Chombo + EB + MF  3.2
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LevelGridMetrics Class Reference

Grid metrics for a level. More...

#include <LevelGridMetrics.H>

Public Types

enum  AgeType { AgeOld = 0, AgeNew = 1, AgeNum = 2 }
 Age of metric terms during a regrid. More...
enum  TransverseNOpType { TransverseNOpNone, TransverseNOpAnalytic, TransverseNOpAverage }
 Type of operation for computing transverse terms in N. More...

Public Member Functions

 LevelGridMetrics (const int a_nComp, const int a_spaceOrder)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~LevelGridMetrics ()
 Destructor. More...
void clear ()
 Free memory. More...
bool hasFiner () const
 Does a finer level exist? More...
bool hasCoarser () const
 Does a coarser level exist? More...
void define (AMRLevel *const a_AMRLevel, MultiBlockCoordSysFactory *const a_coordSysFact, LevelGridMetrics *const a_coarserLevelGridMetrics, const RealVect &a_dxVect, const IntVect &a_ghostVect, const TransverseNOpType a_transverseNOpType=TransverseNOpNone, const bool a_haveMultiBlockVectorData=true, const int a_numBlocks=1)
 Define the class. No metrics terms are yet available. More...
void define (AMRLevel *const a_AMRLevel, MultiBlockCoordSys *const a_coordSys, LevelGridMetrics *const a_coarserLevelGridMetrics, const RealVect &a_dxVect, const IntVect &a_ghostVect, const TransverseNOpType a_transverseNOpType=TransverseNOpNone, const bool a_haveMultiBlockVectorData=true, const int a_numBlocks=1)
 Define the class. No metrics terms are yet available. More...
bool metricsDefined () const
 Are the metrics defined on this level? More...
bool didFinerChange () const
 Did the metrics change on the finer mesh? More...
const MultiBlockCoordSysgetCoordSys () const
 Retrieve the multi-block coordinate system. More...
const NewCoordSysgetCoordSys2 (const Box &box) const
 Get the coordinate system. More...
const NewFourthOrderCoordSysgetCoordSys (const Box &box) const
int getBlock (const Box &a_box) const
 Get the block index. More...
const ProblemDomainblockDomain (const Box &a_box, const int a_numGhost=0)
 Get a problem domain representing a block. More...
const RealVectdxVect () const
 Get the computational mesh spacing. More...
void postTimeStep ()
 After a time step, average down $N$ and $J$. More...
virtual void initialGrid (const DisjointBoxLayout *const a_newGrid)
 Set up initial grid. More...
void postInitialGrid (const DisjointBoxLayout *const a_newGrid)
 Set up the initial metric terms. More...
void preRegrid (const int a_baseLevel, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_newGrid, const LevelData< FArrayBox > *const a_coarseUOldPtr, LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_UOld, LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JUOld)
 Compute new metrics and correct the solution on the coarser meshes. More...
virtual void regrid (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JU, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_CrU, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_CrJU, const Interval &a_vectorIntv)
 Regrid operations – performs a coarse to fine interpolation. More...
virtual void fillFineGhostCells (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JU, Real a_time=-1)
 Fill invalid fine ghost cells (with preset CrFnU) More...
void computeValidU (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_JU)
 Computes <U> in valid cells. More...
void multiblockExchangeU (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_U, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const
 Exchange <U> across multiblock boundaries. More...
void timeIntermediate (const TimeInterpolatorRK4 &a_timeInterpolator, const Real &a_timeInterpCoeff, const int &a_stage, const Interval &a_vectorIntv)
 Supports a call to TimeInterpolatorRK4::intermediate for multi-block grids. More...
LevelData< FArrayBox > & presetCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevU ()
 Set the coarsened-fine <U> used by the interpolator (CrFn access) More...
LevelData< FArrayBox > & presetCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevJU ()
 Set the coarsened-fine <JU> used by the interpolator (CrFn access) More...
void presetThis2FnInterpolatorCrFnLevU (const LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_CrLevU, const Interval &a_vectorIntv)
 Set the coarsened-fine <U> used by the interpolator. More...
void invalidateCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevData ()
 Invalidate the CrFn data, both <U> and <JU>\, used by the interpolator. More...
void invalidateThis2FnInterpolatorCrFnLevData ()
 Invalidate the CrFn data, both <U> and <JU>\, used by the interpolator. More...
const IntVectinterpolatorCrFnNumGhost (const bool a_force=false) const
 Number of ghosts used to build the coarsened-fine data in the interpolator. More...
bool isMultiblock () const
 Is this a multiblock grid. More...
Consistent access to structural boxes

There are several places to get the boxes and interators from but all should be the same. These functions provide consistent access with sizes relevant to the metrics.

const DisjointBoxLayoutgetBoxes () const
 Get the boxes. More...
DataIterator getDataIterator () const
 Get a level iterator. More...
Box resizeWithGhosts (const Box &box) const
 Resize a box to include the ghost cells. More...
virtual IntVect getJReqGhostVect () const
 Determine the ghost vector required for $J$. More...
virtual IntVect getNReqGhostVect () const
 Determine the ghost vector required for $N$. More...
Box resizeWithJReqGhosts (const Box &box) const
 Resize a box to the size required for $J$. More...
Box resizeWithNReqGhosts (const Box &box) const
 Resize a box to the size required for $N$. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static int bufferSize4thO (const std::vector< int > &a_refRatio, const int a_maxLevel, const int a_numGhost)
 Compute the minimum grid buffer size for a fourth-order interpolation. More...

Public Attributes

LevelData< FluxBoxm_N
 $\mathbf(N)$ on each face More...
LevelData< FArrayBoxm_J

Protected Member Functions

void defineMetrics ()
 Completely define the metrics for this level. More...
void undefineMetrics ()
 Label this and all finer levels as having undefined metrics. More...
void faceNormalN (LevelData< FluxBox > &a_N, const LevelData< CodimBox< FArrayBox > > &a_scrN)
 Compute $N$ on the hyperfaces from $\mathcal{N}^s$. More...
void getN (LevelData< FluxBox > &a_N)
 Compute $N$ on the hyperfaces from $\mathcal{N}^s$. More...
void faceTransverseN (LevelData< FluxBox > &a_N)
 Add transverse components to $N$. More...
void getScriptN (LevelData< CodimBox< FArrayBox > > &a_scrN)
 Integrate $\mathcal{N}^s$ on each hyperedge. More...
void averageScriptN (const bool a_isBase, LevelData< CodimBox< FArrayBox > > &a_scrN)
 Average $\mathcal{N}^s$. More...
void averageN (const bool a_isBase, LevelData< FluxBox > &a_N)
 Average $N$ directly if $\mathcal{N}^s$ doesn't exist. More...
void getVolFlux (LevelData< FluxBox > &a_NtX, const LevelData< FluxBox > &a_N)
 Compute the volume flux. More...
virtual void setAvgJfromNtX (LevelData< FluxBox > &a_NtX)
 Take divergence of $N^T X$ to set m_J. More...
void averageVolFlux (const bool a_isBase, LevelData< FluxBox > &a_NtX, const AgeType a_age)
 Average the volume flux $N^T X$. More...
void volFluxCascade ()
 Compute $N^T X$ on all finer levels and average down. More...
void averageSnapbackSolFlux (const bool a_isBase, LevelData< FluxBox > &a_NtFDiff)
 Average the snapback solution flux, $N^T F$. More...
virtual void defineGrids (const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids)
 Store the DisjointBoxLayout and define multiblock structures. More...
void defineGridsNP (const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids)
 Create a non-periodic DisjointBoxLayout. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static int verbosity ()

Protected Attributes

CoarseAverageFacem_NtXAverager [AgeNum]
 The multi-block coordinate system. More...
 Grid metrics on the next finer level. More...
 The AMR level we are attached to. More...
IntVect m_ghostVect
 Ghost cell vector. More...
DisjointBoxLayout m_grids
 Grid layout. More...
DisjointBoxLayout m_gridsNP
RealVect m_dxVect
 Mesh spacing in each direction. More...
const int m_spaceOrder
 Spatial-order of accuracy - must be 4. More...
ProblemDomain m_cachedBlockDomain
int m_cachedBlockIdx
 Index of the cached block. More...
int m_cachedBlockNG
MultiBlockLevelGeom m_mbgeo
 Topology of the multiblock layout. More...
MultiBlockLevelExchangeAverage m_mbex
MultiBlockFaceRegisterm_NtXmbreg [AgeNum]
TransverseNOpType m_transverseNOpType
bool m_metricsChanged
bool m_metricsDefined
bool m_useScriptN
bool m_isMultiblock
 T - A multiblock coordinates system. More...
bool m_haveMultiBlockVectorData

Static Protected Attributes

static int s_verbosity

Private Member Functions

 LevelGridMetrics (const LevelGridMetrics &)
LevelGridMetricsoperator= (const LevelGridMetrics &)

Easier access to AMRLevel data

const ProblemDomainproblemDomain () const
int level () const
int refRatio () const

Detailed Description

Grid metrics for a level.

This class adds infrastructure for mapped grids to the fourth-order Cartesian AMRLevel class. The interface closely follows that of AMRLevel. Typically this class is a member of the user's derived AMRLevel and the member functions of LevelGridData should be called from member functions of the derived AMRLevel that have the same name.

This class provides m_N, the metric terms $\mathbf(N)$ on each face, and m_J, the determinant (physical cell volume divided by computational cell volume). These quantities are appropriately maintained during all aspects of an AMR solution.

GHOSTS — The determinants, (J), are defined on all ghost cells at the domain interior and 1 layer of ghost cells outside a non-periodic domain. Hence, gradients of J are available everywhere an application may store data. To achieve this, it is assumed that the metrics can be evaluated everywhere in $\mathcal(G)(\Gamma,2)$. HOWEVER, metrics that are consistent between levels are only maintained in the valid region of the finer level. A valid cell on a coarse level will have metrics computed separately from any overlapping ghost cells from a finer level (i.e., the volumes of the fine ghost cells may not sum to the volume of the valid coarse cell). Consistency between levels everywhere could be achieved by treating all ghost cells as part of the valid region — this would simply (probably simply) require some modifications to the "averagers". However we do not do this because:

Any ghost cell that is covered by a valid cell on that level is consistent with the metrics from any finer level by means of the copiers (used in the averagers) copying to both the invalid and valid regions of a destination.

Transverse terms in N are determined only on the faces of grow(, -1) if obtained by averaging, i.e., on one less layer than where the normal components are known. If obtained by analytic methods, they are available everywhere.

Normally, N is calculated using script N to ensure freestream preservation. But in some cases, e.g., a 2-D solution on the surface of a sphere, there is no definition of script N. In those cases, m_useScriptN should be set to false and N will be calculated and averaged directly. The averaging ensures conservation but freestream-preservation is sacrificed. The value of m_useScriptN is obtained from the MultiBlockCoordSys and should be set to 'false' in the constructor of coordinate systems derived from class MultiBlockCoordSys. Otherwise, by default, it is set to true.

The following routines should be called from the corresponding routines with the same name derived AMRLevel:

Setup for the class is as follows:

  1. Call define to setup the class members – metrics are still undefined.
  2. Optionally call initialGrid to set the new box layout on a level. This can be deferred until postInitialGrid if desired.
  3. Call postInitialGrid to set the new box layout (if not done in previous step) and define the metrics.

During a run, be sure to:

  1. Call postTimeStep to average down the metric terms from finer levels. This only has an effect if they changed on the finer level

For a regrid do the following:

  1. Call preRegrid to compute the new metrics and correct the solution on the old mesh to the metrics of the new mesh (snapback).
  2. Optionally call regrid to interpolate from the coarse mesh to the new fine mesh. This can be done is user code but must use FourthOrderMappedFineInterp to ensure a conservative and free-stream preserving interpolation on the mapped grid.
  • To facilitate products that involve gradients, the metrics (N) are determined on the faces of boxes with size ghostBox+2. This is labeled an 'NReqGhostBox' herein. At domain boundaries, the boxes for 'N' extend by 2 cells outside the physical domain and it is assumed that the mappings exist there. The determinants (J) are determined on the cells of boxes with size ghostBox+1. This is labeled a 'JReqGhostBox' herein. At domain boundaries, the boxes for 'J' extends by 1 cell outside the physical domain
  • Averages of fluxes. Most of the fluxes, <F>\ are stored as average quantities to be applied to a face and do not include area information. I.e., the actual flux across a 2-D face is $\langle F\rangle h^2$ Hence when correcting from fine to coarse, you want to average the fine <F> and then muliply by the area of the coarse face (although in most equations, the area cancels out with another term). However, the $\mathcal(N)^s$, which are a type of flux, are stored differently in that they have already been multiplied by the length term (equivalent to $\langle F\rangle h^2$ in the example above). Hence, these fluxes needed to be summed when correcting from coarse to fine.
  • WARNING! If transverse components of <N> are computed analytically, they are only averaged down when finer levels have changed before entering a postTimeStep (along with normal components). Consequently, it is currently difficult to know if they have been computed or averaged from a finer level at any given point. But note that if transverse components of <N> are computed by averaging from normal components, then they should always be consistent. **FIXME – probably the best fix is to only average the normal components if transverse are computed analytically.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AgeType

Age of metric terms during a regrid.


◆ TransverseNOpType

Type of operation for computing transverse terms in N.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LevelGridMetrics() [1/2]

LevelGridMetrics::LevelGridMetrics ( const int  a_nComp,
const int  a_spaceOrder 


◆ ~LevelGridMetrics()

virtual LevelGridMetrics::~LevelGridMetrics ( )


◆ LevelGridMetrics() [2/2]

LevelGridMetrics::LevelGridMetrics ( const LevelGridMetrics )

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

LevelGridMetrics& LevelGridMetrics::operator= ( const LevelGridMetrics )

◆ clear()

void LevelGridMetrics::clear ( )

Free memory.

◆ hasFiner()

bool LevelGridMetrics::hasFiner ( ) const

Does a finer level exist?

◆ hasCoarser()

bool LevelGridMetrics::hasCoarser ( ) const

Does a coarser level exist?

◆ define() [1/2]

void LevelGridMetrics::define ( AMRLevel *const  a_AMRLevel,
MultiBlockCoordSysFactory *const  a_coordSysFact,
LevelGridMetrics *const  a_coarserLevelGridMetrics,
const RealVect a_dxVect,
const IntVect a_ghostVect,
const TransverseNOpType  a_transverseNOpType = TransverseNOpNone,
const bool  a_haveMultiBlockVectorData = true,
const int  a_numBlocks = 1 

Define the class. No metrics terms are yet available.

◆ define() [2/2]

void LevelGridMetrics::define ( AMRLevel *const  a_AMRLevel,
MultiBlockCoordSys *const  a_coordSys,
LevelGridMetrics *const  a_coarserLevelGridMetrics,
const RealVect a_dxVect,
const IntVect a_ghostVect,
const TransverseNOpType  a_transverseNOpType = TransverseNOpNone,
const bool  a_haveMultiBlockVectorData = true,
const int  a_numBlocks = 1 

Define the class. No metrics terms are yet available.

◆ metricsDefined()

bool LevelGridMetrics::metricsDefined ( ) const

Are the metrics defined on this level?

After preRegrid, this also indicates if a level is used.

T - yes.

◆ didFinerChange()

bool LevelGridMetrics::didFinerChange ( ) const

Did the metrics change on the finer mesh?

T - yes.

◆ getCoordSys() [1/2]

const MultiBlockCoordSys & LevelGridMetrics::getCoordSys ( ) const

Retrieve the multi-block coordinate system.

References getCoordSys2().

Referenced by getCoordSys().

◆ getCoordSys2()

const NewCoordSys * LevelGridMetrics::getCoordSys2 ( const Box box) const

Get the coordinate system.

[in]boxAssigned to this box

Referenced by getCoordSys().

◆ getCoordSys() [2/2]

const NewFourthOrderCoordSys * LevelGridMetrics::getCoordSys ( const Box box) const
[in]boxAssigned to this box

References getCoordSys().

◆ getBlock()

int LevelGridMetrics::getBlock ( const Box a_box) const

Get the block index.

[in]a_boxAssigned to this interior box
Block index

◆ blockDomain()

const ProblemDomain & LevelGridMetrics::blockDomain ( const Box a_box,
const int  a_numGhost = 0 

Get a problem domain representing a block.

[in]a_boxAssigned to this interior box
[in]a_numGhostThe number of ghosts that the box representing the block should be grown by before cropping. Cropping only occurs at boundaries defined by the physical domain
If singleblock, the problem domain. If multiblock, non-periodic problem domain representing the block
  • If single block, the problem domain must be cached when the coordSys is defined

References CH_assert, Box::define(), and grow().

◆ dxVect()

const RealVect & LevelGridMetrics::dxVect ( ) const

Get the computational mesh spacing.

Mesh spacing in each direction

◆ postTimeStep()

void LevelGridMetrics::postTimeStep ( )

After a time step, average down $N$ and $J$.

◆ initialGrid()

virtual void LevelGridMetrics::initialGrid ( const DisjointBoxLayout *const  a_newGrid)

Set up initial grid.

◆ postInitialGrid()

void LevelGridMetrics::postInitialGrid ( const DisjointBoxLayout *const  a_newGrid)

Set up the initial metric terms.

◆ preRegrid()

void LevelGridMetrics::preRegrid ( const int  a_baseLevel,
const DisjointBoxLayout a_newGrid,
const LevelData< FArrayBox > *const  a_coarseUOldPtr,
LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_UOld,
LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_JUOld 

Compute new metrics and correct the solution on the coarser meshes.

◆ regrid()

virtual void LevelGridMetrics::regrid ( LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_JU,
const LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_CrU,
const LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_CrJU,
const Interval a_vectorIntv 

Regrid operations – performs a coarse to fine interpolation.

◆ fillFineGhostCells()

virtual void LevelGridMetrics::fillFineGhostCells ( LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_U,
LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_JU,
Real  a_time = -1 

Fill invalid fine ghost cells (with preset CrFnU)

◆ computeValidU()

void LevelGridMetrics::computeValidU ( LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_U,
const LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_JU 

Computes <U> in valid cells.

◆ bufferSize4thO()

static int LevelGridMetrics::bufferSize4thO ( const std::vector< int > &  a_refRatio,
const int  a_maxLevel,
const int  a_numGhost 

Compute the minimum grid buffer size for a fourth-order interpolation.

◆ multiblockExchangeU()

void LevelGridMetrics::multiblockExchangeU ( LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_U,
const Interval a_vectorIntv 
) const

Exchange <U> across multiblock boundaries.

◆ timeIntermediate()

void LevelGridMetrics::timeIntermediate ( const TimeInterpolatorRK4 a_timeInterpolator,
const Real a_timeInterpCoeff,
const int &  a_stage,
const Interval a_vectorIntv 

Supports a call to TimeInterpolatorRK4::intermediate for multi-block grids.

◆ getBoxes()

const DisjointBoxLayout & LevelGridMetrics::getBoxes ( ) const

Get the boxes.

◆ getDataIterator()

DataIterator LevelGridMetrics::getDataIterator ( ) const

Get a level iterator.

References getBoxes().

◆ resizeWithGhosts()

Box LevelGridMetrics::resizeWithGhosts ( const Box box) const

Resize a box to include the ghost cells.

References grow().

◆ getJReqGhostVect()

IntVect LevelGridMetrics::getJReqGhostVect ( ) const

Determine the ghost vector required for $J$.

This is +1 over the ghost box to allow for derivatives needed to manipulate products

References IntVect::Unit.

◆ getNReqGhostVect()

IntVect LevelGridMetrics::getNReqGhostVect ( ) const

Determine the ghost vector required for $N$.

This is +2 over the ghost box to allow for tangential derivatives needed to compute the volume flux

References IntVect::Unit.

◆ resizeWithJReqGhosts()

Box LevelGridMetrics::resizeWithJReqGhosts ( const Box box) const

Resize a box to the size required for $J$.

References grow().

◆ resizeWithNReqGhosts()

Box LevelGridMetrics::resizeWithNReqGhosts ( const Box box) const

Resize a box to the size required for $N$.

References grow().

◆ presetCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevU()

LevelData< FArrayBox > & LevelGridMetrics::presetCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevU ( )

Set the coarsened-fine <U> used by the interpolator (CrFn access)

Grids must have been defined for the interpolator. Returns a coarsening of 'this' level to be filled externally using a copyTo. 'this' is the fine level. I.e., 'this' is the fine level.

References CH_assert.

◆ presetCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevJU()

LevelData< FArrayBox > & LevelGridMetrics::presetCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevJU ( )

Set the coarsened-fine <JU> used by the interpolator (CrFn access)

Grids must have been defined for the interpolator. Returns a coarsening of 'this' level to be filled externally using a copyTo. 'this' is the fine level. I.e., 'this' is the fine level.

References CH_assert.

◆ presetThis2FnInterpolatorCrFnLevU()

void LevelGridMetrics::presetThis2FnInterpolatorCrFnLevU ( const LevelData< FArrayBox > &  a_CrLevU,
const Interval a_vectorIntv 

Set the coarsened-fine <U> used by the interpolator.

Grids must have been defined for the interpolator. Returns a coarsening of 'this' level. I.e., 'this' is the fine level.Grids must have been defined for the interpolator. Returns a coarsening of 'this' level. I.e., 'this' is the fine level.Grids must have been defined for the interpolator. Copies the coarse data from 'this' level to the coarsened-fine representation in the interpolator. 'this' is the coarse level.

[in]a_CrU<U> on the coarse level
[in]a_vectorIntvAn interval in components of U consisting of vector data

References CH_assert.

◆ invalidateCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevData()

void LevelGridMetrics::invalidateCr2ThisInterpolatorCrFnLevData ( )

Invalidate the CrFn data, both <U> and <JU>\, used by the interpolator.

Grids must have been defined for the interpolator. Copies the coarse data from 'this' level to the coarsened-fine representation in the interpolator. 'this' is the coarse level.'this' is the fine level. If data goes out-of-date on the coarser level, then the interpolator, for interpolating to 'this' level, has out-of-date coarsened-fine data. There must be a coarser level

References CH_assert.

◆ invalidateThis2FnInterpolatorCrFnLevData()

void LevelGridMetrics::invalidateThis2FnInterpolatorCrFnLevData ( )

Invalidate the CrFn data, both <U> and <JU>\, used by the interpolator.

'this' is the coarse level. If data goes out-of-date on 'this' level, then the interpolator, for interpolating to the next finer level, has out-of-date coarsened-fine data. You can invalidate even if there is no finer level.

◆ interpolatorCrFnNumGhost()

const IntVect & LevelGridMetrics::interpolatorCrFnNumGhost ( const bool  a_force = false) const

Number of ghosts used to build the coarsened-fine data in the interpolator.

[in]a_forceT - avoid assertion checking. F - (default)
  • The caller should ensure that a finer level exists if the assertion is disabled. Commonly, the return value is required inbetween initialGrid() and postInitialGrid() where the metrics have not yet been defined (so the assertion would fail) but the grid has been defined (so this value is known).

References CH_assert.

◆ isMultiblock()

bool LevelGridMetrics::isMultiblock ( ) const

Is this a multiblock grid.

T - Yes

◆ problemDomain()

const ProblemDomain & LevelGridMetrics::problemDomain ( ) const

◆ level()

int LevelGridMetrics::level ( ) const

◆ refRatio()

int LevelGridMetrics::refRatio ( ) const

◆ verbosity()

static int LevelGridMetrics::verbosity ( )

◆ defineMetrics()

void LevelGridMetrics::defineMetrics ( )

Completely define the metrics for this level.

◆ undefineMetrics()

void LevelGridMetrics::undefineMetrics ( )

Label this and all finer levels as having undefined metrics.

◆ faceNormalN()

void LevelGridMetrics::faceNormalN ( LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_N,
const LevelData< CodimBox< FArrayBox > > &  a_scrN 

Compute $N$ on the hyperfaces from $\mathcal{N}^s$.

◆ getN()

void LevelGridMetrics::getN ( LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_N)

Compute $N$ on the hyperfaces from $\mathcal{N}^s$.

◆ faceTransverseN()

void LevelGridMetrics::faceTransverseN ( LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_N)

Add transverse components to $N$.

◆ getScriptN()

void LevelGridMetrics::getScriptN ( LevelData< CodimBox< FArrayBox > > &  a_scrN)

Integrate $\mathcal{N}^s$ on each hyperedge.

◆ averageScriptN()

void LevelGridMetrics::averageScriptN ( const bool  a_isBase,
LevelData< CodimBox< FArrayBox > > &  a_scrN 

Average $\mathcal{N}^s$.

◆ averageN()

void LevelGridMetrics::averageN ( const bool  a_isBase,
LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_N 

Average $N$ directly if $\mathcal{N}^s$ doesn't exist.

◆ getVolFlux()

void LevelGridMetrics::getVolFlux ( LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_NtX,
const LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_N 

Compute the volume flux.

◆ setAvgJfromNtX()

virtual void LevelGridMetrics::setAvgJfromNtX ( LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_NtX)

Take divergence of $N^T X$ to set m_J.

◆ averageVolFlux()

void LevelGridMetrics::averageVolFlux ( const bool  a_isBase,
LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_NtX,
const AgeType  a_age 

Average the volume flux $N^T X$.

◆ volFluxCascade()

void LevelGridMetrics::volFluxCascade ( )

Compute $N^T X$ on all finer levels and average down.

◆ averageSnapbackSolFlux()

void LevelGridMetrics::averageSnapbackSolFlux ( const bool  a_isBase,
LevelData< FluxBox > &  a_NtFDiff 

Average the snapback solution flux, $N^T F$.

◆ defineGrids()

virtual void LevelGridMetrics::defineGrids ( const DisjointBoxLayout a_grids)

Store the DisjointBoxLayout and define multiblock structures.

◆ defineGridsNP()

void LevelGridMetrics::defineGridsNP ( const DisjointBoxLayout a_grids)

Create a non-periodic DisjointBoxLayout.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_N

LevelData<FluxBox> LevelGridMetrics::m_N

$\mathbf(N)$ on each face

◆ m_J

LevelData<FArrayBox> LevelGridMetrics::m_J

Physical cell volume divided by computational cell volume

◆ m_scrNAverager

CoarseAverageCodim* LevelGridMetrics::m_scrNAverager

Averager for $\mathcal(N)^s$. Only used if m_useScriptN == true

◆ m_NAverager

CoarseAverageFace* LevelGridMetrics::m_NAverager

Averager for $N$ Only used if m_useScriptN == false

◆ m_NtXAverager

CoarseAverageFace* LevelGridMetrics::m_NtXAverager[AgeNum]

This averages the volume flux from a finer level. Averagers exist for old "AgeOld" and new "AgeNew" meshes during a regrid

◆ m_NtFDiffAverager

IntersectionAverageFace* LevelGridMetrics::m_NtFDiffAverager

Averager for the snapback solution flux. This averager only operates on the intersections of three layouts.

◆ m_coordSys

MultiBlockCoordSys* LevelGridMetrics::m_coordSys

The multi-block coordinate system.

◆ m_finerLevelGridMetrics

LevelGridMetrics* LevelGridMetrics::m_finerLevelGridMetrics

Grid metrics on the next finer level.

◆ m_coarserLevelGridMetrics

LevelGridMetrics* LevelGridMetrics::m_coarserLevelGridMetrics

Grid metrics on the next coarser level

◆ m_parentAMRLevel

AMRLevel* LevelGridMetrics::m_parentAMRLevel

The AMR level we are attached to.

◆ m_ghostVect

IntVect LevelGridMetrics::m_ghostVect

Ghost cell vector.

◆ m_grids

DisjointBoxLayout LevelGridMetrics::m_grids

Grid layout.

◆ m_gridsNP

DisjointBoxLayout LevelGridMetrics::m_gridsNP

Non-periodic grid layout. This is a shallow copy of m_grids, with a non- periodic problem domain and a new neighbor iterator if problemDomain() is periodic.

◆ m_dxVect

RealVect LevelGridMetrics::m_dxVect

Mesh spacing in each direction.

◆ m_spaceOrder

const int LevelGridMetrics::m_spaceOrder

Spatial-order of accuracy - must be 4.

◆ m_interpolator

FourthOrderMappedFineInterp* LevelGridMetrics::m_interpolator

Constrained least-squares interpolator for interpolating <JU> from coarse to fine meshes. 'This' mesh is the coarse mesh.

◆ m_cachedBlockDomain

ProblemDomain LevelGridMetrics::m_cachedBlockDomain

Representing only the block (it is assumed periodic boundaries are not used for multiblock)

◆ m_cachedBlockIdx

int LevelGridMetrics::m_cachedBlockIdx

Index of the cached block.

◆ m_cachedBlockNG

int LevelGridMetrics::m_cachedBlockNG

Number of ghosts that the cached block was grown by.

◆ m_mbgeo

MultiBlockLevelGeom LevelGridMetrics::m_mbgeo

Topology of the multiblock layout.

◆ m_mbex

MultiBlockLevelExchangeAverage LevelGridMetrics::m_mbex

To exchange information across multiblock boundaries

◆ m_Nmbreg

MultiBlockFaceRegister* LevelGridMetrics::m_Nmbreg

Flux-like register for resolving $\mathbf{N}$ on faces at coarse- fine interfaces that overlap multiblock boundaries

◆ m_NtXmbreg

MultiBlockFaceRegister* LevelGridMetrics::m_NtXmbreg[AgeNum]

Flux-like register for resolving $\mathbf{N}^T\mathbf{X}$ on faces at coarse-fine interfaces that overlap multiblock boundaries

◆ m_transverseNOpType

TransverseNOpType LevelGridMetrics::m_transverseNOpType

Type of operatation for computing transverse terms in N

◆ m_metricsChanged

bool LevelGridMetrics::m_metricsChanged

T - The metrics on this level have changed

◆ m_metricsDefined

bool LevelGridMetrics::m_metricsDefined

T - The metrics have been defined for this level

◆ m_useScriptN

bool LevelGridMetrics::m_useScriptN

For some mappings, it is not possible to define scriptN. In those cases, N is calculated and averaged directly. The solution is conservative but freestream- preservation is lost across coarse- fine interfaces. T - Script N is used (default). F - Script N is not used. N is calculated directly and freestream preservation is lost

◆ m_isMultiblock

bool LevelGridMetrics::m_isMultiblock

T - A multiblock coordinates system.

◆ m_haveMultiBlockVectorData

bool LevelGridMetrics::m_haveMultiBlockVectorData

T - Space vector data will be exchanged across multiblock boundaries

◆ s_verbosity

int LevelGridMetrics::s_verbosity

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: