| WrappedGShop (const RefCountedPtr< BaseIF > &a_baseIF, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, int minNumberRefines, int maxNumberRefines) |
bool | checkNodeMoments (IrregNode &a_node, const Real &a_dx, const bool &a_bindMoments, const Real &a_tolerance) const |
virtual const BaseIF * | getBaseIFPtr () const |
| ~WrappedGShop () |
virtual bool | generatesHigherOrderMoments () const |
| this does return higher order moments. More...
virtual bool | isRegular (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx) const |
virtual bool | isCovered (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx) const |
virtual bool | isIrregular (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx) const |
virtual bool | canGenerateMultiCells () const |
bool | onBoxBoundary (const IntVect &a_iv, const Box &a_box, const int &a_dir, const Side::LoHiSide &a_sd) const |
virtual void | fillGraph (BaseFab< int > &a_regIrregCovered, Vector< IrregNode > &a_nodes, const Box &a_validRegion, const Box &a_ghostRegion, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx, const DataIndex &a_di) const |
void | computeVoFInternals (IrregNode &a_node, const IntVectSet &a_ivsIrreg, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx, const IntVect &a_iv) const |
bool | needToRefine (IrregNode &a_node, const Real &a_dx, const int &a_numRefSoFar) const |
void | agglomerateMoments (IrregNode &a_node, const Vector< IrregNode > &a_refNodes, const Box &a_refBox, const Real &a_fineDx, const Real &a_coarDx) const |
RealVect | convert2RelativeCoord (const RealVect &a_rVect) const |
RealVect | convert2RelativeCoord (const IndexTM< Real, SpaceDim > &a_rVect) const |
void | fillNewNode (IrregNode &a_node, const IntVectSet &a_ivsIrreg, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx, const IntVect &a_iv) const |
void | setRefinementCriterion (const RefCountedPtr< WGSRefinementCriterion > &a_refCrit) |
| GeometryService () |
virtual | ~GeometryService () |
virtual InOut | InsideOutside (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx) const |
virtual InOut | InsideOutside (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx, const DataIndex &a_di) const |
virtual void | postMakeBoxLayout (const DisjointBoxLayout &a_dbl, const RealVect &a_dx) |
virtual void | makeGrids (const ProblemDomain &a_domain, DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, const int &a_maxGridSize, const int &a_maxIrregGridSize) |
void | fixRegularCellsNextToCovered (Vector< IrregNode > &a_nodes, BaseFab< int > &a_regIrregCovered, const Box &a_validRegion, const Box &a_domain, const IntVect &a_iv, const Real &a_dx) const |
void | getFullNodeWithCoveredFace (IrregNode &a_newNode, const BaseFab< int > &a_regIrregCovered, const IntVect &a_iv, const Real &a_dx, const Box &a_domain) const |
bool | isRegularEveryPoint (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx) const |
bool | isCoveredEveryPoint (const Box &a_region, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx) const |
void | fillArc (Vector< int > a_arc[SpaceDim], CutCellMoments< SpaceDim > &a_cutCellMoments, const int &a_hilo, const IntVectSet &a_ivsIrreg, const IntVect &a_curriv) const |
| WrappedGShop () |
| WrappedGShop (const WrappedGShop &a_workshopin) |
void | operator= (const WrappedGShop &a_workshopin) |
This is a much simplified version of GeometryShop. Refinement has been taken out of the internals of computecutcellmoments and the constrained least squares stuff is gone alltogether. This is also done for isotropic dx and there is no more stuff about globaldim.