AliasDataFactory< T > | |
AMR | Framework for Berger-Oliger timestepping for AMR |
AMRLevel< TTYPE > | Abstract base class for time-dependent data at a level of refinement |
AMRLevelFactory | Factory class to produce an AMRLevel |
AMRLevelMG | Class which manages data and operations on a level for AMRSolver |
AMRLevelMHD | AMRLevel-derived class for implementing Godunov-based AMR MHD algorithm |
AMRLevelMHDFactory | Factory object for creating AMRLevelMHD objects |
AMRSolver | Class which manages grid hierarchy and composite elliptic solution |
Arena | A Virtual Base Class for Dynamic Memory Managemen |
Arena::Word | |
ArrayViewData | Special LayoutData type for use with ArrayView |
BArena | A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management |
BaseBottomSmoother | Pure base class to encapsulate bottom smooth for LevelOp-derived objects |
BaseFab< T > | |
BaseHelmholtzOp | Pure-virtual base Helmholtz operator class (alpha*I + div*beta*grad) |
BiCGStabSmoother | Implements BiCGStab as a bottom smoother for LevelOp-derived classes |
BitSet | |
BitSetIterator | |
Box | A Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice |
BoxGhostBC | Class to encapsulate the operations of ghost-cell boundary conditions |
BoxIterator | Iterates through the IntVects of a Box |
BoxLayout | A not-necessarily-disjoint collective of boxes |
BoxLayoutData< T > | Data on a BoxLayout |
BRMeshRefine | Class which manages Berger-Rigoutsos grid generation |
Callbacks | |
CArena | A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management |
CArena::Node | |
CFIVS | Internal Chombo class to get fine intvectset at CF interface |
CFStencil | Class to encapsulate coarse-fine information for AMR operations |
chfptr | |
CoarseAverage | Replaces coarse level data with an average of fine level data |
Copier | A strange but true thing to make copying from one boxlayoutdata to another fast |
CopyIterator | |
CornerCopier | An even stranger (than Copier) thing to copy from ghost cells to corner ghost cells |
DataFactory< T > | Factory object to data members of a BoxLayoutData container |
DataIndex | |
DataIterator | |
DefaultDataFactory< T > | Factory object to data members of a BoxLayoutData container |
DenseIntVectSet | Dense representation implementation of IntVectSet class |
DenseIntVectSetIterator | DenseIntVectSetIterator iterates over all the 'true' members of a DenseIntVectSet set |
DerivStencil | Class to encapsulate the operations to create derivs on irreg stencils |
DirichletBC | Class to enforce homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions |
DisjointBoxLayout | A BoxLayout that has a concept of disjointedness |
DomainGhostBC | Class to enforce ghost-cell based boundary conditions |
Entry | |
ExplosionIBC | Example of an circular/spherical explosion for the MHD solver |
ExtrapBC | Class to enforce homogeneous neumann boundary conditions |
ExtrapFillPatch | Fills outer ghost cells by copying from inner ghost cells |
FABAliasDataFactory | |
FArrayBox | |
FineInterp | Replaces fine level data with interpolation of coarse level data |
FluxBox | A FArrayBox-like container for face-centered fluxes |
GodunovPhysics | |
GodunovUtilities | |
GradDivOp | Operator class for computing grad(div U) |
GSRBSmoother | GSRB smoothing as a bottom smoother |
HelmholtzOp | Helmholtz operator class |
HOExtrapBC | Class to do extrapolation BC's |
IndexType | Cell-Based or Node-Based Indices |
Interval | Structure for passing component ranges in code |
IntVect | An integer Vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space |
IntVectSet | An irregular domain on an integer lattice |
IVSFAB< T > | |
IVSIterator | Iterator for an IntVectSet |
LayoutData< T > | Data that maintains a one-to-one mapping to the boxes in a BoxLayout |
LayoutIndex | An index for LayoutIterator |
LayoutIterator | An Iterator based on a BoxLayout object |
LDOperator< T > | |
LevelData< T > | |
LevelFluxRegister | LevelFluxRegister-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers |
LevelGodunov | Level Godunov - really a hyperbolic level integrator |
LevelMG | Internal Chombo class to manage multigrid solve on a level |
LevelOp | Pure base class to encapsulate level operations API for elliptic solvers |
LevelSolver | Solves elliptic equations on a level |
List< T > | A Doubly-Linked List Class |
ListIterator< T > | Iterator over a List |
ListLink< T > | |
MayDay | Error-reporting Functions |
MergeBoxesOnLines | Class which merges boxes in a direction without changing the overall box coverage |
MeshRefine | Class which manages grid generation |
MGInterp | Internal Chombo class to interpolate coarse level data to a fine level |
MHDPhysics | |
MotionItem | |
NeumannBC | Class to enforce homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions |
NodeFArrayBox | A wrapper for an FArrayBox to contain NODE-centered data |
NoOpSmoother | Does nothing as a bottom smoother |
ParmParse | Parse Parameters From Command Line and Input Files |
PatchGodunov | |
PhysIBC | Physical/domain initial and boundary conditions |
PiecewiseLinearFillPatch | Fills ghost cells by linear interpolation in space and time |
PoissonOp | One-sided differencing version of poisson operator |
Pool | Pool is a class to optimize memory allocation |
PP_Array< T > | An Array of Objects of Type T for ParmParse |
PP_CpClassPtr< T > | A Smart Pointer for User-Defined Types for ParmParse |
PP_CpPtr< T > | : A Smart Pointer for Intrinsic or User-Defined Types for ParmParse |
PP_entry | |
PP_List< T > | A Doubly-Linked List for ParmParse |
PP_ListIterator< T > | Iterate over a List for ParmParse |
PP_ListLink< T > | |
PP_LnClassPtr< T > | A Smart Reference Counted Pointer for User-Defined Types for ParmParse |
PP_LnPtr< T > | A Reference Counted Smart Pointer for Intrinsic or User-Defined Types for ParmParse |
PP_String | A String Class for ParmParse |
PP_StringRep | |
PP_UseCount | |
ProblemDomain | A class to facilitate interaction with physical boundary conditions |
QuadCFInterp | Quadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility |
QuadCFStencil | Class to encapsulate CF info for quadratic interpolation |
RealVect | A Real vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space |
RefCountedPtr< T > | A reference-counting handle class |
RotorMHDIBC | IBC class for the MHD rotor problem |
scalarDirichletBC | Implements dirichlet BCs for scalars |
scalarInflowBC | Class to set inflow BC's for scalars |
SerialTask | |
ShiftIterator | Class to manage box-shifting used to enforce periodic BC's |
Side | Encapsulation of high or low side |
SideIterator | Iterator for low and high side |
TensorCFInterp | Quadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility for tensors |
TensorCFIVS | Class to get fine intvectset at CF interface |
TensorFineStencilSet | Class to encapsulate fine-level tangential gradient stencil computation |
TensorOp | LevelOp for Tensor solves |
Chombo::Timer | |
Timer | |
TreeIntVectSet | IntVectSet implementation based on tree representation |
TreeIntVectSetIterator | |
Tuple< T, N > | Ordered Tuples for Types T |
Vector< T > | One dimensional dynamic array |
WaveMHDIBC | Example of a wedge at zero attack angle |