Chombo + EB + MF  3.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NSortSome support for sorting small arrays
 C_N_VectorContent_ChContent in SUNDIALS nvector, pointer to Chombo adaptor
 CAdvectPhysicsA class derived from GodunovPhysics for simple advection-diffusion problems
 CAdvectTestIBCExample IBC for advection-diffusion problem
 CAggStencilAggregated stencil
 CAllRegularServiceA geometry service that is always regular
 CAMRFramework for Berger-Oliger timestepping for AMR
 CAmrAdaptorData holder for AMR hierarchy data to interact with SUNDIALS
 CAMRLevelAbstract base class for time-dependent data at a level of refinement
 CAMRLevelAdvectDiffuseAMRLevel for advection-diffusion
 CAMRLevelConsAMR Level for fourth-order solution to conservation law
 CAMRLevelConsFactoryAMR Cons Equation factory
 CAMRLevelFactoryFactory class to produce an AMRLevel
 CAMRLevelMappedConsAMR Level for fourth-order solution to conservation law
 CAMRLevelMappedConsFactoryAMR Cons Equation factory
 CAMRLevelPolytropicGasAMR Godunov
 CAMRLevelPolytropicGasFactoryAMR Godunov factory
 CArenaA Virtual Base Class for Dynamic Memory Managemen
 CArrayViewDataSpecial LayoutData type for use with ArrayView
 CBArenaA Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management
 CBaseEBCellFABArray defined at the VolIndexs of an Box in an EBIS
 CBaseEBCellFactoryFactory class to produce BaseEBCellFABs
 CBaseEBFaceFABArray defined at the Faces of an Box in an EBISBox
 CBaseEBFaceFactoryFactory class to produce BaseEBFaceFABs
 CBaseIFFactoryFactory class to produce BaseIVFABs
 CBaseIndexIndex for other indicies to inherit
 CBaseIVFactoryFactory class to produce BaseIVFABs
 CBaseMomentIteratorClass to enable template containment
 CBaseOneDFuncBase class for integration
 CBaseTransformBase class to transform boxes in an existing layout
 CBCFuncWrapperThis BCFunction simply wraps a BCFunc
 CBinFabBase class for particle data on a Box
 CBinFabFactoryFactory class to produce one or more instances of BinFab on the same level
 CBinItemVirtual base class for particle data
 CBlockBaseRegisterClass to implement a single data register a mapped multiblock domain block boundary
 CBlockBoundaryClass to describe the multi-block topology between 2 blocks, or placehold a BC
 CBlockRegisterClass to hold data on a mapped multiblock domain block boundary
 CBoundaryAreaRefCritBase class for special refinement
 CBoundaryIteratorIterates through the IntVects on the surface of a Box
 CBoxA Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice
 CBoxCollapserThis class collapses the "fixed" dimensions of a Box to its small end
 CBoxFixedOffThis class uncollapses the collapsed dimensions of a Box, and leaves other dimensions set to 0
 CBoxIteratorIterates through the IntVects of a Box
 CBoxLayoutA not-necessarily-disjoint collective of boxes
 CBoxLayoutDataData on a BoxLayout
 CBRMeshRefineClass which manages Berger-Rigoutsos grid generation
 CCArenaA Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management
 CCartesianBlockCSSingle Cartesian block
 CCartesianBlockRotateCSSingle Cartesian block
 CCartesianCoordSysBasic Cartesian Coordinates
 CCartesianCoordSysFactoryFactory for CartesianCoordSys
 CCartesianCSBasic (possibly stretched) Cartesian fourth-order oordinate system
 CCartesianCSFactoryFactory for CartesianCS
 CCFIVSInternal class to find parts of a box outside the valid region of a level
 CCFRegionClass that represents the edge region around a DisjointBoxLayout
 CCFStencilClass to encapsulate coarse-fine information for AMR operations
 CCHArrayMultidimensional array class
 CChombo_EBISSingleton version of EBIndexSpace
 CChomboSundialsAdaptorVirtual base class contract to interact with SUNDIALS
 CCHRangeDefines a range of subscripts
 CCoarseAverageReplaces coarse level data with an average of fine level data
 CCoarseAverageFaceReplaces face-centered coarse-level data w/ averaged fine-level data
 CCodimBoxAn FArrayBox container for storage on the codimensions of a box
 CCoDimCopierAn even strangerer (than CornerCopier) thing to copy from ghost cells to corner ghost cells
 CCoDimCopyManagerHelper class to manage CoDim exchange operations
 CComputeCutCellMoments< 1 >
 CCoordSysVirtual base class encapsulating mapped-grid coordinate systems
 CCoordSysFactoryPure-virtual base class defining factory interface for CoordSys
 CCoordTransformCoordinate transformations
 CCopierA strange but true thing to make copying from one boxlayoutdata to another fast
 CCornerCopierAn even stranger (than Copier) thing to copy from ghost cells to corner ghost cells
 CCoveredFaceFABHolder for data over covered faces
 CCoveredFaceIteratorIterator for all vofs within an IntVectSet and an EBISBox
 CCubedSphere2DCSSimple multiblock coordinate system for a cylinder
 CCubedSphere2DPanelCSBasic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates
 CCutCellMoments< 1 >
 CCylinderCSMultiBlockCoordSys with a central cubic box and four sectors
 CCylinderEquiangularBlockCSBasic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates
 CCylinderEquiangularCSMultiBlockCoordSys with a central cubic box and four sectors
 CCylinderSpokesBlockCSBasic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates
 CCylinderSpokesCSMultiBlockCoordSys with a central cubic box and four sectors
 CDataFactoryFactory object to data members of a BoxLayoutData container
 CDefaultDataFactoryFactory object to data members of a BoxLayoutData container
 CDenseIntVectSetDense representation implementation of IntVectSet class
 CDenseIntVectSetIteratorIterate over all the 'true' members of a DenseIntVectSet set
 CDerivStencilClass to encapsulate the operations to create derivs on irreg stencils
 CDisjointBoxLayoutA BoxLayout that has a concept of disjointedness
 CDivergenceStencilStencil to evaluate the conservative divergence of a flux
 CDomainNodeBCClass to enforce boundary conditions
 CDoubleCartesianCSMultiBlockCoordSys consisting of two blocks in each dimension
 CDoubleCartesianRotateCSMultiBlockCoordSys consisting of two blocks in each dimension, which are rotated from mapped to real space
 CEBCellFactoryFactory class to produce EBCellFABs
 CEBCFCopyCopy coarse values from coarse cells to the fine cells covering them
 CEBCoarseAverageReplaces coarse level data with an average of fine level data
 CEBCoarsenReplaces coarse level data with a coarsening of fine level data
 CEBCoarToFineRedistCoarse to fine redistribution class
 CEBDataFactoryFactory class to produce EBData(es)
 CEBFaceFactoryFactory class to produce BaseEBFaceFABs
 CEBFastFREBFastFR-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers
 CEBFluxFABA EBFaceFAB-like container for edge-centered fluxes
 CEBFluxFactoryFactory class to produce BaseEBFluxFABs
 CEBFluxRegisterEBFluxRegister-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers
 CEBGraphGeometric description within a box
 CEBGraphFactoryFactory class to produce EBGraph(es)
 CEBGraphImplemGeometric description within a box
 CEBLevelGodunovLevel Godunov
 CEBMGAveragePiecewise constant interpolation
 CEBMGInterpPiecewise constant interpolation
 CEBStencilEB stencil
 CEBTensorCFInterpQuadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility for tensors
 CEdgeDataBoxA FArrayBox-like container for edge-centered fluxes
 CEdgeQuadratureVirtual base class for defining edge-based quadratures
 CExplosionIBCExample of an circular/spherical explosion
 CExtrapAdvectBCUses extrapolated value in all cases
 CExtrapFillPatchFills outer ghost cells by copying from inner ghost cells
 CFaceIteratorIterator over faces within an IntVectSet and an Ebgraph
 CFaceNodeBCA class to encapsulate the operations of boundary conditions on a face
 CFaceSpreadingOpClass to do spreading operation in the context of CopyTo
 CFineInterpReplaces fine level data with interpolation of coarse level data
 CFineInterpFaceReplaces face-centered fine data with interpolation of coarse level data
 CFluxBoxA FArrayBox-like container for face-centered fluxes
 CFourthOrderCFInterpFourth-order interpolation in time and space to ghost cells
 CFourthOrderCoordSysVirtual base class encapsulating fourth-order CoordSys
 CFourthOrderFillPatchFourth-order interpolation in time and space to ghost cells
 CFourthOrderFineInterpFourth-order interpolation in space
 CFourthOrderInterpStencilClass to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell
 CFourthOrderMappedCFInterpFourth-order interpolation in space
 CFourthOrderMappedCFInterpStencilClass to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell
 CFourthOrderMappedFineInterpInterpolate from coarse cells to valid fine cells on mapped grids
 CFourthOrderOneDInterpFourth-order interpolation in space
 CFourthOrderOneDStencilClass to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell
 CFourthOrderPatchInterpFourth-order interpolation in space on a single patch
 CFourthOrderTensorInterpClass to manage coarse-to-fine spatial interpolation to all fine cells within a single particular coarse cell
 CGatherObjectReturn object for the regionGather function
 CGaussianQuadratureImplements Gaussian quadrature for edge-based quadrature
 CGrowInBlockClass that is given a base box in a MultiBlockCoordSys and returns the chunk of its halo to be filled in from a specified source block with a specified offset
 CHDF5HandleHandle to a particular group in an HDF file
 CHDF5HeaderDataData to be added to HDF5 files
 CIFData< 1 >
 CIndexTraits< int >
 CIndexTraits< Real >
 CIndexTypeCell-Based or Node-Based Indices
 CIndicesTransformationClass to describe transformation of indices from one block to another
 CInterpIntFills fine LevelData<BaseFab<int> > from a coarse one using piecewise constant interpolation
 CIntersectionAverageFaceAverage from fine intersections
 CIntervalStructure for passing component ranges in code
 CIntVectAn integer Vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space
 CIntVectSetAn irregular domain on an integer lattice
 CIrregFABFactoryFactory class to produce IrregFABs
 CIVSFABFactoryFactory class to produce IVSFABs
 CIVSIteratorIterator for an IntVectSet
 CLayoutDataData that maintains a one-to-one mapping of T to the boxes in a BoxLayout
 CLayoutIndexAn index for LayoutIterator
 CLayoutIteratorAn Iterator based on a BoxLayout object
 CLDaddEdgeOpLDaddOp for edge-centered data
 CLDaddFaceOpLDaddOp for face-centered data
 CLevelAdvectAdvection integrator on a level
 CLevelBackwardEulerImplements BackwardEuler algorithm to update solution to heat equation
 CLevelConsOperatorLevel Cons Operator - a class for evaluating the Laplacian
 CLevelDataNew code
 CLevelFluxRegisterLevelFluxRegister-A class to encapsulate a levels worth of flux registers
 CLevelFluxRegisterEdgeLevelFluxRegisterEdge – Flux register for constrained-transport applications
 CLevelGodunovLevel Godunov - really a hyperbolic level integrator
 CLevelGridMetricsGrid metrics for a level
 CLevelTGAImplements TGA algorithm to update solution to heat equation
 CListA Doubly-Linked List Class
 CListIteratorIterator over a List
 CLSProblem< 1 >
 CMappedLevelDataSolution data on a level for mapped grids
 CMayDayError-reporting Functions
 CMBAggLevelExchangeThe class MultiBlockLevelExchange stores topological and geometric information
 CMBStencilClass to describe a multi-block interpolation stencil
 CMBStencilElementClass to describe a single element of a multi-block interpolation stencil
 CMBStencilIteratorIterates through the MBStencilElements of a MBStencil
 CMBVectorStencilClass to describe a multi-block interpolation stencil
 CMBVectorStencilElementClass to describe a single element of a multi-block interpolation stencil
 CMBVectorStencilIteratorIterates through the MBVectorStencilElements of a MBVectorStencil
 CMergeBoxesOnLinesClass which merges boxes in a direction without changing the overall box coverage
 CMeshRefineClass which manages grid generation
 CMFCellFactoryFactory class to produce MFCellFABs
 CMFFluxFABContainer for face-centered fluxes for multifluid
 CMFFluxFactoryFactory class to produce MFFluxFABs
 CMFPoissonOpMultifluid poisson operator – computes (alpha + div(Beta Grad))
 CMinimalCCCM< 1 >
 CMomentIteratorIterates through the indices of a IndexedMoment
 CMultiBlockCoordSysVirtual interface class encapsulating multi-block mapping API
 CMultiBlockCoordSysFactoryPure-virtual base class defining factory interface for MultiBlockCoordSys
 CMultiBlockLevelCopierThe class MultiBlockLevelCopier stores topological and geometric information
 CMultiBlockLevelCopierAverageThe class MultiBlockLevelCopierAverage stores topological and geometric information
 CMultiBlockLevelCopierCenterThe class MultiBlockLevelCopierCenter stores topological and geometric information
 CMultiBlockLevelExchangeThe class MultiBlockLevelExchange stores topological and geometric information
 CMultiBlockLevelExchangeAverageThe class MultiBlockLevelExchangeAverage stores topological and geometric information for cell-averaged data
 CMultiBlockLevelExchangeCenterThe class MultiBlockLevelExchangeCenter stores topological and geometric information for cell-centered data
 CMultiBlockLevelGeomThe class MultiBlockLevelGeom stores topological and geometric information
 CMultiBlockUtilThe class MultiBlockUtil contains some functions used by MultiBlockLevelGeom, MultiBlockLevelExchange, and MultiBlockLevelCopier. It does NOT store any layouts
 CMultiCartesianCSMultiBlockCoordSys consisting of rectangular array of boxes, with Cartesian mapping in each
 CNeighborIteratorAn Iterator based on a DisjointBoxLayout object for neighboring boxes
 CNewCoordSysVirtual base class encapsulating mapped-grid coordinate systems
 CNewCoordSysFactoryPure-virtual base class defining factory interface for CoordSys
 CNewFourthOrderCoordSysVirtual base class encapsulating mapped-grid coordinate systems
 CNewtonCotesQuadratureImplements Newton-Cotes edge-based quadrature
 CNodeCFIVSClass to get fine IntVectSet at coarse/fine interface
 CNodeCoarseAverageReplaces coarse-level data with an average of fine-level data
 CNodeFArrayBoxA wrapper for an FArrayBox to contain NODE-centered data
 CNodeMGInterpClass to interpolate coarse-level data to a fine level
 CNodeQCFIClass to interpolate quadratically at coarse/fine interface
 CNodeQuadCFInterp2Class to interpolate quadratically at coarse/fine interface when refinement ratio is 2
 CNonAggregatedEBStencilVery slow, bad version of EB stencil
 CNormalDerivativeThis computes the derivatives of the normal of a sliced implicit function
 CNormalDerivative< GLOBALDIM >This computes the derivatives of the normal of a sliced implicit function
 CNormalDerivativeNewThis computes the derivatives of the normal of a sliced implicit function
 CNWOEBQuadCFInterpQuadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility
 CNWOQuadCFInterpFourth-order interpolation in time and space to ghost cells
 CParmParseParse Parameters From Command Line and Input Files
 CPatchConsOperatorPatch Cons Operator - a class for evaluating the Laplacian
 CPhysIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CPhysMappedIBCPhysical/domain initial and boundary conditions
 CPiecewiseLinearFillPatchFills ghost cells by linear interpolation in space and time
 CPiecewiseLinearFillPatchFaceFills ghost cells by linear interpolation in space and time
 CPoolPool is a class to optimize memory allocation
 CProblemDomainA class to facilitate interaction with physical boundary conditions
 CQuadCFInterpQuadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility
 CQuadCFStencilClass to encapsulate CF info for quadratic interpolation
 CRampIBCExample of a wedge
 CRCPArrayPolicyPolicies for when T is an array
 CRCPFreePolicyPolicies for when T is created via malloc (or otherwise requires free)
 CRCPPairTrGeneral case T and S are not the same
 CRCPPairTr< T, T >Specialization for same type
 CRCPPointerPolicyPolicies for when T is a scalar object
 CRCPTypeTrGeneral case T is non-const and inverse is const
 CRCPTypeTr< const T >Specialization where T is const and inverse is non-const
 CRealVectA Real vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space
 CRedistStencilStencil for mass redistribution
 CReductionCopierSpecialized copier for doing reductions in dimensionality
 CRefCountedPtrA reference-counting handle class
 CRegionGatherData coordination class for the regionGather function
 CRThetaPhiCSMapping from spherical coordinates (Xi) to real coodinates
 CRThetaPhiCSFactoryFactory for RThetaPhiCS
 CRThetaZCSBasic (possibly stretched) Cartesian fourth-order oordinate system
 CRThetaZCSFactoryFactory for RThetaZCS
 CSchwarzChristoffelRampCSConformal Schwarz-Christoffel mapping of a ramp
 CSchwarzChristoffelRampCSFactoryFactory for SchwarzChristoffelRampCS
 CShiftIteratorClass to manage box-shifting used to enforce periodic BC's
 CSideEncapsulation of high or low side
 CSideIteratorIterator for low and high side
 CSimpleAdaptorClass to interface a LevelData<FArrayBox> with SUNDIALS
 CSingleLevelDivergenceClass to encapsulate Divergence functions
 CSingleLevelGradientClass to encapsulate Gradient functions (both CC and face-centered)
 CSpreadingCopierSpecialized copier for doing spreading of data in dimensionality
 CSpreadingOpClass to do spreading operation in the context of CopyTo
 CStdSetIVSIntVectSet implementation based std::set
 CSTLMeshThe whole mesh
 CSumOpClass to do summing operation in the context of CopyTo
 CTensorCFInterpQuadratic coarse-fine interpolation utility for tensors
 CTensorCFIVSClass to get fine intvectset at CF interface
 CTensorFineStencilSetClass to encapsulate fine-level tangential gradient stencil computation
 CTimeInterpolatorRK4Time interpolator class using 4th-order Runge-Kutta
 CTreeIntVectSetIntVectSet implementation based on tree representation
 CTripleCartesianCSMultiBlockCoordSys consisting of three blocks in each dimension
 CTupleOrdered Tuples for Types T
 CTwistedCSFactoryFactory for TwistedCS
 CVarCoefStencilVoF-centered stencil
 CVectorOne dimensional dynamic array
 CVectorAvgTransformationClass to describe transformation of SpaceDim-vectors, typically from one block to another
 CVectorTransformationClass to describe transformation of SpaceDim-vectors, typically from one block to another
 CVoFIteratorIterator for all vofs within an IntVectSet and an Ebgraph
 CVoFStencilVoF-centered stencil
 CVolIndexVolume of Fluid Index
 CWarpedCSFactoryFactory for WarpedCS
 CWaveIBCExample of a sinusoidal plane wave plus a constant density
 CWGSRefinementCriterionBase class for special refinement
 CWriteMultiDataMethods for writing multiple LevelData to an HDF5 file