. The constructed domain box is empty.
137  /**
138  */
139  ProblemDomain ();
141  /// Construct ProblemDomain with \em a_domBox as computational domain
142  /**
143  This constructor defaults to non-periodic domain
144  */
145  ProblemDomain(const Box& a_domBox);
147  /// Construct ProblemDomain with a_domBox as computational domain.
148  /**
149  \em a_isPeriodic is a SpaceDim array of bools; if true, the
150  physical boundary condition is periodic in the coordinate direction.
151  False means a non-periodic BC.
152  */
153  ProblemDomain(const Box& a_domBox, const bool* a_isPeriodic);
155  /// Construct a ProblemDomain.
156  /**
157  It is an error if small is greater than big.
158  Defaults to non-periodic domain.
159  */
160  ProblemDomain (const IntVect& small,
161  const IntVect& big);
163  /// Construct a ProblemDomain.
164  /**
165  It is an error if small is greater than big.
166  \em a_isPeriodic is a SpaceDim array of bools; if true, the
167  physical boundary condition is periodic in the coordinate direction.
168  False means a non-periodic BC.
169  */
170  ProblemDomain (const IntVect& small,
171  const IntVect& big,
172  const bool* a_isPeriodic);
174  /// Construct ProblemDomain with specified lengths.
175  /**
176  It is an error if the lengths are negative.
177  Defaults to non-periodic domain.
178  */
179  ProblemDomain (const IntVect& small,
180  const int* vec_len);
182  /// Construct ProblemDomain with specified lengths.
183  /**
184  It is an error if the lengths are negative.
185  \em a_isPeriodic is a SpaceDim array of bools; if true, the
186  physical boundary condition is periodic in the coordinate direction.
187  False means a non-periodic BC.
188  */
189  ProblemDomain (const IntVect& small,
190  const int* vec_len,
191  const bool* a_isPeriodic);
193  /// The copy constructor.
194  /**
195  */
196  ProblemDomain (const ProblemDomain& a_src);
198  /// Construct ProblemDomain with \em a_domBox as computational domain
199  /**
200  This constructor defaults to non-periodic domain
201  */
202  void define(const Box& a_domBox);
204  /// Construct ProblemDomain with a_domBox as computational domain.
205  /**
206  \em a_isPeriodic is a SpaceDim array of bools; if true, the
207  physical boundary condition is periodic in the coordinate direction.
208  False means a non-periodic BC.
209  */
210  void define(const Box& a_domBox, const bool* a_isPeriodic);
212  /// Construct a ProblemDomain.
213  /**
214  It is an error if small is greater than big.
215  Defaults to non-periodic domain.
216  */
217  void define (const IntVect& small,
218  const IntVect& big);
220  /// Construct a ProblemDomain.
221  /**
222  It is an error if small is greater than big.
223  \em a_isPeriodic is a SpaceDim array of bools; if true, the
224  physical boundary condition is periodic in the coordinate direction.
225  False means a non-periodic BC.
226  */
227  void define (const IntVect& small,
228  const IntVect& big,
229  const bool* a_isPeriodic);
231  /// Construct ProblemDomain with specified lengths.
232  /**
233  It is an error if the lengths are negative.
234  Defaults to non-periodic domain.
235  */
236  void define (const IntVect& small,
237  const int* vec_len);
239  /// Construct ProblemDomain with specified lengths.
240  /**
241  It is an error if the lengths are negative.
242  \em a_isPeriodic is a SpaceDim array of bools; if true, the
243  physical boundary condition is periodic in the coordinate direction.
244  False means a non-periodic BC.
245  */
246  void define (const IntVect& small,
247  const int* vec_len,
248  const bool* a_isPeriodic);
250  /// The copy constructor.
251  /**
252  */
253  void define (const ProblemDomain& a_src);
255  // Accessors
257  /// Returns the logical computational domain
258  /**
259  */
260  const Box& domainBox() const;
262  /// Returns true if BC is periodic in direction a_dir
263  /**
264  */
265  bool isPeriodic(int a_dir) const;
267  /// Returns true is BC is periodic in _any_ direction
268  /**
269  */
270  bool isPeriodic() const;
272  /// Returns the shiftIterator for this ProblemDomain
273  /**
274  The shiftIterator is defined based on the periodicity of this
275  ProblemDomain.
276  */
277  ShiftIterator shiftIterator() const;
279  /// Returns true if this ProblemDomain is empty or undefined.
280  /**
281  */
282  bool isEmpty () const;
284  /// Return the size of the domainBox in the specified coordinate direction.
285  /**
286  */
287  int size (const int& a_idir) const;
289  /// Return the size of the domainBox.
290  /**
291  */
292  IntVect size () const;
294  /// Returns true if argument is contained within this ProblemDomain.
295  /**
296  An empty ProblemDomain does not contain and is not contained by
297  any ProblemDomain, including itself. Note also that in a periodic
298  Direction, any index is valid, since the domain is infinite in that
299  direction.
300  */
301  bool contains (const IntVect& p) const;
303  /// Returns the periodic image of this IntVect inside of the ProblemDomain.
304  /**
305  Return true if the domain contains this IntVect, returning the image
306  in 'p', otherwise returns false
307  */
308  bool image (IntVect& p) const;
310  /// Returns true if argument is contained within this ProblemDomain.
311  /**
312  An empty ProblemDomain does not contain any Box. An entirely periodic
313  domain contains any Box.
314  */
315  bool contains (const Box& b) const;
317  /// Equivalent to \em contains() function.
318  bool contains_box(const Box& b) const
319  {
320  return contains(b);
321  }
323  /// Returns true if this ProblemDomain and the argument intersect.
324  /**
325  It is an error if a_box is not cell-centered.
326  An empty ProblemDomain does not intersect any Box.
327  This will do nothing in periodic directions (since a periodic domain
328  is infinite in the periodic direction. If periodic in all dimensions,
329  this will always return true.
330  */
331  bool intersects (const Box& a_box) const;
333  /// Returns true if this ProblemDomain and the argument intersect.
334  /**
335  It is an error if a_box is not cell-centered.
336  This routine does not perform the check to see if *this or b are
337  empty Boxes. It is the callers responsibility to ensure that
338  this never happens. If you are unsure, the use the .intersects(..)
339  routine. In periodic directions, will always return true.
341  */
342  bool intersectsNotEmpty (const Box& a_box) const;
344  /// Returns true if this argument is adjacent to a periodic boundary
345  /**
346  */
347  bool periodicAdjacent(const Box& a_box) const;
349  ///
350  /**
351  */
352  void insertImages(std::list<Box>& a_list, const Box& a_box) const;
355  /// Returns true if box1 and box2 or any of their periodic images intersect
356  /**
357  (useful for checking disjointness)
358  */
359  bool intersects(const Box& box1, const Box& box2) const;
361  /// Returns true if the two domain are equivalent
362  /**
363  */
364  bool operator== (const ProblemDomain& a_otherDomain) const;
366  /// Returns true if the two domain are not equivalent
367  /**
368  */
369  bool operator!= (const ProblemDomain& a_otherDomain) const;
371  /// Modifies a_box to be the intersection of a_box and \em a_probdomain
372  /**
373  */
374  friend void operator &=(Box& a_box, const ProblemDomain& a_probdomain);
376  /// Returns a Box which is the interesection of a_box and \em a_probdomain
377  /**
378  */
379  friend Box operator & (const Box& a_box, const ProblemDomain& a_probdomain);
381  // Modification Functions
383  /// The assignment operator.
384  /**
385  */
388  /// Sets whether BC is periodic in direction a_dir (true == periodic)
389  /**
390  */
391  void setPeriodic(int a_dir, bool a_isPeriodic);
393  /// Grows (or shrinks) the domain Box by i in all directions
394  /**
395  */
396  inline ProblemDomain& grow (int i);
398  /// Returns a ProblemDomain with a domainBox grown by the given amount
399  /**
400  */
401  friend inline ProblemDomain grow(const ProblemDomain& pd,
402  int i);
404  /// Grow this ProblemDomain
405  /**
406  Modifies this ProblemDomain by growing the domainBox in each
407  direction by the specified amount
408  */
409  inline ProblemDomain& grow(const IntVect& v);
411  /// Returns a grown version of \em pd.
412  /**
413  Returns a ProblemDomain that is the argument ProblemDomain
414  with a DomainBox grown by the given amount.
415  */
416  friend inline ProblemDomain grow (const ProblemDomain& pd,
417  const IntVect& v);
419  /// Grow this ProblemDomain
420  /**
421  Modifies this ProblemDomain by growing it on the low and high end
422  by n_cell cells in direction idir.
423  */
424  inline ProblemDomain& grow(int idir, int n_cell);
426  /// Grow this ProblemDomain on the low side
427  /**
428  Modifies this ProblemDomain by growing it on the low end by n_cell
429  cells in direction idir.
430  */
431  inline ProblemDomain& growLo(int idir, int n_cell=1);
433  /// Grow this ProblemDomain on the high side
434  /** Modifies this ProblemDomain by growing it on the high end by n_Cell
435  cells in direction idir
436  */
437  inline ProblemDomain& growHi(int idir, int n_cell=1);
439  /// Returns a face-centered Box at the low side of \em a_pd
440  /**
441  Returns the edge-centered Box (in direction \em a_dir) defining
442  the low side of the argument ProblemDomain. The output Box will
443  have the given length in the given direction. Directions are
444  zero-based. It is an error if not 0 <= dir < SpaceDim. The neighbor
445  of an Empty ProblemDomain is an Empty Box of the appropriate type.
446  If \em a_dir is a periodic direction, will return an empty Box.
447  */
448  friend Box bdryLo (const ProblemDomain& a_pd,
449  int a_dir,
450  int a_len=1);
452  /// Returns a face-centered Box at the high side of \em a_pd
453  /**
454  Returns the edge-centered Box (in direction \em a_dir) defining the
455  high side of the argument ProblemDomain. The return Box will have the
456  given length in the given direction. Directions are zero-based.
457  It is an error if not 0 <= dir < SpaceDim. The neighbor of an
458  Empty ProblemDomain is an Empty Box of the appropriate type.
459  If \em a_dir is a periodic direction, will return an empty Box.
460  */
461  friend Box bdryHi (const ProblemDomain& a_pd,
462  int a_dir,
463  int a_len=1);
465  /// Returns the cell-centered Box adjacent to the low side of \em a_pd.
466  /**
467  Returns the cell centered Box of the given length adjacent to the
468  argument ProblemDomain on the low end along the given coordinate direction.
469  The return Box is identical to the argument ProblemDomain in the other
470  directions. The return ProblemDomain and the argument ProblemDomain
471  have an empty intersection.
473  \b NOTES:
474  - len >= 1.
475  - Box retval = adjCellLo(b,dir,len) is equivalent to the following set of
476  operations:
477  \code
478  Box retval(b);
480  retval.convert(dir,ProblemDomain::CELL);
482  retval.setrange(dir,retval.smallEnd(dir)-len,len);
483  \endcode
485  Directions are zero-based. It is an error if not 0 <= dir <
486  SpaceDim. The neighbor of an Empty ProblemDomain is an Empty Box of the
487  appropriate type. If \em a_dir is a periodic direction, will return
488  an empty Box as well.
490  */
491  friend Box adjCellLo (const ProblemDomain& a_pd,
492  int a_dir,
493  int a_len=1);
495  /// Returns the cell-centered Box adjacent to the low side of \em a_pd.
496  /**
497  Returns the cell centered Box of the given length adjacent to the
498  argument ProblemDomain on the high end along the given coordinate
499  direction. The return Box is identical to the argument ProblemDomain in
500  the other directions. The return Box and the argument ProblemDomain have
501  an empty intersection.
503  \b NOTES:
504  - len >= 1.
506  - Box retval = adjCellHi(b,dir,len) is equivalent to the
507  following set of operations:
508  \code
509  Box retval(b);
511  retval.convert(dir,ProblemDomain::CELL);
513  retval.setrange(dir,retval.bigEnd(dir)+1,len);
514  \endcode
516  Directions are zero-based. It is an error if not 0 <= dir <
517  SpaceDim. The neighbor of an Empty ProblemDomain is an Empty Box of the
518  appropriate type. If \em a_dir is a periodic direction, will return
519  an empty Box.
521  */
522  friend Box adjCellHi (const ProblemDomain& a_pd,
523  int a_dir,
524  int a_len=1);
526  // Intersection functions
528  /// Returns the Box intersection of this ProblemDomain and \em a_b
529  /**
530  The intersection of the Empty ProblemDomain and any Box is the Empty
531  Box. This operator does nothing in periodic directions (since
532  a periodic domain is an infinite domain).
534  */
535  Box operator& (const Box& a_b) const;
537  // refinement
539  /// Refine this problem domain.
540  /**
541  Modifies this ProblemDomain by refining it by given (positive) refinement
542  ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is not modified by this function.
543  */
544  ProblemDomain& refine (int a_refinement_ratio);
546  /// Return a ProblemDomain which is a refinement of \em a_probdomain
547  /**
548  Returns a ProblemDomain that is the argument ProblemDomain refined by
549  given (positive) refinement ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is not
550  modified by this function.
551  */
552  friend ProblemDomain refine (const ProblemDomain& a_probdomain,
553  int a_refinement_ratio);
555  /// Refine this ProblemDomain
556  /**
557  Modifies this ProblemDomain by refining it by given (positive) refinement
558  ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is not modified by this function.
559  */
560  ProblemDomain& refine (const IntVect& a_refinement_ratio);
562  /// Refinement function
563  /**
564  Returns a ProblemDomain that is the argument ProblemDomain refined
565  by given (positive) refinement ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is
566  not modified by this function.
568  */
569  friend ProblemDomain refine (const ProblemDomain& a_probdomain,
570  const IntVect& a_refinement_ratio);
572  // coarsening
574  /// Coarsen this ProblemDomain
575  /**
576  Modifies this ProblemDomain by coarsening it by given (positive)
577  refinement ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is not modified by
578  this function.
579  */
581  ProblemDomain& coarsen (int a_refinement_ratio);
583  /// Coarsening function
584  /**
585  Returns a ProblemDomain that is the argument ProblemDomain coarsened
586  by given (positive) refinement ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is not
587  modified by this function.
588  */
589  friend ProblemDomain coarsen (const ProblemDomain& a_probdomain,
590  int a_refinement_ratio);
592  /// Coarsen this ProblemDomain
593  /**
594  Modifies this ProblemDomain by coarsening by given (positive) refinement
595  ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is not modified by this function.
596  */
597  ProblemDomain& coarsen (const IntVect& refinement_ratio);
599  /// Coarsening function
600  /**
601  Returns a ProblemDomain that is the argument ProblemDomain coarsened
602  by given (positive) refinement ratio. The Empty ProblemDomain is
603  not modified by this function.
605  */
606  friend ProblemDomain coarsen (const ProblemDomain& a_probdomain,
607  const IntVect& a_refinement_ratio);
610  ///
611  void shift(const IntVect& a_shift)
612  {
613  m_domainBox.shift(a_shift);
614  }
615  // I/O Functions
617  /// Write an ASCII representation to the ostream.
618  /**
619  */
620  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os,
621  const ProblemDomain& bx);
623  /// Read from istream.
624  /**
625  */
626  friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is,
627  ProblemDomain& bx);
629  void shiftIt(Box& a_box, int shiftIndex) const ;
630  void unshiftIt(Box& a_box, int shiftIndex) const ;
631  /// Gives more detail than printOn.
632  /**
633  Useful for exiting due to an error.
634  */
635  void dumpOn (std::ostream& strm) const;
638 protected:
639  friend class HDF5Handle;
641  /**
642  Periodicity info
643  */
644  bool m_isPeriodic[SpaceDim];
646  /**
647  Domain index extents
648  */
651  /**
652  Shift iterator for this ProblemDomain
653  */
655 };
658 {
659 public:
660  ImageIterator(const ProblemDomain& a_domain)
661  {
662  define(a_domain);
663  }
665  void define(const ProblemDomain& a_domain);
667  void begin(const Box& a_box)
668  {
669  m_counter=-1;
670  m_box = a_box;
671  this->operator++();
672  }
674  void operator++();
676  bool ok()
677  {
678  return m_shifter[m_counter] != IntVect::Zero;
679  }
681  const Box& box() const
682  {
683  return m_current;
684  }
686  const ProblemDomain& domain() const
687  {
688  return m_domain;
689  }
691  void checkDefine(const ProblemDomain& a_domain)
692  {
693  if (!(m_domain == a_domain)) define(a_domain);
694  }
696 protected:
698  Box m_quadrant[D_TERM6(3,*3,*3,*3,*3,*3)];
699  IntVect m_shifter[D_TERM6(3,*3,*3,*3,*3,*3)];
703 };
705 //
706 // Inlines.
707 //
708 #ifndef WRAPPER
710 inline
712  : m_index(100), m_shift_vectors()
713 {
714 }
716 inline
718 {
719  m_index = a_src.m_index;
721 }
723 inline
726 {
727  m_index = a_src.m_index;
729  return *this;
730 }
732 inline
733 IntVect
735 {
736  CH_assert(ok());
737  return m_shift_vectors[m_index];
738 }
740 inline
741 void
743 {
744  m_index++;
745 }
747 inline
748 bool
750 {
751  return (m_index < m_shift_vectors.size());
752 }
754 inline
755 void
757 {
758  m_index = 0;
759 }
761 inline
762 void
764 {
765  m_index = 0;
766 }
768 inline
769 void
771 {
773 }
775 inline
777 {
778  // default is a non-periodic domain
779  for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
780  {
781  m_isPeriodic[dir] = false;
782  }
784 }
786 inline
788  : m_domainBox(b.m_domainBox), m_shiftIt(b.m_shiftIt)
789 {
790  for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
791  {
792  m_isPeriodic[dir] = b.m_isPeriodic[dir];
793  }
794 }
796 inline void
799 {
801  m_shiftIt = (b.m_shiftIt);
802  for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
803  {
804  m_isPeriodic[dir] = b.m_isPeriodic[dir];
805  }
806 }
808 inline
809 bool
810 ProblemDomain::operator== (const ProblemDomain& a_otherDomain) const
811 {
812  bool result = true;
814  if (m_domainBox != a_otherDomain.m_domainBox)
815  {
816  result = false;
817  }
818  else
819  {
820  for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
821  {
822  if (m_isPeriodic[dir] != a_otherDomain.m_isPeriodic[dir])
823  {
824  result = false;
825  break;
826  }
827  }
828  }
830  return result;
831 }
833 inline
834 bool
835 ProblemDomain::operator!= (const ProblemDomain& a_otherDomain) const
836 {
837  return !(*this == a_otherDomain);
838 }
840 inline
843 {
845  for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
846  {
847  m_isPeriodic[dir] = b.m_isPeriodic[dir];
848  }
849  m_shiftIt = b.m_shiftIt;
850  return *this;
851 }
853 inline void
854 ProblemDomain::shiftIt(Box& a_box, int a_shiftIndex) const
855 {
856  a_box.shift(m_shiftIt[a_shiftIndex]*m_domainBox.size());
857 }
859 inline void
860 ProblemDomain::unshiftIt(Box& a_box, int a_shiftIndex) const
861 {
862  a_box.shift(- m_shiftIt[a_shiftIndex]*m_domainBox.size());
863 }
866 inline
867 const Box&
869 {
870  return m_domainBox;
871 }
873 inline
874 bool
876 {
877  return m_isPeriodic[a_dir];
878 }
880 inline
881 bool
883 {
884  return D_TERM6(m_isPeriodic[0], ||
885  m_isPeriodic[1], ||
886  m_isPeriodic[2], ||
887  m_isPeriodic[3], ||
888  m_isPeriodic[4], ||
889  m_isPeriodic[5]);
890 }
892 inline
895 {
896  m_domainBox.grow(i);
897  return *this;
898 }
900 inline
902 grow(const ProblemDomain& pd, int i)
903 {
904  ProblemDomain newPd(pd);
905  newPd.grow(i);
906  return newPd;
907 }
909 inline
912 {
913  m_domainBox.grow(v);
914  return *this;
915 }
917 inline
919 grow(const ProblemDomain& pd, const IntVect& v)
920 {
921  ProblemDomain newPd(pd);
922  newPd.grow(v);
923  return newPd;
924 }
926 inline
928 ProblemDomain::grow(int idir, int n_cell)
929 {
930  m_domainBox.grow(idir, n_cell);
931  return *this;
932 }
934 inline
936 ProblemDomain::growLo(int idir, int n_cell)
937 {
938  m_domainBox.growLo(idir, n_cell);
939  return *this;
940 }
942 inline
944 ProblemDomain::growHi(int idir, int n_cell)
945 {
946  m_domainBox.growHi(idir, n_cell);
947  return *this;
948 }
950 inline
953 {
954  return m_shiftIt;
955 }
957 inline
958 bool
960 {
961  return (m_domainBox.isEmpty());
962 }
964 inline
965 int
966 ProblemDomain::size (const int& a_idir) const
967 {
968  return (m_domainBox.size(a_idir));
969 }
971 inline
972 IntVect
974 {
975  return (m_domainBox.size());
976 }
978 inline
979 bool
981 {
983  // boy is this ugly!
984  return ( !isEmpty()
985  && (D_TERM6((m_isPeriodic[0]
986  || ( p[0] >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(0)
987  && p[0] <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (0))),
988  && (m_isPeriodic[1]
989  || ( p[1] >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(1)
990  && p[1] <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (1))),
991  && (m_isPeriodic[2]
992  || ( p[2] >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(2)
993  && p[2] <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (2))),
994  && (m_isPeriodic[3]
995  || ( p[3] >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(3)
996  && p[3] <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (3))),
997  && (m_isPeriodic[4]
998  || ( p[4] >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(4)
999  && p[4] <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (4))),
1000  && (m_isPeriodic[5]
1001  || ( p[5] >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(5)
1002  && p[5] <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (5))))));
1003 }
1005 inline
1006 bool
1008 {
1009  if (m_domainBox.contains(p)) return true;
1010  if (!contains(p)) return false;
1012  D_TERM6(
1013  if (m_isPeriodic[0])
1014  {
1015  if (p[0]<m_domainBox.smallEnd(0)) p[0]+= m_domainBox.size(0);
1016  else if (p[0]>m_domainBox.bigEnd(0)) p[0]-= m_domainBox.size(0);
1017  },
1018  if (m_isPeriodic[1])
1019  {
1020  if (p[1]<m_domainBox.smallEnd(1)) p[1]+= m_domainBox.size(1);
1021  else if (p[1]>m_domainBox.bigEnd(1)) p[1]-= m_domainBox.size(1);
1022  },
1023  if (m_isPeriodic[2])
1024  {
1025  if (p[2]<m_domainBox.smallEnd(2)) p[2]+= m_domainBox.size(2);
1026  else if (p[2]>m_domainBox.bigEnd(2)) p[2]-= m_domainBox.size(2);
1027  },
1028  if (m_isPeriodic[3])
1029  {
1030  if (p[3]<m_domainBox.smallEnd(3)) p[3]+= m_domainBox.size(3);
1031  else if (p[3]>m_domainBox.bigEnd(3)) p[3]-= m_domainBox.size(3);
1032  },
1033  if (m_isPeriodic[4])
1034  {
1035  if (p[4]<m_domainBox.smallEnd(4)) p[4]+= m_domainBox.size(4);
1036  else if (p[4]>m_domainBox.bigEnd(4)) p[4]-= m_domainBox.size(4);
1037  },
1038  if (m_isPeriodic[5])
1039  {
1040  if (p[5]<m_domainBox.smallEnd(5)) p[5]+= m_domainBox.size(5);
1041  else if (p[5]>m_domainBox.bigEnd(5)) p[5]-= m_domainBox.size(5);
1042  });
1044  return true;
1045 }
1047 inline
1048 bool
1050 {
1051  // boy is this ugly!
1052  if (b.type() == m_domainBox.type())
1053  {
1054  return ( !isEmpty()
1055  && (D_TERM6((m_isPeriodic[0]
1056  || ( b.smallEnd(0) >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(0)
1057  && b.bigEnd (0) <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (0))), &&
1058  (m_isPeriodic[1]
1059  || ( b.smallEnd(1) >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(1)
1060  && b.bigEnd (1) <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (1))), &&
1061  (m_isPeriodic[2]
1062  || ( b.smallEnd(2) >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(2)
1063  && b.bigEnd (2) <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (2))), &&
1064  (m_isPeriodic[3]
1065  || ( b.smallEnd(3) >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(3)
1066  && b.bigEnd (3) <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (3))), &&
1067  (m_isPeriodic[4]
1068  || ( b.smallEnd(4) >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(4)
1069  && b.bigEnd (4) <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (4))), &&
1070  (m_isPeriodic[5]
1071  || ( b.smallEnd(5) >= m_domainBox.smallEnd(5)
1072  && b.bigEnd (5) <= m_domainBox.bigEnd (5))))));
1073  }
1074  else
1075  {
1078  // Check b's centering and adjust intersectBox as needed
1079  for (int dir = 0; dir < SpaceDim; dir++)
1080  {
1081  if (b.type(dir) != domainBox.type(dir))
1082  {
1083  if (b.type(dir) == IndexType::NODE)
1084  {
1085  domainBox.surroundingNodes(dir);
1086  }
1087  else
1088  {
1089  domainBox.enclosedCells(dir);
1090  }
1091  }
1092  }
1094  return ( !isEmpty()
1095  && (D_TERM6((m_isPeriodic[0]
1096  || ( b.smallEnd(0) >= domainBox.smallEnd(0)
1097  && b.bigEnd (0) <= domainBox.bigEnd (0))), &&
1098  (m_isPeriodic[1]
1099  || ( b.smallEnd(1) >= domainBox.smallEnd(1)
1100  && b.bigEnd (1) <= domainBox.bigEnd (1))), &&
1101  (m_isPeriodic[2]
1102  || ( b.smallEnd(2) >= domainBox.smallEnd(2)
1103  && b.bigEnd (2) <= domainBox.bigEnd (2))), &&
1104  (m_isPeriodic[3]
1105  || ( b.smallEnd(3) >= domainBox.smallEnd(3)
1106  && b.bigEnd (3) <= domainBox.bigEnd (3))), &&
1107  (m_isPeriodic[4]
1108  || ( b.smallEnd(4) >= domainBox.smallEnd(4)
1109  && b.bigEnd (4) <= domainBox.bigEnd (4))), &&
1110  (m_isPeriodic[5]
1111  || ( b.smallEnd(5) >= domainBox.smallEnd(5)
1112  && b.bigEnd (5) <= domainBox.bigEnd (5))))));
1113  }
1114 }
1116 #endif /*WRAPPER*/
1118 #include "NamespaceFooter.H"
1119 #endif
Box m_domainBox
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:649
Definition: Box.H:52
bool contains(const IntVect &p) const
Returns true if argument is contained within this ProblemDomain.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:980
bool contains_box(const Box &b) const
Equivalent to contains() function.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:318
IntVect size() const
size functions
Definition: Box.H:1814
#define D_TERM6(a, b, c, d, e, f)
Definition: CHArray.H:40
#define CH_assert(cond)
Definition: CHArray.H:37
Box refine(const Box &b, const IntVect &refinement_ratio)
A class to facilitate interaction with physical boundary conditions.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:130
ProblemDomain & growLo(int idir, int n_cell=1)
Grow this ProblemDomain on the low side.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:936
int m_index
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:102
void shift(const IntVect &a_shift)
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:611
const Box & box() const
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:681
IntVect i() const
Equivalent to the () operator.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:62
IntVect type() const
Definition: Box.H:1800
bool contains(const IntVect &p) const
Definition: Box.H:1888
ProblemDomain & operator=(const ProblemDomain &b)
The assignment operator.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:842
Box & surroundingNodes()
IntVect size() const
Return the size of the domainBox.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:973
int isEmpty(const box2d *)
bool m_isPeriodic[SpaceDim]
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:644
IntVect operator()() const
Returns the current shift unit vector.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:734
ShiftIterator shiftIterator() const
Returns the shiftIterator for this ProblemDomain.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:952
ProblemDomain m_domain
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:697
const int SpaceDim
Definition: SPACE.H:39
bool ok()
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:676
void incr()
Equivalent to the ++ operator.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:70
Box & enclosedCells()
const ProblemDomain & domain() const
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:686
IndexTM< T, N > coarsen(const IndexTM< T, N > &a_p, T a_s)
Definition: IndexTMI.H:432
Basic constructor.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:711
const IntVect & bigEnd() const
Definition: Box.H:1779
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &a_os, const IndexTM< T, N > &a_iv)
void begin(const Box &a_box)
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:667
Class to manage box-shifting used to enforce periodic BC&#39;s.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:33
bool isPeriodic() const
Returns true is BC is periodic in any direction.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:882
void shiftIt(Box &a_box, int shiftIndex) const
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:854
const IntVect & smallEnd() const
{ Accessors}
Definition: Box.H:1765
void computeShifts(const bool *a_isPeriodic)
Recompute shift vectors based on periodic directions.
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &a_os, IndexTM< T, N > &a_iv)
void begin()
Equivalent to reset()
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:763
bool operator==(const ProblemDomain &a_otherDomain) const
Returns true if the two domain are equivalent.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:810
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if this ProblemDomain is empty or undefined.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:959
Box adjCellLo(const Box &b, int dir, int len=1)
ShiftIterator m_shiftIt
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:654
Vector< IntVect > m_shift_vectors
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:104
size_t size() const
Definition: Vector.H:177
int m_counter
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:702
static const IntVect Zero
Definition: IntVect.H:627
void define(const Box &a_domBox)
Construct ProblemDomain with a_domBox as computational domain.
void checkDefine(const ProblemDomain &a_domain)
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:691
bool image(IntVect &p) const
Returns the periodic image of this IntVect inside of the ProblemDomain.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:1007
Box adjCellHi(const Box &b, int dir, int len=1)
A Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice.
Definition: Box.H:465
ProblemDomain & growHi(int idir, int n_cell=1)
Grow this ProblemDomain on the high side.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:944
void unshiftIt(Box &a_box, int shiftIndex) const
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:860
bool ok() const
Is the iterator still within its range of shift vectors?
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:749
ImageIterator(const ProblemDomain &a_domain)
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:660
void operator++()
Increment to the next shift unit vector.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:742
Handle to a particular group in an HDF file.
Definition: CH_HDF5.H:267
An integer Vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space.
Definition: CHArray.H:42
The default constructor. The constructed domain box is empty.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:776
int index() const
which periodic image is this
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:79
ProblemDomain grow(const ProblemDomain &pd, int i)
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:902
ShiftIterator & operator=(const ShiftIterator &a_src)
Assignment operator.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:725
void reset()
Reset to first shift unit vector.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:756
Box & shift(int dir, int nzones)
shift functions
Definition: Box.H:2088
bool operator!=(const ProblemDomain &a_otherDomain) const
Returns true if the two domain are not equivalent.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:835
Box m_box
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:700
Box & grow(int i)
grow functions
Definition: Box.H:2268
const IntVect & operator[](int index) const
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:84
Box & growLo(int idir, int n_cell=1)
Definition: Box.H:2354
Box bdryHi(const Box &b, int dir, int len=1)
ProblemDomain & grow(int i)
Grows (or shrinks) the domain Box by i in all directions.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:894
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:657
const Box & domainBox() const
Returns the logical computational domain.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:868
bool isEmpty() const
{ Comparison Functions}
Definition: Box.H:1863
Box m_current
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:701
Box bdryLo(const Box &b, int dir, int len=1)
void end()
Skip the iterator to the end.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:770
Box & growHi(int idir, int n_cell=1)
Definition: Box.H:2385