| LevelMappedConsOperator () |
| Default constructor. More...
| LevelMappedConsOperator (PatchMappedConsOperator *a_operator) |
| Constructs a Level operator with the given PatchMappedConsOperator instance. More...
virtual | ~LevelMappedConsOperator () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | define (LevelGridMetrics *const a_levelGridMetricsPtr, LevelData< FArrayBox > *const a_UPtr, const Copier *const a_UExchangeCopierPtr, const Copier *const a_JUExchangeCopierPtr, const DisjointBoxLayout *a_coarserGrids, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int a_numGhost, const int a_numInterpolatorCrFnGhost, const int a_refineCoarse, const Real a_dx, const MOLPhysics *const a_molPhysics, const int a_numStates, const bool a_hasCoarser) |
| Define the object so that time stepping can begin (actual constructor) More...
void | defineMetricsIndices (const NewFourthOrderCoordSys *const a_coordSysPtr) |
| Define indices in to the metrics matrix. More...
void | defineUnitNormals (LevelData< FluxBox > &a_NLev) |
| Find unit normals for applying the Riemann problem on mapped grids. More...
virtual void | evalRHS (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_LofU, LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JU, LevelFluxRegister &a_finerFluxRegister, LevelFluxRegister &a_coarserFluxRegister, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JUcoarseOld, const Real &a_timeCoarseOld, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JUcoarseNew, const Real &a_timeCoarseNew, Real a_time, Real a_fluxweight) |
| Evaluate the operator at a given time. More...
void | useSourceTerm (bool a_useSourceTerm) |
| sets whether to use source term More...
virtual void | addArtificialViscosity (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_Unew, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_Uold, LevelFluxRegister &a_finerFluxRegister, LevelFluxRegister &a_coarserFluxRegister, Real a_oldTime, Real a_weight) |
| add artificial viscosity to a_Unew More...
virtual void | updateFluxTotalsAndRegisters (FluxBox &a_Fface, LevelFluxRegister &a_finerFluxRegister, LevelFluxRegister &a_coarserFluxRegister, const DataIndex &a_dataIndex, Real a_weight) |
| update a_finerFluxRegister and a_coarserFluxRegister More...
TimeInterpolatorRK4 & | getTimeInterpolator () |
| Return time interpolator object within patch-fill object. More...
virtual void | fillGhostsRK4AndComputeU (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JU, const Real &a_time, int a_stage, const Real &a_timeCoarseOld, const Real &a_timeCoarseNew) |
| fill in ghost cells of a_U to RK4 intermediates More...
void | setSourceTerm (LevelSourceTerm *a_sourceTermPtr) |
| set source term object More...
void | useArtificialDissipation (bool a_useArtificialDissipation) |
| sets whether to use artificial dissipation More...
void | artificialDissipation (Real a_artificialDissipation) |
| sets coefficient of artificial dissipation More...
| LevelConsOperator () |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~LevelConsOperator () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | define (const DisjointBoxLayout &a_thisDisjointBoxLayout, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_coarserDisjointBoxLayout, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int &a_refineCoarse, const Real &a_dx, const MOLPhysics *const a_molPhysics, const int &a_numStates, const bool &a_hasCoarser, const bool &a_hasFiner) |
| Actual constructor. More...
virtual void | evalRHSpatches (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_LofU, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, LevelFluxRegister &a_finerFluxRegister, LevelFluxRegister &a_coarserFluxRegister, Real a_weight) |
virtual void | updateODE (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_soln, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_rhs, Real a_dt) |
| update solution – soln += dt*rhs (required by LevelRK4) More...
virtual void | resetFluxes () |
| reset fluxes contained in this object to zero More...
LevelData< FluxBox > & | getFluxes () |
| returns reference to fluxes computed and accumulated by this operator. More...
virtual void | defineSolnData (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_newSoln, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_existingSoln) |
| define newSoln to match existingSoln, including ghost cells More...
virtual void | defineRHSData (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_newRHS, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_existingSoln) |
| define RHS data based on existingSoln (in this case, w/o ghost cells) More...
void | copySolnData (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_dest, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_src) |
| copy data from src->dest More...
void | spaceOrder (int a_spaceOrder) |
| set spatial order of accuracy More...
void | limitFaceValues (bool a_limitFaceValues) |
| if true, limit face values More...
void | highOrderLimiter (bool a_highOrderLimiter) |
void | useFlattening (bool a_useFlattening) |
| sets whether to flatten extrapolations to faces More...
void | noPPM (bool a_noPPM) |
| sets m_noPPM More...
void | doDeconvolution (bool a_doDeconvolution) |
| sets m_doDeconvolution More...
void | doFaceDeconvolution (bool a_doFaceDeconvolution) |
| sets m_doFaceDeconvolution More...
void | useArtificialViscosity (bool a_useArtificialViscosity) |
| sets whether to use artificial viscosity (from divergence) More...
void | artificialViscosity (Real a_artificialViscosity) |
| sets coefficient of artificial viscosity (from divergence) More...
void | forwardEuler (bool a_forwardEuler) |
| sets whether to use forward Euler instead of RK4 More...
void | numGhost (int a_numGhost) |
| sets m_numGhost, the number of ghost cells More...
void | evalCountMax (int a_evalCountMax) |
| set number of calls that will be made to evalRHS More...
void | resetEvalCount () |
| reset m_evalCount to 0 More...
TimeInterpolatorRK4 & | getTimeInterpolator () |
| Return time interpolator object within patch-fill object. More...
virtual void | fillGhosts (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, const Real &a_time, const Real &a_timeCoarseOld, const Real &a_timeCoarseNew) |
| fill in ghost cells of a_U More...
virtual void | fillGhostsRK4 (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, const Real &a_time, int a_stage, const Real &a_timeCoarseOld, const Real &a_timeCoarseNew) |
| fill in ghost cells of a_U to RK4 intermediates More...
virtual void | exchangeGhosts (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U) |
This class defines a flux divergence operator for hyperbolic conservation laws on a single refinement level of a set of structured grids.