#include "REAL.H"
#include "LoHiSide.H"
#include <utility>
#include "BaseNamespaceHeader.H"
#include "BaseNamespaceFooter.H"
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Real | getInverseOfConditionNumber (const LAPACKMatrix &A) |
void | multiply (LAPACKMatrix &a_product, const LAPACKMatrix &a_left, const LAPACKMatrix &a_right) |
int | solveLeastSquares (LAPACKMatrix &A, LAPACKMatrix &B) |
| below stuff is shamelessly stolen from lapackwrapper class More...
int | solveLeastSquaresTranspose (LAPACKMatrix &A, LAPACKMatrix &B) |
int | solveLSTSVDOnce (LAPACKMatrix &X, const LAPACKMatrix &A, const LAPACKMatrix &B) |
int | solveLSTSVD (LAPACKMatrix &A, LAPACKMatrix &B, int a_maxiter, Real a_tol) |
int | solveEqualityConstrainedLS (LAPACKMatrix &A, LAPACKMatrix &c, LAPACKMatrix &B, LAPACKMatrix &d, LAPACKMatrix &x) |
int | solveReducedRankLS (LAPACKMatrix &A, LAPACKMatrix &b) |
◆ getInverseOfConditionNumber()
Following Lapack, gets inverse of condition number. Returning a number near zero means the matrix is not really solvable.
◆ multiply()
sets product = a_left* a_right fails if a_left.m_col != a_right.m_rows
◆ solveLeastSquares()
below stuff is shamelessly stolen from lapackwrapper class
Solves A*X = B using general least squares, for each column of B
◆ solveLeastSquaresTranspose()
Solves A'*X = B using least squares, for vector b
◆ solveLSTSVDOnce()
Solves A*X = B using least squares with SVD, for X
◆ solveLSTSVD()
Solves A^T X = B using least squares with SVD, for vector b
◆ solveEqualityConstrainedLS()
Solves equality constrained least squares problem Find x, s.t. min norm(A x - c) with B x = d
◆ solveReducedRankLS()
Solves A'*X = B using reduced rank least squares, for vector b