Chombo + EB  3.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifdef CH_LANG_CC
2 /*
3  * _______ __
4  * / ___/ / ___ __ _ / / ___
5  * / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ V \/ _ \/ _ \
6  * \___/_//_/\___/_/_/_/_.__/\___/
7  * Please refer to Copyright.txt, in Chombo's root directory.
8  */
9 #endif
11 // NodeFArrayBox.H
12 // adapted from dMartin/Chombo-IAMR/util/FluxBox.H
13 // by Dan Martin, Fri, Jan 14, 2000
14 // petermc, 1 Nov 2000
15 // 8 Jan 2001 added
17 #ifndef _NODEFARRAYBOX_H_
18 #define _NODEFARRAYBOX_H_
20 #include "FArrayBox.H"
21 #include "NamespaceHeader.H"
23 /// A wrapper for an FArrayBox to contain NODE-centered data.
24 /** This is a class to contain NODE-centered data on a box.<br>
25  <b>Question</b>: Why not just use NODE-centered FArrayBox?<br>
26  <b>Answer</b>: We want to use LevelData<NodeFArrayBox>,
27  which requires that the underlying BoxLayout be a DisjointBoxLayout.
28  Adjacent NODE-centered boxes intersect, but adjacent CELL-centered
29  boxes do not.<br>
30  The underlying DisjointBoxLayout will be CELL-centered.
32  In a LevelData<NodeFArrayBox>, some of the grids may share nodes.
33  The data on shared nodes must be the same.
35  Example: A four-grid layout is shown on the left. As shown on
36  the right, the nodes marked "2" are shared by two grids, and
37  those marked "3" are shared by three grids.
38  <pre>
39 : : :
40 : +-----+ : YYYY--+ :
41 : | | : | | :
42 : | A | : | A | :
43 : | | : | | :
44 : +---+--+--+---+ : +---2223222---+ :
45 : | | | : | 2 | :
46 : | B | C | : | B 2 C | :
47 : | | | : | 2 | :
48 : +---+------+------+ : X---22222223------X :
49 : | | : | | :
50 : | D | : | D | :
51 : | | : | | :
52 : +----------+ : +-------YYYY :
53 : : :
54  </pre>
55  Additional nodes may be shared if the boxes extend to the faces
56  of a domain that is periodic in one or more directions.
57  In the example above, these nodes are marked "X" and "Y".<br>
58  Horizontally periodic domain: node "X" shared by two grids, C and D.<br>
59  Vertically periodic domain: nodes "Y" shared by two grids, A and D.
61  <b>Using copyTo:</b>
63  One of the most useful features of LevelData<NodeFArrayBox> is the
64  copyTo() function. THE copyTo() FUNCTION MUST BE USED WITH CAUTION
65  if the source and destination have different layouts.
67  Consider an example where A and B are on layouts of one box
68  each, and these two boxes abut:
69  <pre>
70  +-------+
71  | |
72  | A |
73  | |
74  =========
75  | |
76  | B |
77  | |
78  +-------+
79  </pre>
80  If we do A.copyTo(B), then the data on the nodes of the interface
81  (marked "=") are NOT copied, because the underlying CELL-centered
82  DisjointBoxLayouts of the LevelDatas do not intersect.
84  In general, doing <tt>src.copyTo(dest)</tt>:
85  if LevelData<NodeFArrayBox> <tt>src</tt> and
86  LevelData<NodeFArrayBox> <tt>dest</tt>
87  do NOT have identical underlying boxes in their layouts,
88  then <tt>src.copyTo(dest)</tt> will NOT copy the interface nodes.
90  Here are two different ways to make sure the interface nodes are copied:
92  1. Do copyTo to a BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox> defined on
93  the BoxLayout of <tt>dest</tt> with each box expanded
94  by 1 in each dimension.
95  That is:
96 <pre>
97  BoxLayout destExpandedLayout;
98  destExpandedLayout.deepCopy(dest.disjointBoxLayout());
99  destExpandedLayout.grow(1);
100  destExpandedLayout.closeNoSort();
101  src.copyTo(destExpanded);
102  for (DataIterator dit = dest.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit)
103  {
104  dest[dit].copy(destExpanded[dit]);
105  }
106 </pre>
108  2. Define <tt>src</tt> with ghost vector IntVect::Unit, and in copyTo,
109  use a Copier with ghost vector IntVect::Unit.
110  That is:
111 <pre>
112  Copier myCopier;
113  myCopier.ghostDefine(src.disjointBoxLayout(),
114  dest.disjointBoxLayout(),
115  src.disjointBoxLayout().physDomain(),
116  IntVect::Unit);
117  src.copyTo(dest, myCopier);
118 </pre>
119  For this to work, <tt>src</tt> must have been defined with ghost vector
120  IntVect::Unit (at least).
121 */
123 {
125 public:
127  /**
128  \name Constructors, destructor and defines
129  */
130  /*@{*/
132  ///
133  /** Default constructor. User must subsequently call define().
134  */
135  NodeFArrayBox();
137  ///
138  /** Constructs NodeFArrayBox on CELL-centered box <i>a_bx</i>
139  with <i>a_nComp</i>. If a_alias is not null this oject does not delete it in the destructor.
140  */
141  NodeFArrayBox(const Box& a_bx, int a_nComp, Real* a_alias = NULL);
143  ///
144  /**Constructs NodeFArrayBox on CELL-centered box <i>a_bx</i> for just a scalar.
145  */
146  NodeFArrayBox(const Box& a_bx) {define(a_bx,1);}
147  ///
148  /** Constructs an aliased NodeFArrayBox.
149  */
150  NodeFArrayBox(const Interval& a_comps, NodeFArrayBox& a_original);
152  NodeFArrayBox(NodeFArrayBox&& a_in)=default;
153  NodeFArrayBox& operator=(NodeFArrayBox&& a_in)=default;
154  ///
155  /** Destructor.
156  */
157  ~NodeFArrayBox();
159  ///
160  /** Defines NodeFArrayBox on CELL-centered box <i>a_bx</i>
161  with <i>a_nComp</i> components. If called more than once
162  on the same instance, the box and FAB will be resize()d.
163  */
164  void define(const Box& a_bx, int a_nComp=1);
166  ///
167  /** alias Defines NodeFArrayBox on CELL-centered box <i>a_bx</i>
168  with <i>a_nComp</i> components. If called more than once
169  on the same instance, the box and FAB will be resize()d.
170  Class is not responsible for data pointed to by a_dataPtr
171  */
172  void define(const Box& a_bx, int a_nComp, Real* a_dataPtr);
173  /**
174  Change this NodeFArrayBox so it covers the Box a_bx with a_nComps
175  components. If a_alias is not NULL, it is used as the data memory
176  (and is assumed to be large enough).
177  */
178  /*
179  void resize(const Box& a_bx, int a_nComp=1, Real* a_alias=NULL);
180  */
181  /*@}*/
183  /**
184  \name Accessors
185  */
186  /*@{*/
188  ///
189  /** Returns the CELL-centered domain where the array is defined.
190  */
191  const Box& box() const;
193  ///
194  /** Returns a modifiable reference to the NODE-centered FArrayBox
195  containing the data.
196  */
197  FArrayBox& getFab();
199  ///
200  /** Returns a constant reference to the NODE-centered FArrayBox
201  containing the data.
202  */
203  const FArrayBox& getFab() const;
205  Real dotProduct(const NodeFArrayBox& a_fab2) const
206  {
207  return m_fab.dotProduct(a_fab2.m_fab);
208  }
210  Real dotProduct(const NodeFArrayBox& a_fab2, const Box& box) const
211  {
212  return m_fab.dotProduct(a_fab2.m_fab, box);
213  }
215  /*@}*/
217  /**
218  \name Data modification functions
219  */
220  /*@{*/
222  ///
223  /** Modifies the data in this NodeFArrayBox by copying data
224  from <i>a_src</i> into it, over the nodes that they have in common.<br>
225  If this NodeFArrayBox and <i>a_src</i> have abutting grids,
226  as shown:
227  <pre>
228  +--------+
229  | |
230  | this |
231  | |
232  ========== <- data copied here from a_src to this
233  | |
234  | a_src |
235  | |
236  +--------+
237  </pre>
238  then the data in this NodeFArrayBox WILL be modified along the
239  edge nodes where they abut -- even though and
240  <i>a_src</i>.box(), being CELL-centered, do NOT intersect.
242  All components are copied.
243  */
244  void copy(const NodeFArrayBox& a_src);
246  ///
247  /** Modifies the data in this NodeFArrayBox by copying the data
248  from <i>a_src</i> into it, over the intersection of:
249  - the nodes surrounding the CELL-centered box <i>a_regionFrom</i>;
250  - the nodes surrounding the CELL-centered box <i>a_regionTo</i>;
251  - the nodes containing data in this NodeFArrayBox;
252  - the nodes containing data in <i>a_src</i>.
254  The components in the interval <i>a_Csrc</i> in <i>a_src</i>
255  are copied to the components in the interval <i>a_Cdest</i>
256  in this NodeFArrayBox.
258  This function is required in order to have BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox>.
259  */
260  void copy(const Box& a_regionFrom,
261  const Interval& a_Cdest,
262  const Box& a_regionTo,
263  const NodeFArrayBox& a_src,
264  const Interval& a_Csrc);
266  /*@}*/
268  /**
269  \name Linearization functions
270  */
271  /*@{*/
273  ///
274  /** Returns size, in number of bytes, of a flat linear
275  representation of the data in this object in the area
276  defined by the nodes in CELL-centered box <i>a_R</i> and the
277  component Interval <i>a_comps</i>.
279  This function is required in order to have BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox>.
280  */
281  size_t size(const Box& a_R, const Interval& a_comps) const;
283  ///
284  /** Writes into <i>a_buf</i> a linear representation of the internal data for
285  the nodes surrounding CELL-centered box <i>a_R</i>, over the component
286  Interval <i>a_comps</i>.
288  Assumes that sufficient
289  memory for the buffer has already been allocated by the caller.
291  This function is required in order to have BoxLayoutData<NodeFArrayBox>.
292  */
293  void linearOut(void* a_buf, const Box& a_R, const Interval& a_comps) const;
295  ///
296  void linearIn(void* a_buf, const Box& a_R, const Interval& a_comps);
298  /// These functions are required for broadcast & gather.
299  void linearOut(void* a_buf) const;
300  ///
301  void linearIn(const void* const a_buf);
302  ///
303  int linearSize(void) const;
305  ///
306  static int preAllocatable()
307  {
308  return 0;
309  }
311  /*@}*/
313  ///
314  /**
315  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox so that all values of all components are set to
316  the given value, a_x. (FArrayBox inherits such a function from BaseFab.)
317  */
318  void setVal(Real a_x);
320  /**
321  The setVal functions set subregions in the `BaseFab' to a constant value.
322  This most general form specifies the subbox, the starting component
323  number, and the number of components to be set.
324  */
325  void setVal(Real a_x,
326  const Box& a_bx,
327  int a_nstart,
328  int a_numcomp);
330  ///
331  /** HERE
332  Returns the Lp-norm of this FAB using components
333  (a_comp : a_comp+a_numcomp-1) and within the a_subbox.
334  a_p < 0 -> ERROR
335  a_p = 0 -> infinity norm (max norm)
336  a_p = 1 -> sum of ABS(FAB)
337  a_p > 1 -> Lp-norm
338  */
339  Real norm(const Box& a_subbox,
340  int a_p = 2,
341  int a_comp = 0,
342  int a_numcomp = 1) const
343  {
344  return m_fab.norm(a_subbox, a_p, a_comp, a_numcomp);
345  }
347  ///
348  /**
349  Returns the Lp-norm of this FAB using components
350  (a_comp : a_comp+a_numcomp-1).
351  a_p < 0 -> ERROR
352  a_p = 0 -> infinity norm (max norm)
353  a_p = 1 -> sum of ABS(FAB)
354  a_p > 1 -> Lp-norm
355  */
356  Real norm(int a_p = 2,
357  int a_comp = 0,
358  int a_numcomp = 1) const
359  {
360  return m_fab.norm(a_p, a_comp, a_numcomp);
361  }
363  ///
364  /**
365  Returns sum of pow(fab[i,c],p): i in a_subbox, a_comp <= c <
366  a_comp+a_numcomp, a_p >= 2 only
367  */
368  Real sumPow(const Box& a_subbox,
369  int a_p = 2,
370  int a_comp = 0,
371  int a_numcomp = 1) const
373  {
374  return m_fab.sumPow(a_subbox, a_p, a_comp, a_numcomp);
375  }
377  ///
378  /**
379  Returns the minimum value of given component of this NodeFArrayBox.
380  */
381  Real min(int a_comp = 0) const
382  {
383  return m_fab.min(a_comp);
384  }
386  ///
387  /**
388  Returns the minimum value of given component of this NodeFArrayBox in
389  given a_subbox.
391  */
392  Real min(const Box& a_subbox,
393  int a_comp = 0) const
394  {
395  return m_fab.min(a_subbox, a_comp);
396  }
398  ///
399  /**
400  Returns the maximum value of given component of this NodeFArrayBox.
401  */
402  Real max(int a_comp = 0) const
403  {
404  return m_fab.max(a_comp);
405  }
407  ///
408  /**
409  Returns the maximum value of given component of this NodeFArrayBox in
410  given a_subbox.
412  */
413  Real max(const Box& a_subbox,
414  int a_comp = 0) const
416  {
417  return m_fab.max(a_subbox, a_comp);
418  }
420  ///
421  /**
422  Finds location of minimum value in given component of this NodeFArrayBox.
423  */
424  IntVect minIndex(int a_comp = 0) const
425  {
426  return m_fab.minIndex(a_comp);
427  }
429  ///
430  /**
431  Returns location of minimum value in given component of this NodeFArrayBox
432  in given a_subbox.
433  */
434  IntVect minIndex(const Box& a_subbox,
435  int a_comp = 0) const
436  {
437  return m_fab.minIndex(a_subbox, a_comp);
438  }
440  ///
441  /**
442  Returns location of maximum value in given component of this NodeFArrayBox.
443  */
444  IntVect maxIndex(int a_comp = 0) const
445  {
446  return m_fab.maxIndex(a_comp);
447  }
449  ///
450  /**
451  Returns location of maximum value in given component of this NodeFArrayBox
452  in given a_subbox.
453  */
454  IntVect maxIndex(const Box& a_subbox,
455  int a_comp = 0) const
456  {
457  return m_fab.maxIndex(a_subbox, a_comp);
458  }
460  ///
461  /**
462  Computes a_mask array with value of 1 in cells where this NodeFArrayBox
463  has value less than a_val, 0 otherwise. a_mask is resized by this
464  function. The number of cells marked with 1 returned.
465  */
466  int maskLT(BaseFab<int>& a_mask,
467  Real a_val,
468  int a_comp = 0) const
469  {
470  return m_fab.maskLT(a_mask, a_val, a_comp);
471  }
473  ///
474  /**
475  Computes a_mask array with value of 1 in cells where this NodeFArrayBox
476  has value less than or equal to a_val, 0 otherwise. a_mask is
477  resized by this function. The number of cells marked with 1
478  returned.
479  */
480  int maskLE(BaseFab<int>& a_mask,
481  Real a_val,
482  int a_comp = 0) const
483  {
484  return m_fab.maskLE(a_mask, a_val, a_comp);
485  }
487  ///
488  /**
489  Computes a_mask array with value of 1 in cells where this NodeFArrayBox
490  has value equal to a_val, 0 otherwise. a_mask is resized by this
491  function. The number of cells marked with 1 returned.
493  */
494  int maskEQ(BaseFab<int>& a_mask,
495  Real a_val,
496  int a_comp = 0) const
497  {
498  return m_fab.maskEQ(a_mask, a_val, a_comp);
499  }
501  ///
502  /**
503  Computes a_mask array with value of 1 in cells where this NodeFArrayBox
504  has value greater than a_val, 0 otherwise. a_mask is resized by this
505  function. The number of cells marked with 1 returned.
506  */
507  int maskGT(BaseFab<int>& a_mask,
508  Real a_val,
509  int a_comp = 0) const
510  {
511  return m_fab.maskGT(a_mask, a_val, a_comp);
512  }
514  ///
515  /**
516  Computes a_mask array with value of 1 in cells where this NodeFArrayBox
517  has value greater than or equal to a_val, 0 otherwise. a_mask is
518  resized by this function. The number of cells marked with 1 returned.
519  */
520  int maskGE(BaseFab<int>& a_mask,
521  Real a_val,
522  int a_comp = 0) const
523  {
524  return m_fab.maskGE(a_mask, a_val, a_comp);
525  }
527  ///
528  /**
529  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value with its absolute value.
530  */
531  void abs()
532  {
533  m_fab.abs();
534  }
536  ///
537  /**
538  */
539  int nComp() const
540  {
541  return m_fab.nComp();
542  }
544  ///
545  /**
546  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value with its absolute value,
547  for components (a_comp : a_comp+a_numcomp-1).
548  */
549  void abs(int a_comp,
550  int a_numcomp = 1)
551  {
552  m_fab.abs(a_comp, a_numcomp);
553  }
555  ///
556  /**
557  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing eahc value with its absolute value,
558  for components (a_comp : a_comp+a_numcomp-1) and within the a_subbox.
559  */
560  void abs (const Box& a_subbox,
561  int a_comp = 0,
562  int a_numcomp = 1)
563  {
564  m_fab.abs(a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
565  }
567  ///
568  /**
569  Returns sum of given component of NodeFArrayBox.
570  */
571  Real sum(int a_comp,
572  int a_numcomp = 1) const
573  {
574  return m_fab.sum(a_comp, a_numcomp);
575  }
577  ///
578  /**
579  Returns sum of component of this NodeFArrayBox in given a_subbox.
580  */
581  Real sum(const Box& a_subbox,
582  int a_comp,
583  int a_numcomp = 1) const
584  {
585  return m_fab.sum(a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
586  }
588  ///
589  /**
590  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value x with a_r/x.
591  */
593  {
594  m_fab.invert(a_r);
595  return *this;
596  }
598  ///
599  /**
600  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value x with a_r/x. For
601  given range of components.
602  */
604  int a_comp,
605  int a_numcomp = 1)
606  {
607  m_fab.invert(a_r, a_comp, a_numcomp);
608  return *this;
609  }
611  ///
612  /**
613  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value x with a_r/x. For
614  given range of components and within given a_subbox.
615  */
617  const Box& a_subbox,
618  int a_comp = 0,
619  int a_numcomp = 1)
620  {
621  m_fab.invert(a_r, a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
622  return *this;
623  }
625  ///
626  /**
627  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value with its additive
628  inverse. For given range of components and within given a_subbox.
629  */
630  NodeFArrayBox& negate(const Box& a_subbox,
631  int a_comp = 0,
632  int a_numcomp = 1)
633  {
634  m_fab.negate(a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
635  return *this;
636  }
638  ///
639  /**
640  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value with its additive
641  inverse. For given range of components.
642  */
643  NodeFArrayBox& negate(int a_comp,
644  int a_numcomp = 1)
645  {
646  m_fab.negate(a_comp, a_numcomp);
647  return *this;
648  }
650  ///
651  /**
652  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by replacing each value with its additive
653  inverse.
654  */
656  {
657  m_fab.negate();
658  return *this;
659  }
661  ///
662  /**
663  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by adding the scalar Real a_r to all values. For
664  given range of components and within given a_subbox.
665  */
667  const Box& a_subbox,
668  int a_comp = 0,
669  int a_numcomp = 1)
670  {
671, a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
672  return *this;
673  }
675  ///
676  /**
677  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by adding the scalar Real a_r to all values. For
678  given range of components.
679  */
681  int a_comp,
682  int a_numcomp = 1)
683  {
684, a_comp, a_numcomp);
685  return *this;
686  }
688  ///
689  Real& operator() (const IntVect& a_p,
690  int N = 0)
691  {
692  return m_fab(a_p,N);
693  }
695  ///
696  const Real& operator() (const IntVect& a_p,
697  int N = 0) const
698  {
699  return m_fab(a_p,N);
700  }
701  ///
702  /**
703  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by adding the scalar Real a_r to all values.
704  */
706  {
707  m_fab += a_r;
708  return *this;
709  }
711  ///
712  /**
713  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise addition of the values of the
714  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
715  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match.
716  */
718  {
719  m_fab += a_x.m_fab;
720  return *this;
721  }
723  ///
724  /**
725  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by adding the scalar Real a_r to all values.
726  */
728  {
729  m_fab += a_r;
730  return *this;
731  }
734  {
735  return this->plus(a_r);
736  }
738  ///
739  /**
740  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise addition of the values of the
741  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
742  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match. The same as += operator.
744  */
746  {
747  m_fab += a_x.m_fab;
748  return *this;
749  }
751  ///
752  /**
753  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise scaled addition of the
754  argument NodeFArrayBox (a[i] <- a[i] + a_scale * a_src[i]). Uses domain
755  of the intersection of these two NodeFArrayBoxes.
756  */
758  const Real& a_scale)
759  {
760, a_scale);
761  return *this;
762  }
764  ///
765  /**
766  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise scaled addition of the
767  argument NodeFArrayBox (a[i] <- a[i] + a_scale * a_src[i]). Uses domain
768  of the intersection of these two NodeFArrayBoxes.
769  */
771  const Real& a_scale,
772  int a_srccomp,
773  int a_destcomp,
774  int a_numcomp = 1)
775  {
776, a_scale, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
777  return *this;
778  }
780  ///
781  /**
782  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise addition of values in the argument
783  NodeFArrayBox. Adds src's components (a_srccomp : a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1)
784  to this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp : a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1)
785  where the domains of the two NodeFArrayBoxes intersect.
786  */
788  int a_srccomp,
789  int a_destcomp,
790  int a_numcomp = 1)
791  {
792, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
793  return *this;
794  }
796  ///
797  /**
798  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise addition of values in the argument
799  NodeFArrayBox. Adds src's components (a_srccomp : a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1)
800  to this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp : a_destcomp+numcomp-1)
801  where the domain of this NodeFArrayBox intersects the a_subbox. NOTE:
802  a_subbox must be contained in this FAB.
803  */
805  const Box& a_subbox,
806  int a_srccomp,
807  int a_destcomp,
808  int a_numcomp = 1)
809  {
810, a_subbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
811  return *this;
812  }
814  ///
815  /**
816  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise addition of values in the argument
817  NodeFArrayBox. Adds src's components (a_srccomp : a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1)
818  in the Box a_srcbox to this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
819  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_destbox. Corresponding locations
820  within the two NodeFArrayBoxes are indexed relative to a_srcbox and a_destbox,
821  and will in general not be the same. The a_srcbox and a_destbox must be
822  same size. The results are UNDEFINED if the a_src and dest NodeFArrayBoxes
823  are the same and the a_srcbox and a_destbox overlap.
825  */
827  const Box& a_srcbox,
828  const Box& a_destbox,
829  int a_srccomp,
830  int a_destcomp,
831  int a_numcomp = 1)
832  {
833, a_srcbox, a_destbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
834  return *this;
835  }
837  ///
839  const Box& a_srcbox,
840  const Box& a_destbox,
841  const Real& a_scale,
842  int a_srccomp,
843  int a_destcomp,
844  int a_numcomp = 1)
845  {
846, a_srcbox, a_destbox, a_scale, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
847  return *this;
848  }
850  ///
851  /**
852  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by subtracting the scalar Real a_r to all values.
853  Note: use plus(-a_r) for more general operations.
854  */
856  {
857  m_fab -= a_r;
858  return *this;
859  }
861  ///
862  /**
863  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise subtraction of the values of the
864  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
865  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match.
866  */
868  {
869  m_fab -= a_x.m_fab;
870  return *this;
871  }
873  ///
874  /**
875  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise subtraction of the values of the
876  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
877  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match. The same as -= operator.
878  */
880  {
881  m_fab -= a_x.m_fab;
882  return *this;
883  }
885  /**
886  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise subtraction of values in the
887  argument NodeFArrayBox. Subtracts a_src's components (a_srccomp :
888  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) from this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
889  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) where the domains of the two NodeFArrayBoxes
890  intersect.
891  */
893  int a_srccomp,
894  int a_destcomp,
895  int a_numcomp = 1)
896  {
897  m_fab.minus(a_src.m_fab, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
898  return *this;
899  }
901  /**
902  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise subtraction of values in the
903  argument NodeFArrayBox. Subtracts a_src's components (a_srccomp :
904  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) from this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
905  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) where the domain of this NodeFArrayBox intersects
906  the a_subbox. NOTE: a_subbox must be contained in this FAB.
907  */
909  const Box& a_subbox,
910  int a_srccomp,
911  int a_destcomp,
912  int a_numcomp = 1)
913  {
914  m_fab.minus(a_src.m_fab, a_subbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
915  return *this;
916  }
918  ///
919  /**
920  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise subtraction of values in the
921  argument NodeFArrayBox. Subtracts a_src's components (a_srccomp :
922  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_srcbox from this NodeFArrayBox's
923  components (a_destcomp : a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_destbox.
924  Corresponding locations within the two NodeFArrayBoxes are indexed relative
925  to a_srcbox and a_destbox, and will in general not be the same. The
926  a_srcbox and a_destbox must be same size. The results are UNDEFINED
927  if the a_src and dest NodeFArrayBoxes are the same and the a_srcbox and
928  a_destbox overlap.
929  */
931  const Box& a_srcbox,
932  const Box& a_destbox,
933  int a_srccomp,
934  int a_destcomp,
935  int a_numcomp = 1)
936  {
937  m_fab.minus(a_src.m_fab, a_srcbox, a_destbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
938  return *this;
939  }
941  ///
942  /**
943  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by multiplying all values by the scalar Real a_r.
944  */
946  {
947  m_fab *= a_r;
948  return *this;
949  }
951  ///
952  /**
953  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by multiplying all values by the scalar Real a_r.
954  */
956  {
957  m_fab *= a_r;
958  return *this;
959  }
961  ///
962  /**
963  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by multiplying all values by the scalar
964  Real a_r. For given range of components.
965  */
967  int a_comp,
968  int a_numcomp = 1)
969  {
970  m_fab.mult(a_r, a_comp, a_numcomp);
971  return *this;
972  }
974  ///
975  /**
976  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by multiplying all values by the scalar
977  Real a_r. For given range of components and within given a_subbox.
978  */
980  const Box& a_subbox,
981  int a_comp = 0,
982  int a_numcomp = 1)
983  {
984  m_fab.mult(a_r, a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
985  return *this;
986  }
988  ///
989  /**
990  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise multiplication of the values by the
991  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
992  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match.
993  */
995  {
996  m_fab *= a_x.m_fab;
997  return *this;
998  }
1000  ///
1001  /**
1002  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise multiplication by the values in the
1003  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
1004  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match. The same as the *= operator.
1005  */
1007  {
1008  m_fab *= a_x.m_fab;
1009  return *this;
1010  }
1012  ///
1013  /**
1014  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise multiplication by values in the
1015  argument NodeFArrayBox. Multiplies a_src's components (a_srccomp :
1016  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) by this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
1017  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) where the domains of the two NodeFArrayBoxes
1018  intersect.
1019  */
1021  int a_srccomp,
1022  int a_destcomp,
1023  int a_numcomp = 1)
1024  {
1025  m_fab.mult(a_src.m_fab, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
1026  return *this;
1027  }
1029  ///
1030  /**
1031  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise multiplication by values in the
1032  argument NodeFArrayBox. Multiplies a_src's components (a_srccomp :
1033  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) by this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
1034  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) where the domain of this NodeFArrayBox intersects
1035  the a_subbox. NOTE: a_subbox must be contained in this FAB.
1036  */
1038  const Box& a_subbox,
1039  int a_srccomp,
1040  int a_destcomp,
1041  int a_numcomp = 1)
1042  {
1043  m_fab.mult(a_src.m_fab, a_subbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
1044  return *this;
1045  }
1047  ///
1048  /**
1049  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise multiplication by values in the
1050  argument NodeFArrayBox. Multiplies a_src's components (a_srccomp :
1051  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_srcbox by this NodeFArrayBox's
1052  components (a_destcomp : a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_destbox.
1053  Corresponding locations within the two NodeFArrayBoxes are indexed relative
1054  to a_srcbox and a_destbox, and will in general not be the same. The
1055  a_srcbox and a_destbox must be same size. The results are UNDEFINED if
1056  the a_src and dest NodeFArrayBoxes are the same and the a_srcbox and a_destbox
1057  overlap.
1058  */
1060  const Box& a_srcbox,
1061  const Box& a_destbox,
1062  int a_srccomp,
1063  int a_destcomp,
1064  int a_numcomp = 1)
1065  {
1066  m_fab.mult(a_src.m_fab, a_srcbox, a_destbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
1067  return *this;
1068  }
1070  ///
1071  /**
1072  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by dividing all values by the scalar Real a_r.
1073  */
1075  {
1076  m_fab /= a_r;
1077  return *this;
1078  }
1080  ///
1081  /**
1082  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by dividing all values by the scalar Real a_r.
1083  */
1085  {
1086  m_fab /= a_r;
1087  return *this;
1088  }
1090  ///
1091  /**
1092  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by dividing all values by the scalar Real a_r.
1093  For given range of components.
1094  */
1096  int a_comp,
1097  int a_numcomp = 1)
1098  {
1099  m_fab.divide(a_r, a_comp, a_numcomp);
1100  return *this;
1101  }
1103  ///
1104  /**
1105  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by dividing all values by the scalar Real
1106  a_r. For given range of components and within given a_subbox.
1107  */
1109  const Box& a_subbox,
1110  int a_comp = 0,
1111  int a_numcomp = 1)
1112  {
1113  m_fab.divide(a_r, a_subbox, a_comp, a_numcomp);
1114  return *this;
1115  }
1117  ///
1118  /**
1119  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise division of the values by the
1120  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
1121  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match.
1122  */
1124  {
1125  m_fab /= a_x.m_fab;
1126  return *this;
1127  }
1129  ///
1130  /**
1131  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise division by the values in the
1132  argument NodeFArrayBox. You might come to grief if the domains of the
1133  NodeFArrayBoxes don't match. The same as the /= operator.
1134  */
1136  {
1137  m_fab /= a_x.m_fab;
1138  return *this;
1139  }
1141  ///
1142  /**
1143  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise division by values in the argument
1144  NodeFArrayBox. Divides this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
1145  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) by a_src's components (a_srccomp :
1146  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) where the domains of the two NodeFArrayBoxes intersect.
1147  */
1149  int a_srccomp,
1150  int a_destcomp,
1151  int a_numcomp = 1)
1152  {
1153  m_fab.divide(a_src.m_fab, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
1154  return *this;
1155  }
1157  ///
1158  /**
1159  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise division by values in the argument
1160  NodeFArrayBox. Divides this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
1161  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) by a_src's components (a_srccomp :
1162  a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) where the domain of this NodeFArrayBox intersects
1163  the a_subbox. NOTE: a_subbox must be contained in this FAB.
1164  */
1166  const Box& a_subbox,
1167  int a_srccomp,
1168  int a_destcomp,
1169  int a_numcomp = 1)
1170  {
1171  m_fab.divide(a_src.m_fab, a_subbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
1172  return *this;
1173  }
1175  ///
1176  /**
1177  Modifies this NodeFArrayBox by pointwise division by values in the argument
1178  NodeFArrayBox. Divides this NodeFArrayBox's components (a_destcomp :
1179  a_destcomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_destbox by a_src's components
1180  (a_srccomp : a_srccomp+a_numcomp-1) in the Box a_srcbox. Corresponding
1181  locations within the two NodeFArrayBoxes are indexed relative to a_srcbox and
1182  a_destbox, and will in general not be the same. The a_srcbox and
1183  a_destbox must be same size. The results are UNDEFINED if the a_src and
1184  dest NodeFArrayBoxes are the same and the a_srcbox and a_destbox overlap.
1185  */
1187  const Box& a_srcbox,
1188  const Box& a_destbox,
1189  int a_srccomp,
1190  int a_destcomp,
1191  int a_numcomp = 1)
1192  {
1193  m_fab.divide(a_src.m_fab, a_srcbox, a_destbox, a_srccomp, a_destcomp, a_numcomp);
1194  return *this;
1195  }
1196  /**
1197  Returns the lower corner of the domain. Instead of returning them in
1198  the form of IntVects, as in smallEnd and bigEnd, it returns the values
1199  as a pointer to an array of constant integers. This is useful when
1200  interfacing to Fortran subroutines. It should not be used in any other
1201  context!!!
1202  */
1203  inline const int* loVect() const
1204  {
1205  return m_fab.loVect();
1206  }
1208  /**
1209  Returns the upper corner of the domain. Instead of returning them in
1210  the form of IntVects, as in smallEnd and bigEnd, it returns the values
1211  as a pointer to an array of constant integers. This is useful when
1212  interfacing to Fortran subroutines. It should not be used in any other
1213  context!!!
1214  */
1215  inline const int* hiVect() const
1216  {
1217  return m_fab.hiVect();
1218  }
1220  /**
1221  Returns a pointer to an integer that contains the number of components
1222  in the BaseFab. This is useful when interfacing to Fortran subroutines.
1223  It should not be used in any other context!!!
1224  */
1225  const int* nCompPtr() const
1226  {
1227  return m_fab.nCompPtr();
1228  }
1229  /**
1230  Returns a pointer to an object of type T that is the value of the a_nth
1231  component associated with the cell at the low end of the domain. This
1232  is commonly used to get a pointer to data in the array which is then
1233  handed off to a Fortran subroutine. It should not be used in any other
1234  context!!! Remember that data is stored in Fortran array order, with
1235  the component index coming last. In other words, `dataPtr' returns a
1236  pointer to all the a_nth components.
1237  */
1238  Real* dataPtr(int a_n = 0)
1239  {
1240  return m_fab.dataPtr(a_n);
1241  }
1243  /**
1244  Returns a constant pointer to an object of type T that is the value of
1245  the a_nth component associated with the cell at the low end of the domain.
1246  This is commonly used to get a pointer to data in the array which is
1247  then handed off to a Fortran subroutine. It should not be used in any
1248  other context!!! Remember that data is stored in Fortran array order,
1249  with the component index coming last. In other words, `dataPtr' returns
1250  a pointer to all the a_nth components.
1251  */
1252  const Real* dataPtr(int a_n = 0) const
1253  {
1254  return m_fab.dataPtr(a_n);
1255  }
1258  void shift(const IntVect& iv)
1259  {
1260  m_box.shift(iv);
1261  m_fab.shift(iv);
1262  }
1264 protected:
1265  // CELL-centered box. data are defined on the surrounding nodes.
1268  // NODE-centered data
1271 private:
1272  /// These are disallowed for performance reasons
1274  //NodeFArrayBox (const NodeFArrayBox&);
1275  //NodeFArrayBox& operator = (const NodeFArrayBox&);
1277 };
1279 #include "NamespaceFooter.H"
1280 #endif
int maskGE(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:520
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:787
IntVect maxIndex(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:454
void shift(const IntVect &iv)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1258
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_subbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:804
IntVect maxIndex(int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:444
int maskGT(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:507
NodeFArrayBox & minus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_subbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:908
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Real &a_scale, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:770
size_t size(const Box &a_R, const Interval &a_comps) const
NodeFArrayBox & mult(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1020
const int * loVect() const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1203
NodeFArrayBox & negate(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:630
FArrayBox & negate(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
FArrayBox & plus(Real a_r, const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
NodeFArrayBox & mult(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_srcbox, const Box &a_destbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1059
NodeFArrayBox & mult(Real a_r, const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:979
static int preAllocatable()
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:306
NodeFArrayBox & negate()
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:655
BaseFab< T > & shift(const IntVect &a_v)
{ domain modification functions}
Definition: BaseFabImplem.H:516
const int * hiVect() const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1215
Real sumPow(const Box &a_subbox, int a_p=2, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:368
Real sum(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:581
Real max(int a_comp=0) const
FArrayBox & invert(Real a_r)
virtual Real norm(const Box &a_subbox, int a_p=2, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1) const
Real max(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:413
void copy(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src)
int maskEQ(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:494
NodeFArrayBox & mult(Real a_r, int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:966
IntVect maxIndex(int a_comp=0) const
Real sum(int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1) const
void abs()
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:531
void setVal(Real a_x)
NodeFArrayBox & plus(Real a_r, const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:666
NodeFArrayBox & divide(Real a_r, const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1108
NodeFArrayBox & minus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:892
int maskEQ(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
FArrayBox & divide(Real a_r)
Real min(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:392
const int * nCompPtr() const
Definition: BaseFabImplem.H:366
const Box & box() const
const Real * dataPtr(int a_n=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1252
virtual Real sumPow(const Box &a_subbox, int a_p=2, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1) const
Real max(int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:402
Box m_box
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1266
int maskGE(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
void linearOut(void *a_buf, const Box &a_R, const Interval &a_comps) const
int maskGT(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
NodeFArrayBox & invert(Real a_r, int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:603
NodeFArrayBox & divide(const NodeFArrayBox &a_x)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1135
Real * dataPtr(int a_n=0)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1238
NodeFArrayBox & divide(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_subbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1165
Real min(int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:381
void abs(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:560
Structure for passing component ranges in code.
Definition: Interval.H:23
int nComp() const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:539
Real dotProduct(const FArrayBox &a_fab2) const
Return the dot product of this FArrayBox with another.
NodeFArrayBox & minus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_x)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:879
double Real
Definition: REAL.H:33
NodeFArrayBox & mult(const NodeFArrayBox &a_x)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1006
const int * hiVect() const
Definition: BaseFabImplem.H:361
Real norm(int a_p=2, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:356
NodeFArrayBox & operator-=(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:855
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Real &a_scale)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:757
FArrayBox & minus(const FArrayBox &a_x)
NodeFArrayBox & operator=(NodeFArrayBox &&a_in)=default
NodeFArrayBox & plus(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:727
IntVect minIndex(int a_comp=0) const
const int * nCompPtr() const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1225
NodeFArrayBox & divide(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_srcbox, const Box &a_destbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1186
Real sum(int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:571
int maskLE(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:480
T * dataPtr(int a_n=0)
Definition: BaseFabImplem.H:373
IntVect minIndex(const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:434
FArrayBox & getFab()
NodeFArrayBox & operator*=(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:945
NodeFArrayBox & negate(int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:643
void abs()
A Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice.
Definition: Box.H:465
int maskLT(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
int maskLT(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:466
int maskLE(BaseFab< int > &a_mask, Real a_val, int a_comp=0) const
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_srcbox, const Box &a_destbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:826
NodeFArrayBox & minus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_srcbox, const Box &a_destbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:930
Real dotProduct(const NodeFArrayBox &a_fab2, const Box &box) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:210
NodeFArrayBox & invert(Real a_r, const Box &a_subbox, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:616
NodeFArrayBox(const Box &a_bx)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:146
Real & operator()(const IntVect &a_p, int N=0)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:689
void define(const Box &a_bx, int a_nComp=1)
An integer Vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space.
Definition: CHArray.H:42
Definition: FArrayBox.H:45
IntVect minIndex(int a_comp=0) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:424
NodeFArrayBox & divide(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1084
Real min(int a_comp=0) const
Real norm(const Box &a_subbox, int a_p=2, int a_comp=0, int a_numcomp=1) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:339
NodeFArrayBox & mult(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:955
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_x)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:745
const int * loVect() const
{ Fortran interface functions}
Definition: BaseFabImplem.H:356
Box & shift(int dir, int nzones)
shift functions
Definition: Box.H:2067
int nComp() const
{ accessors}
Definition: BaseFabImplem.H:264
void const char const int const int * N
Definition: Lapack.H:83
NodeFArrayBox & plus_real(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:733
Real dotProduct(const NodeFArrayBox &a_fab2) const
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:205
NodeFArrayBox & plus(Real a_r, int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:680
NodeFArrayBox & divide(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1148
NodeFArrayBox & plus(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_srcbox, const Box &a_destbox, const Real &a_scale, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:838
NodeFArrayBox & operator+=(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:705
void linearIn(void *a_buf, const Box &a_R, const Interval &a_comps)
NodeFArrayBox & mult(const NodeFArrayBox &a_src, const Box &a_subbox, int a_srccomp, int a_destcomp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1037
FArrayBox m_fab
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1269
NodeFArrayBox & divide(Real a_r, int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1095
int linearSize(void) const
NodeFArrayBox & operator/=(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:1074
void abs(int a_comp, int a_numcomp=1)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:549
NodeFArrayBox & invert(Real a_r)
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:592
A wrapper for an FArrayBox to contain NODE-centered data.
Definition: NodeFArrayBox.H:122
FArrayBox & mult(Real a_r)