►NArSp | |
CAllocRawPolicy | |
CAllocRawPolicy< T, false > | If element are not class type, just assign the address |
CAllocRawPolicy< T, true > | If elements are class type, allocate using placement new |
CArrayOfMatrixAlloc | Allocator for an array of matrices contiguous in memory |
CArrayOfVectorAlloc | Allocator for an array of vectors contiguous in memory |
CArTr | |
CArTr< Rank, ArRangeCol > | |
CArTr< Rank, ArRangeRow > | |
CArTr< Rank, ArZeroCol > | |
CArTr< Rank, ArZeroRow > | |
CCSIndexer | Rank > 2 for zero-based subscripts and > 1 for subscript ranges |
CCSIndexer< 1, DimT > | Specialization for Rank 1 (any type of subscript) |
CCSIndexer< 2, USz_t > | Full specialization for Rank 2 and zero-based subscripts |
CDefaultArrayAlloc | Default allocator |
CIndexerData | Any rank and a zero-based subscript |
CIndexerData< 1, CHRange > | Rank 1 and a subscript range |
CIndexerData< 1, DimT > | Rank 1 and a zero-based subscript (no data) |
CIndexerData< Rank, CHRange > | Any rank and a subscript range |
CNewArrayAlloc | Allocator that only permits allocation by new |
CReleaseRawPolicy | |
CReleaseRawPolicy< T, false > | If elements are not class type, do nothing |
CReleaseRawPolicy< T, true > | If elements are class type, invoke destructor on each element |
CRSIndexer | Rank > 2 for zero-based subscripts and > 1 for subscript ranges |
CRSIndexer< 1, DimT > | Specialization for Rank 1 (any type of subscript) |
CRSIndexer< 2, USz_t > | Full specialization for Rank 2 and zero-based subscripts |
►NMetaprograms | |
CAccum | |
CAccum< 1, T, ReduceT, TransformT > | |
Cdterm | |
Cdterm< 1, OP > | |
CIdentity | |
CInnerProduct | |
CInnerProduct< 1, T, RT, PlusT, TimesT > | |
CLexLT | |
CLexLT< 1, T > | |
CNestedLoop | |
CNestedLoop< 0, OP > | |
CNestedPrestagedLoop | |
CNestedPrestagedLoop< 0, OP > | |
CPow | |
CPow< N, 1 > | |
CTransform | |
CTransform< 1, T, FunctorT > | |
►NMisc | |
►CTypeTr | Test for class type |
CTwo | |
►NRootSolver | |
CRootTr | |
CRootTr< double > | |
CRootTr< float > | |
►NSort | Some support for sorting small arrays |
CCmpGreaterIndex | Compares m_a[i] > m_a[j] |
CMove1Array | Mover for use with 'rearrangeToIndex' |
CMove2Array | Mover for use with 'rearrangeToIndex' |
►NSTLUtil | |
CEdgeCompareSWO | |
CIVCompareSWO | |
CRealIntCompare | |
CTriInCell | |
C_kdnode | |
C_kdres | |
C_kdtree | |
C_linkedlisthead | |
C_linkedlistnode | |
C_N_VectorContent_Ch | Content in SUNDIALS nvector, pointer to Chombo adaptor |
C_resultnode | |
CAdvectPhysics | A class derived from GodunovPhysics for simple advection-diffusion problems |
CAdvectTestIBC | Example IBC for advection-diffusion problem |
►CAggEBPWLFillPatch | |
Caccess_t | |
Ccoar_logic_t | |
Cfine_logic_t | |
►CAggStencil | Aggregated stencil |
Caccess_t | |
CAliasDataFactory | |
CAllRegularService | A geometry service that is always regular |
CAMR | Framework for Berger-Oliger timestepping for AMR |
CAmrAdaptor | Data holder for AMR hierarchy data to interact with SUNDIALS |
CAMRFASMultiGrid | |
CAMRLevel | Abstract base class for time-dependent data at a level of refinement |
CAMRLevelAdvectDiffuse | AMRLevel for advection-diffusion |
CAMRLevelAdvectDiffuseFactory | |
CAMRLevelCons | AMR Level for fourth-order solution to conservation law |
CAMRLevelConsFactory | AMR Cons Equation factory |
CAMRLevelFactory | Factory class to produce an AMRLevel |
CAMRLevelMappedCons | AMR Level for fourth-order solution to conservation law |
CAMRLevelMappedConsFactory | AMR Cons Equation factory |
CAMRLevelMappedStabilityStrategy | |
CAMRLevelMappedTaggingStrategy | |
CAMRLevelOp | |
CAMRLevelOpFactory | |
CAMRLevelPolytropicGas | AMR Godunov |
CAMRLevelPolytropicGasFactory | AMR Godunov factory |
CAMRMultiGrid | |
CAMRMultiGridInspector | |
CAMRNodeOp | |
CAMRNodeOpFactory | |
CAMRPoissonOp | |
CAMRPoissonOpFactory | |
CAnalyticCS | |
CAnalyticCSFactory | |
CArena | A Virtual Base Class for Dynamic Memory Managemen |
CARK4 | |
CARK4DenseOutput | |
CArrayViewData | Special LayoutData type for use with ArrayView |
CAttribute | |
CAutoStart | |
CAutoStartLeaf | |
CBackwardEuler | |
CBArena | A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management |
CBaseAnalytic | |
CBaseBCFuncEval | |
CBaseBCValue | |
CBaseDomainBC | |
CBaseDomainBCFactory | |
CBaseEBBC | |
CBaseEBBCFactory | |
CBaseEBCellFAB | Array defined at the VolIndexs of an Box in an EBIS |
CBaseEBCellFactory | Factory class to produce BaseEBCellFABs |
CBaseEBFaceFAB | Array defined at the Faces of an Box in an EBISBox |
CBaseEBFaceFactory | Factory class to produce BaseEBFaceFABs |
CBaseFab | |
CBaseIF | |
CBaseIFFAB | |
CBaseIFFactory | Factory class to produce BaseIVFABs |
CBaseIndex | Index for other indicies to inherit |
CBaseIVFAB | |
CBaseIVFactory | Factory class to produce BaseIVFABs |
CBaseLevelBackwardEuler | |
CBaseLevelCrankNicolson | |
CBaseLevelHeatSolver | |
CBaseLevelTGA | |
CBaseMomentIterator | Class to enable template containment |
CBaseOneDFunc | Base class for integration |
CBaseStencil | |
CBaseTransform | Base class to transform boxes in an existing layout |
CBCFunction | |
CBCFuncWrapper | This BCFunction simply wraps a BCFunc |
CBCHolder | |
CBCValueFunction | |
CBCValueHolder | |
CBiCGStabSolver | |
CBilinearIF | |
CBinFab | Base class for particle data on a Box |
CBinFabFactory | Factory class to produce one or more instances of BinFab on the same level |
CBinItem | Virtual base class for particle data |
CBitSet | |
CBitSetIterator | |
CBitSetTrueIterator | |
CBlockBaseRegister | Class to implement a single data register a mapped multiblock domain block boundary |
CBlockBoundary | Class to describe the multi-block topology between 2 blocks, or placehold a BC |
CBlockRegister | Class to hold data on a mapped multiblock domain block boundary |
CBoundaryAreaRefCrit | Base class for special refinement |
CBoundaryData | |
CBoundaryIterator | Iterates through the IntVects on the surface of a Box |
CBox | A Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice |
Cbox | |
Cbox2d | |
Cbox3d | |
CBoxCollapser | This class collapses the "fixed" dimensions of a Box to its small end |
CBoxFixedOff | This class uncollapses the collapsed dimensions of a Box, and leaves other dimensions set to 0 |
Cboxids | |
CBoxIterator | Iterates through the IntVects of a Box |
CBoxLayout | A not-necessarily-disjoint collective of boxes |
CBoxLayoutData | Data on a BoxLayout |
CBRMeshRefine | Class which manages Berger-Rigoutsos grid generation |
CCallbacks | |
CCArena | A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management |
CCartesianBlockCS | Single Cartesian block |
CCartesianBlockRotateCS | Single Cartesian block |
CCartesianCoordSys | Basic Cartesian Coordinates |
CCartesianCoordSysFactory | Factory for CartesianCoordSys |
CCartesianCS | Basic (possibly stretched) Cartesian fourth-order oordinate system |
CCartesianCSFactory | Factory for CartesianCS |
CCellEdge | |
CCFArrayBox | |
CCFIVS | Internal class to find parts of a box outside the valid region of a level |
CCFRegion | Class that represents the edge region around a DisjointBoxLayout |
CCFStencil | Class to encapsulate coarse-fine information for AMR operations |
►CCHArray | Multidimensional array class |
CArray_impl | |
CCheckpointPeriodicFunction | |
CChombo_EBIS | Singleton version of EBIndexSpace |
CChomboSundialsAdaptor | Virtual base class contract to interact with SUNDIALS |
CCHRange | Defines a range of subscripts |
CCoarseAverage | Replaces coarse level data with an average of fine level data |
CCoarseAverageCodim | |
CCoarseAverageFace | Replaces face-centered coarse-level data w/ averaged fine-level data |
CCodimBox | An FArrayBox container for storage on the codimensions of a box |
CCodimBoxFactory | |
CCoDimCopier | An even strangerer (than CornerCopier) thing to copy from ghost cells to corner ghost cells |
CCoDimCopyManager | Helper class to manage CoDim exchange operations |
CCoefficientInterpolator | |
CCompBC | |
CCompCounts | |
CCompGridVTOBC | |
CCompIntVect | |
CComplementIF | |
CComputeCutCellMoments | |
CComputeCutCellMoments< 1 > | |
CConductivityBaseDomainBC | |
CConductivityBaseEBBC | |
CConstAnalytic | |
CConstantScalarFunction | |
CConstantTensorFunction | |
CConstantVectorFunction | |
CConstBCFunction | |
CConstDiriBC | |
CConstrainedLS | |
CCoordinateSystem | |
CCoordSys | Virtual base class encapsulating mapped-grid coordinate systems |
CCoordSysFactory | Pure-virtual base class defining factory interface for CoordSys |
CCoordTransform | Coordinate transformations |
CCopier | A strange but true thing to make copying from one boxlayoutdata to another fast |
CCopierBuffer | |
CCopyIterator | |
CCornerCopier | An even stranger (than Copier) thing to copy from ghost cells to corner ghost cells |
CCorrect1D2D | |
CCoveredFaceFAB | Holder for data over covered faces |
CCoveredFaceIterator | Iterator for all vofs within an IntVectSet and an EBISBox |
CCubeAnalytic | |
CCubedSphere2DCS | Simple multiblock coordinate system for a cylinder |
CCubedSphere2DCSFactory | |
CCubedSphere2DPanelCS | Basic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates |
CCubedSphereShellCS | |
CCubedSphereShellCSFactory | |
CCubedSphereShellPanelCS | |
CCubedSphereSolidBlockCS | |
CCubedSphereSolidCS | |
CCubedSphereSolidCSFactory | |
CCutCellMoments | |
CCutCellMoments< 1 > | |
CCylinderCS | MultiBlockCoordSys with a central cubic box and four sectors |
CCylinderCSFactory | |
CCylinderEquiangularBlockCS | Basic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates |
CCylinderEquiangularCS | MultiBlockCoordSys with a central cubic box and four sectors |
CCylinderEquiangularCSFactory | |
CCylinderSpokesBlockCS | Basic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates |
CCylinderSpokesCS | MultiBlockCoordSys with a central cubic box and four sectors |
CCylinderSpokesCSFactory | |
CDataFactory | Factory object to data members of a BoxLayoutData container |
CDataFileIF | |
CDataIndex | |
CDataIterator | |
CDefaultDataFactory | Factory object to data members of a BoxLayoutData container |
CDenseIntVectSet | Dense representation implementation of IntVectSet class |
CDenseIntVectSetIterator | Iterate over all the 'true' members of a DenseIntVectSet set |
CDerivStencil | Class to encapsulate the operations to create derivs on irreg stencils |
CDirichletConductivityDomainBC | |
CDirichletConductivityDomainBCFactory | |
CDirichletConductivityEBBC | |
CDirichletConductivityEBBCFactory | |
CDirichletPoissonDomainBC | |
CDirichletPoissonDomainBCFactory | |
CDirichletPoissonEBBC | |
CDirichletPoissonEBBCFactory | |
CDirichletViscousTensorDomainBC | |
CDirichletViscousTensorDomainBCFactory | |
CDirichletViscousTensorEBBC | |
CDirichletViscousTensorEBBCFactory | |
CDisjointBoxLayout | A BoxLayout that has a concept of disjointedness |
CDivergenceStencil | Stencil to evaluate the conservative divergence of a flux |
CDivNormalRefinement | |
CDomainNodeBC | Class to enforce boundary conditions |
CDoubleCartesianCS | MultiBlockCoordSys consisting of two blocks in each dimension |
CDoubleCartesianCSFactory | |
CDoubleCartesianRotateCS | MultiBlockCoordSys consisting of two blocks in each dimension, which are rotated from mapped to real space |
CDoubleCartesianRotateCSFactory | |
CDoubleRampExact | |
CDoubleSphereExact | |
CdXConcept | |
CEBAdvectLevelIntegrator | |
CEBAdvectPatchIntegrator | |
CEBAliasDataFactory | |
CEBAMRDataOps | |
CEBAMRGodunov | |
CEBAMRGodunovFactory | |
►CEBAMRPoissonOp | |
CStencilIndex | |
CStencilIndexComparator | |
CEBAMRPoissonOpFactory | |
CEBAMRTestCommon | |
CEBArith | |
CEBBackwardEuler | |
CEBCellFAB | |
CEBCellFactory | Factory class to produce EBCellFABs |
CEBCFCopy | Copy coarse values from coarse cells to the fine cells covering them |
CEBCFData | |
CEBCoarseAverage | Replaces coarse level data with an average of fine level data |
CEBCoarsen | Replaces coarse level data with a coarsening of fine level data |
CEBCoarToCoarRedist | |
CEBCoarToFineRedist | Coarse to fine redistribution class |
CEBConductivityOp | |
CEBConductivityOpFactory | |
CEBConstantCFInterp | |
CEBData | |
CEBDataFactory | Factory class to produce EBData(es) |
CEBDataImplem | |
CEBDebugPoint | |
CEBFaceFAB | |
CEBFaceFactory | Factory class to produce BaseEBFaceFABs |
CEBFastFR | EBFastFR-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers |
CEBFineToCoarRedist | |
CEBFluxFAB | A EBFaceFAB-like container for edge-centered fluxes |
CEBFluxFactory | Factory class to produce BaseEBFluxFABs |
CEBFluxRegister | EBFluxRegister-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers |
CEBGraph | Geometric description within a box |
CEBGraphFactory | Factory class to produce EBGraph(es) |
CEBGraphImplem | Geometric description within a box |
CEBIndexSpace | |
CEBISBox | |
CEBISLayout | |
CEBISLayoutImplem | |
CEBISLevel | |
CEBLevelAdvect | |
CEBLevelBackwardEuler | |
CEBLevelCrankNicolson | |
CEBLevelDataOps | |
CEBLevelGodunov | Level Godunov |
CEBLevelGrid | |
CEBLevelRedist | |
CEBLevelTGA | |
CEBMGAverage | Piecewise constant interpolation |
CEBMGInterp | Piecewise constant interpolation |
CEBNormalizeByVolumeFraction | |
CEBNormType | |
CEBPatchAdvect | |
CEBPatchAdvectFactory | |
►CEBPatchGodunov | |
Caccess_t | |
CpointerOffset_t | |
Cslop_logic_t | |
CupdateStencil_t | |
CEBPatchGodunovFactory | |
CEBPhysIBC | |
CEBPhysIBCFactory | |
CEBPoissonOp | |
CEBPoissonOpFactory | |
CEBPWLFillPatch | |
CEBPWLFineInterp | |
CEBQuadCFInterp | |
CEBSimpleSolver | |
►CEBStencil | EB stencil |
CdestTerm_t | |
Cebstencil_t | |
CstencilTerm | |
►CEBStenVarCoef | |
CdestTerm_t | |
CstencilTerm | |
Cvarcsten_t | |
CEBTensorCFInterp | Quadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility for tensors |
CEBViscousTensorOp | |
CEBViscousTensorOpFactory | |
CEdgeDataBox | A FArrayBox-like container for edge-centered fluxes |
CedgeMo | |
CEdgeQuadrature | Virtual base class for defining edge-based quadratures |
CEllipsoidIF | |
CEntry | |
CExplosionIBC | Example of an circular/spherical explosion |
CExtrapAdvectBC | Uses extrapolated value in all cases |
CExtrapAdvectBCFactory | |
CExtrapFillPatch | Fills outer ghost cells by copying from inner ghost cells |
CFABAliasDataFactory | |
CFABAliasFlBxDataFactory | |
CFaceData | |
CFaceFabDataFactory | |
CFaceIndex | |
CFaceIterator | Iterator over faces within an IntVectSet and an Ebgraph |
CfaceMo | |
CFaceNodeBC | A class to encapsulate the operations of boundary conditions on a face |
CFaceSpreadingOp | Class to do spreading operation in the context of CopyTo |
CFaceStencil | |
CFaceStop | |
CFaceSumOp | |
CFArrayBox | |
CFASMultiGrid | |
CFEConcept | |
CFIConcept | |
CFineInterp | Replaces fine level data with interpolation of coarse level data |
CFineInterpFace | Replaces face-centered fine data with interpolation of coarse level data |
CFixedRefinement | |
CFluxBox | A FArrayBox-like container for face-centered fluxes |
CFourthOrderCFInterp | Fourth-order interpolation in time and space to ghost cells |
CFourthOrderCoordSys | Virtual base class encapsulating fourth-order CoordSys |
CFourthOrderFillPatch | Fourth-order interpolation in time and space to ghost cells |
CFourthOrderFineInterp | Fourth-order interpolation in space |
CFourthOrderInterpStencil | Class to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell |
CFourthOrderMappedCFInterp | Fourth-order interpolation in space |
CFourthOrderMappedCFInterpStencil | Class to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell |
CFourthOrderMappedFineInterp | Interpolate from coarse cells to valid fine cells on mapped grids |
CFourthOrderOneDInterp | Fourth-order interpolation in space |
CFourthOrderOneDStencil | Class to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell |
CFourthOrderPatchInterp | Fourth-order interpolation in space on a single patch |
CFourthOrderTensorInterp | Class to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell |
CGatherBuffer | |
CGatherObject | Return object for the regionGather function |
CGaussianIF | |
CGaussianQuadrature | Implements Gaussian quadrature for edge-based quadrature |
CGaussianSphereIF | |
CGenericArithmeticable | |
CGeometryService | |
CGeometryShop | |
CGMRESSolver | |
CGodunovPhysics | |
CGodunovUtilities | |
CGraphNode | |
CGraphNodeImplem | |
CGrowInBlock | Class that is given a base box in a MultiBlockCoordSys and returns the chunk of its halo to be filled in from a specified source block with a specified offset |
CHDF5attributes | |
CHDF5Handle | Handle to a particular group in an HDF file |
CHDF5HeaderData | Data to be added to HDF5 files |
CHelicoilIF | |
CHelixIF | |
CHyperPlaneIF | |
CHyperSphereIF | |
CIFData | |
CIFData< 1 > | |
CIFid | |
CIFidTable | |
CIFInspector | |
CIFSlicer | |
CIFSlicer< GLOBALDIM > | |
CImageIterator | |
CIndexedMoments | |
CIndexML | |
CIndexTM | |
CIndexTraits | |
CIndexTraits< int > | |
CIndexTraits< Real > | |
CIndexType | Cell-Based or Node-Based Indices |
CIndicesTransformation | Class to describe transformation of indices from one block to another |
CInterfaceJump | |
CInterpInt | Fills fine LevelData<BaseFab<int> > from a coarse one using piecewise constant interpolation |
CIntersectionAverageFace | Average from fine intersections |
CIntersectionIF | |
CInterval | Structure for passing component ranges in code |
CIntVect | An integer Vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space |
Cintvect2d | |
Cintvect3d | |
CIntVectSet | An irregular domain on an integer lattice |
►CIrregFAB | |
CadditionOp | Operator for += |
CarithOp | Some stuff to do arithmetic |
CdivisionOp | Operator for /= |
CmultiplicationOp | Operator for *= |
CsubtractionOp | Operator for -= |
CIrregFABFactory | Factory class to produce IrregFABs |
Cirregface | |
CIrregNode | |
►CIrregTag | |
CEntry | |
Cirregvof | |
CIVSFABFactory | Factory class to produce IVSFABs |
CIVSIterator | Iterator for an IntVectSet |
CLAPACKMatrix | |
CLatheIF | |
CLayoutData | Data that maintains a one-to-one mapping of T to the boxes in a BoxLayout |
CLayoutIndex | An index for LayoutIterator |
CLayoutIterator | An Iterator based on a BoxLayout object |
CLDaddEdgeOp | LDaddOp for edge-centered data |
CLDaddFaceOp | LDaddOp for face-centered data |
CLDaddNodeOp | |
CLDaddOp | |
CLDOperator | |
CLevelAdvect | Advection integrator on a level |
CLevelBackwardEuler | Implements BackwardEuler algorithm to update solution to heat equation |
CLevelConsOperator | Level Cons Operator - a class for evaluating the Laplacian |
►CLevelData | New code |
CApplyFunctor | |
CLevelDataOps | |
CLevelFluxRegister | LevelFluxRegister-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers |
CLevelFluxRegisterEdge | LevelFluxRegisterEdge – Flux register for constrained-transport applications |
CLevelGodunov | Level Godunov - really a hyperbolic level integrator |
CLevelGridMetrics | Grid metrics for a level |
CLevelMappedConsOperator | |
CLevelSourceTerm | |
CLevelTGA | Implements TGA algorithm to update solution to heat equation |
CLevelTGAHelmOp | |
Clex_compare_iv | |
CLexLT | |
CLinearAnalytic | |
CLinearOp | |
CLinearSolver | |
CList | A Doubly-Linked List Class |
CListBox | |
CListBoxFactory | |
CListIterator | Iterator over a List |
CListLink | |
CLocalCoordMoveSwitch | |
CLSProblem | |
CLSProblem< 1 > | |
CLSquares | |
CMappedLevelData | Solution data on a level for mapped grids |
CMask | |
CMayDay | Error-reporting Functions |
CMBAggLevelExchange | The class MultiBlockLevelExchange stores topological and geometric information |
►CMBAggStencil | |
Cstenelem_t | |
CMBStencil | Class to describe a multi-block interpolation stencil |
CMBStencilElement | Class to describe a single element of a multi-block interpolation stencil |
CMBStencilIterator | Iterates through the MBStencilElements of a MBStencil |
CMBVectorStencil | Class to describe a multi-block interpolation stencil |
CMBVectorStencilElement | Class to describe a single element of a multi-block interpolation stencil |
CMBVectorStencilIterator | Iterates through the MBVectorStencilElements of a MBVectorStencil |
CMergeBoxesOnLines | Class which merges boxes in a direction without changing the overall box coverage |
CMergeSolver | |
CMeshInterp | |
CMeshRefine | Class which manages grid generation |
CMFAliasFactory | |
CMFAMRDataOps | |
CMFArith | |
CMFBackwardEuler | |
CMFCellFAB | |
CMFCellFactory | Factory class to produce MFCellFABs |
CMFFluxFAB | Container for face-centered fluxes for multifluid |
CMFFluxFactory | Factory class to produce MFFluxFABs |
CMFGeometry | |
CMFIndexSpace | |
CMFLevelDataOps | |
►CMFPoissonOp | Multifluid poisson operator – computes (alpha + div(Beta Grad)) |
CStencilIndex | |
CStencilIndexComparator | |
CMFPoissonOpFactory | |
CMFRemapper | |
CMFSimpleSolver | |
►CMFStencil | |
Cagg_t | Structure to hold multifluid stencils |
CdestTerm_t | |
Cebstencil_t | |
CstencilTerm | |
CMGLevelOp | |
CMGLevelOpFactory | |
CMGLevelOpObserver | |
CMiniIFFAB | |
CMiniIVFAB | |
CMinimalCCCM | |
CMinimalCCCM< 1 > | |
CMixedViscousTensorDomainBC | |
CMollifyIF | |
CMOLMappedPhysics | |
CMOLPhysics | |
CMOLUtilities | |
CMomentIterator | Iterates through the indices of a IndexedMoment |
CMoments | |
CMonomialEBMomentFunc | |
CMonomialIF | |
CMotionItem | |
CMultiBlockCoordSys | Virtual interface class encapsulating multi-block mapping API |
CMultiBlockCoordSysFactory | Pure-virtual base class defining factory interface for MultiBlockCoordSys |
CMultiBlockFaceRegister | |
CMultiBlockFluxRegister | |
CMultiBlockLevelCopier | The class MultiBlockLevelCopier stores topological and geometric information |
CMultiBlockLevelCopierAverage | The class MultiBlockLevelCopierAverage stores topological and geometric information |
CMultiBlockLevelCopierCenter | The class MultiBlockLevelCopierCenter stores topological and geometric information |
CMultiBlockLevelExchange | The class MultiBlockLevelExchange stores topological and geometric information |
CMultiBlockLevelExchangeAverage | The class MultiBlockLevelExchangeAverage stores topological and geometric information for cell-averaged data |
CMultiBlockLevelExchangeCenter | The class MultiBlockLevelExchangeCenter stores topological and geometric information for cell-centered data |
CMultiBlockLevelGeom | The class MultiBlockLevelGeom stores topological and geometric information |
CMultiBlockMeshRefine | |
CMultiBlockUtil | The class MultiBlockUtil contains some functions used by MultiBlockLevelGeom, MultiBlockLevelExchange, and MultiBlockLevelCopier. It does NOT store any layouts |
CMultiCartesianCS | MultiBlockCoordSys consisting of rectangular array of boxes, with Cartesian mapping in each |
CMultiCartesianCSFactory | |
CMultiGrid | |
CMultilevelLinearOp | |
CMultiSlabService | |
CMultiSphereIF | |
CNeighborIterator | An Iterator based on a DisjointBoxLayout object for neighboring boxes |
CNeumannConductivityDomainBC | |
CNeumannConductivityDomainBCFactory | |
CNeumannConductivityEBBC | |
CNeumannConductivityEBBCFactory | |
CNeumannPoissonDomainBC | |
CNeumannPoissonDomainBCFactory | |
CNeumannPoissonEBBC | |
CNeumannPoissonEBBCFactory | |
CNeumannViscousTensorDomainBC | |
CNeumannViscousTensorDomainBCFactory | |
CNeumannViscousTensorEBBC | |
CNeumannViscousTensorEBBCFactory | |
CNewCoordSys | Virtual base class encapsulating mapped-grid coordinate systems |
CNewCoordSysFactory | Pure-virtual base class defining factory interface for CoordSys |
CNewFourthOrderCoordSys | Virtual base class encapsulating mapped-grid coordinate systems |
CNewMultiBlockFluxRegister | |
CNewPoissonOp | |
CNewPoissonOp4 | |
CNewPoissonOp4Factory | |
CNewPoissonOpFactory | |
CNewtonCotesQuadrature | Implements Newton-Cotes edge-based quadrature |
CNodeCFIVS | Class to get fine IntVectSet at coarse/fine interface |
CNodeCoarseAverage | Replaces coarse-level data with an average of fine-level data |
CNodeFArrayBox | A wrapper for an FArrayBox to contain NODE-centered data |
CNodeLevelDataOps | |
CNodeMGInterp | Class to interpolate coarse-level data to a fine level |
CNodeQCFI | Class to interpolate quadratically at coarse/fine interface |
CNodeQuadCFInterp2 | Class to interpolate quadratically at coarse/fine interface when refinement ratio is 2 |
CNonAggregatedEBStencil | Very slow, bad version of EB stencil |
CNoOpSolver | |
CNoRefinement | |
CNormalDerivative | This computes the derivatives of the normal of a sliced implicit function |
CNormalDerivative< GLOBALDIM > | This computes the derivatives of the normal of a sliced implicit function |
CNormalDerivativeNew | This computes the derivatives of the normal of a sliced implicit function |
CNWOEBConductivityOp | |
CNWOEBConductivityOpFactory | |
CNWOEBQuadCFInterp | Quadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility |
CNWOEBViscousTensorOp | |
CNWOEBViscousTensorOpFactory | |
CNWOQuadCFInterp | Fourth-order interpolation in time and space to ghost cells |
CNWOViscousTensorOp | |
CNWOViscousTensorOpFactory | |
COffsetBuffer | |
COffsetSphereExact | |
COldTimer | |
COneDIntegrator | |
COutputAMRMultiGridInspector | |
CParabolaIF | |
CParmParse | Parse Parameters From Command Line and Input Files |
CParticle | |
CParticleBC | |
CParticleData | |
CParticleValidRegion | |
CPatchConsOperator | Patch Cons Operator - a class for evaluating the Laplacian |
CPatchGodunov | |
CPatchMappedConsOperator | |
CPetscCompGrid | |
CPetscCompGridPois | |
CPetscCompGridVTO | |
CPetscSolver | |
CPetscSolverFAB | |
CPetscSolverPoisson | |
CPetscSolverViscousTensor | |
CPhysIBC | Physical/domain initial and boundary conditions |
CPhysMappedIBC | Physical/domain initial and boundary conditions |
CPiecewiseLinearFillPatch | Fills ghost cells by linear interpolation in space and time |
CPiecewiseLinearFillPatchFace | Fills ghost cells by linear interpolation in space and time |
CPlaneIF | |
CPlotterPeriodicFunction | |
CPoissonOp4 | |
CPoissonOp4Factory | |
CPolarIF | |
CPolyGeom | |
CPolynomialIF | |
CPolyTerm | |
CPolytropicPhysics | |
CPool | Pool is a class to optimize memory allocation |
CPrintable | |
CProblemDomain | A class to facilitate interaction with physical boundary conditions |
CQuadAnalytic | |
CQuadCFInterp | Quadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility |
CQuadCFStencil | Class to encapsulate CF info for quadratic interpolation |
CQuadratureElement | |
CRampIBC | Example of a wedge |
CRCPArrayPolicy | Policies for when T is an array |
CRCPFreePolicy | Policies for when T is created via malloc (or otherwise requires free) |
CRCPPairTr | General case T and S are not the same |
CRCPPairTr< T, T > | Specialization for same type |
CRCPPointerPolicy | Policies for when T is a scalar object |
CRCPTypeTr | General case T is non-const and inverse is const |
CRCPTypeTr< const T > | Specialization where T is const and inverse is non-const |
CRealTensor | |
CRealVect | A Real vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space |
CRedistStencil | Stencil for mass redistribution |
CReductionCopier | Specialized copier for doing reductions in dimensionality |
CRefCountedPtr | A reference-counting handle class |
CReferenceHeightIF | |
CRefinementCriterion | |
►CRegionGather | Data coordination class for the regionGather function |
CMessage | |
CRegularMFAliasFactory | |
Cregvof | |
CRelaxSolver | |
CRemoteCopier | |
CResistivityOp | |
CResistivityOpFactory | |
CRhodoneaIF | |
CRK4DenseOutput | |
CRThetaPhiCS | Mapping from spherical coordinates (Xi) to real coodinates |
CRThetaPhiCSFactory | Factory for RThetaPhiCS |
CRThetaZCS | Basic (possibly stretched) Cartesian fourth-order oordinate system |
CRThetaZCSFactory | Factory for RThetaZCS |
CScalarFunction | |
►CScheduler | |
CPeriodicFunction | |
CPeriodicFunctionLessThan | Ordering operator for pointers to periodic functions |
CSchwarzChristoffelRampCS | Conformal Schwarz-Christoffel mapping of a ramp |
CSchwarzChristoffelRampCSFactory | Factory for SchwarzChristoffelRampCS |
CSerialTask | |
CShiftIterator | Class to manage box-shifting used to enforce periodic BC's |
CSide | Encapsulation of high or low side |
CSideIterator | Iterator for low and high side |
CSimpleAdaptor | Class to interface a LevelData<FArrayBox> with SUNDIALS |
CSimpleEllipsoidIF | |
CSineIF | |
CSingleBlockCSAdapter | |
CSingleBlockCSAdaptor | |
CSingleBlockCSAdaptorFactory | |
CSingleLevelDivergence | Class to encapsulate Divergence functions |
CSingleLevelGradient | Class to encapsulate Gradient functions (both CC and face-centered) |
CSlabService | |
CSliceSpec | |
CslowEBCO | |
CslowEBCOFactory | |
CSmoothAbsoluteValue | |
CSmoothIntersection | |
CSmoothUnion | |
CSphereArrayIF | |
CSphereIF | |
CSpline1DMapping | |
CSpreadingCopier | Specialized copier for doing spreading of data in dimensionality |
CSpreadingOp | Class to do spreading operation in the context of CopyTo |
CStdSetIVS | IntVectSet implementation based std::set |
CStdSetIVSIterator | |
CStencilScalarValue | |
CStencilTensorValue | |
CSTLAsciiReader | |
CSTLBinaryReader | |
CSTLBox | |
CSTLExplorer | |
►CSTLMesh | The whole mesh |
Cconninfo | Connectivity |
Cedgelist | Edges |
Ctrilist | Triangles |
Cvertlist | Vertices |
CSTLReader | |
CSumIF | |
CSumOp | Class to do summing operation in the context of CopyTo |
CTagSet | |
CTensorCFInterp | Quadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility for tensors |
CTensorCFIVS | Class to get fine intvectset at CF interface |
CTensorFineStencilSet | Class to encapsulate fine-level tangential gradient stencil computation |
CTensorFunction | |
CTGAHelmOp | |
CTiltedCylinderIF | |
CTimedDataIterator | |
CTimeInterpolatorRK4 | Time interpolator class using 4th-order Runge-Kutta |
CTorusIF | |
CTraceTimer | |
CTransformIF | |
CTreeIntVectSet | IntVectSet implementation based on tree representation |
CTreeIntVectSetIterator | |
CTripleCartesianCS | MultiBlockCoordSys consisting of three blocks in each dimension |
CTripleCartesianCSFactory | |
CTuple | Ordered Tuples for Types T |
CTupleKeyMap | |
CTwistedCS | |
CTwistedCSFactory | Factory for TwistedCS |
CTylerChannelIF | |
CUnionIF | |
CVarCoefStencil | VoF-centered stencil |
CVCAggStencil | |
CVCAMRPoissonOp2 | |
CVCAMRPoissonOp2Factory | |
CVector | One dimensional dynamic array |
CVectorAvgTransformation | Class to describe transformation of SpaceDim-vectors, typically from one block to another |
CVectorFunction | |
CVectorTransformation | Class to describe transformation of SpaceDim-vectors, typically from one block to another |
CViscousBaseDomainBC | |
CViscousBaseEBBC | |
CViscousTensorOp | |
CViscousTensorOpFactory | |
CVisItChomboDriver | |
CVisItPythonConnection | |
CVoFIterator | Iterator for all vofs within an IntVectSet and an Ebgraph |
CvofMo | |
CVoFStencil | VoF-centered stencil |
CVolData | |
CVolIndex | Volume of Fluid Index |
CWarpedCS | |
CWarpedCSFactory | Factory for WarpedCS |
CWaveIBC | Example of a sinusoidal plane wave plus a constant density |
CWGSRefinementCriterion | Base class for special refinement |
CWrappedGShop | |
CWriteMultiData | Methods for writing multiple LevelData to an HDF5 file |
CXConcept | |
CXPointBlockCoordSys | |
CXPointCoordSys | |
CXPointCoordSysFactory | |