Chombo + EB + MF
#include <CubedSphereShellPanelCS.H>
Public Member Functions | |
CubedSphereShellPanelCS (int nPanel, RealVect &dDX, IntVect &ix) | |
constructor More... | |
void | setFlatMap (bool a_flatMap) |
void | setHeight (Real a_height) |
Real | getHeight () const |
void | setRadius (Real a_radius) |
Real | getRadius () const |
void | setVerticalMap (RefCountedPtr< Spline1DMapping > a_map) |
RefCountedPtr< Spline1DMapping > | getVerticalMap () const |
virtual | ~CubedSphereShellPanelCS () |
RealVect | realCoord (const RealVect &a_Xi) const |
given coordinate in mapped space, return its location in real space More... | |
void | realCoord (FArrayBox &a_x, const FArrayBox &a_Xi, const Box &a_box) const |
given coordinates in mapped space, return locations in real space More... | |
RealVect | mappedCoord (const RealVect &a_x) const |
given coordinate in real space, return its location in the mapped space More... | |
virtual void | getNodeRealCoordinates (FArrayBox &a_nodeCoords, const Box &a_box) const |
return Cartesian XYZ locations of cell centers More... | |
virtual void | getCellMappedCoordinates (FArrayBox &a_cellCoords, const Box &a_box) const |
virtual void | getFaceMappedCoordinates (FArrayBox &a_faceCoords, const int a_dir, const Box &a_box) const |
virtual void | getNodeMappedCoordinates (FArrayBox &a_nodeCoords, const Box &a_box) const |
virtual void | getMappedCoordinates (FArrayBox &a_coords, const Box &a_box) const |
virtual Real | dXdXi (const RealVect &a_Xi, int a_dirX, int a_dirXi) const |
note that a_Xi is in mapped space. More... | |
virtual Real | dXidX (const RealVect &a_X, int a_dirX, int a_dirXi) const |
virtual int | dimension () const |
returns dimensionality of the space (3, or 2 if flat) More... | |
virtual void | cellVol (FArrayBox &a_vol, const FluxBox &a_N, const Box &a_box) const |
computes cell volumes More... | |
virtual void | volFlux (FluxBox &a_volFlux, const FluxBox &a_Nt, const Box &a_box) const |
computes NT * F. More... | |
virtual void | getN (FluxBox &a_N, const Box &a_box) const |
computes face-centered N More... | |
virtual void | getAvgJ (FArrayBox &a_avgJ, const Box &a_box) const |
computes cell-averaged J More... | |
void | getLineMetrics (FArrayBox &a_metrics, const Box &a_box) const |
computes line element metrics in each coordinate direction More... | |
virtual void | getAvgJ (FArrayBox &a_avgJ, const FluxBox &a_volFlux, const Box &a_box) const |
computes cell-averaged J; ignores a_volFlux More... | |
virtual void | getAvgJinverse (FluxBox &a_avgJinverse, const Box &a_box) const |
computes face-averaged 1/J More... | |
virtual Real | pointwiseJ (const RealVect &a_X) const |
Jacobian evaluated at location X in real space. More... | |
virtual void | pointwiseJ (FArrayBox &a_J, const FArrayBox &a_Xi, const Box &a_box) const |
Jacobian evaluated at locations Xi in mapped space. More... | |
virtual void | computeDivergence (FArrayBox &a_divF, const FluxBox &a_F, const FluxBox &a_N, const Box &a_box, Interval &divInterval) const |
returns integral of divergence over mapped-grid cells More... | |
virtual Real | getN (const RealVect &a_Xi, int a_s, int a_d, int a_d1) const |
this evaluates the script N values from equation 12 in Phil's notes More... | |
virtual Real | getNMatrixEntry (const RealVect &a_Xi, int a_s, int a_d, int a_d1, int a_row, int a_column) const |
note that a_Xi is in mapped space. More... | |
void | pointTransformEquiangularToLonLat (const RealVect &a_xi, RealVect &a_rllXi) const |
void | pointTransformEquiangularToCartesian (const RealVect &a_xi, Real *a_xyz) const |
void | fabTransformEquiangularToLonLat (const FArrayBox &a_xiFab, FArrayBox &a_rllXiFab) const |
void | fabTransformEquiangularToCartesian (const FArrayBox &a_xiFab, FArrayBox &a_xyzFab) const |
void | vectorTransformEquiangularToCartesian (const RealVect &a_xi, const Real *a_vecCS, Real *a_vecXYZ) const |
void | vectorTransformCartesianToEquiangular (const RealVect &a_xi, const Real *a_vecXYZ, Real *a_vecCS) const |
void | vectorTransformLatLonToEquiangular (const RealVect &a_xi, const RealVect &a_vecRLL, RealVect &a_vecCS) const |
void | fabVectorTransformLatLonToEquiangular (const FArrayBox &a_xiFab, const FArrayBox &a_vecRLLFab, FArrayBox &a_vecCSFab) const |
void | fabVectorTransformEquiangularToLatLon (const FArrayBox &a_xiFab, const FArrayBox &a_vecCSFab, FArrayBox &a_vecRLLFab) const |
virtual void | vectorTransformMappedToRealCenterFab (FArrayBox &a_vectorFab) const |
transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from mapped-coordinate basis to real-coordinate basis at cell centers More... | |
virtual void | vectorTransformRealToMappedCenterFab (FArrayBox &a_vectorFab) const |
transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from real-coordinate basis to mapped-coordinate basis at cell centers More... | |
virtual void | contravariantMetric (FArrayBox &a_metric, int a_dir) const |
return row a_idir of contravariant metric More... | |
virtual void | orthonormalize (const FArrayBox &a_csFab, FArrayBox &a_orthoFab, const Box &a_box, int a_idir, const IntVect &a_csComps, const IntVect &a_orthoComps) const |
convert components in a_csComps of vector a_csFab in coordinate-system basis to components in a_orthoComps of vector a_orthoFab in orthonormal basis, at points with indices in a_box, on lines where direction a_idir is constant More... | |
virtual void | deorthonormalize (const FArrayBox &a_orthoFab, FArrayBox &a_csFab, const Box &a_box, int a_idir, const IntVect &a_orthoComps, const IntVect &a_csComps) const |
convert components in a_orthoComps of vector a_orthoFab in orthonormal basis to components in a_csComps of vector a_csFab in coordinate-system basis, at points with indices in a_box, on lines where direction a_idir is constant More... | |
virtual void | orthonormalizeVectorFluxes (FArrayBox &a_fluxFab, const Box &a_box, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
convert from fluxes in block frame in component directions to fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions More... | |
virtual void | deorthonormalizeVectorFluxes (FArrayBox &a_fluxFab, const Box &a_box, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
convert from fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions to fluxes in block frame in component directions More... | |
virtual void | orthonormalizeVectorFluxes (FluxBox &a_flux, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
convert from fluxes in block frame in component directions to fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions More... | |
virtual void | deorthonormalizeVectorFluxes (FluxBox &a_flux, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
convert from fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions to fluxes in block frame in component directions More... | |
virtual void | curlRadial (const FArrayBox &a_vecFab, FArrayBox &a_curlFab, const Box &a_box) const |
return cell-centered radial component of curl of a_vecFab, which has SpaceDim components and is cell-centered. More... | |
virtual void | curlSpherical (const FArrayBox &a_vecRLLFab, FArrayBox &a_curlFab, const Box &a_box) const |
return radial component of curl of a_vecRLLFab, which has SpaceDim components and is cell-centered, by converting to spherical coordinates. More... | |
virtual void | divSpherical (const FArrayBox &a_vecRLLFab, FluxBox &a_divFlux, const Box &a_box) const |
return face-centered divergence of a_vecRLLFab, which has SpaceDim components and is cell-centered, by converting to spherical coordinates. More... | |
virtual void | gradient (const FArrayBox &a_fab, FArrayBox &a_gradFab, const Box &a_box) const |
return cell-centered gradient of a_fab, with derivatives of all components in the alpha direction, then all in beta direction, then all in r direction. More... | |
virtual void | magnitude (const FArrayBox &a_vecFab, FArrayBox &a_magFab, const Box &a_box) const |
return magnitude of SpaceDim-vector with all components (in UNIT basis) in alpha direction, then all in beta direction, then all in r direction. More... | |
virtual void | magnitudeNatural (const FArrayBox &a_vecFab, FArrayBox &a_magFab, const Box &a_box) const |
return magnitude of SpaceDim-vector with components in NATURAL basis. More... | |
int | panel () const |
access function to panel id More... | |
void | getContravariantMetricJAverage (FArrayBox &a_matrixFab, const int a_dir) const |
returns G^{ij}J averaged over faces of direction a_dir More... | |
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NewFourthOrderCoordSys () | |
default constructor More... | |
virtual | ~NewFourthOrderCoordSys () |
virtual void | mappedCoord (FArrayBox &a_Xi, const FArrayBox &a_x, const Box &a_box) const |
given coordinate in real space, return its location in the mapped space More... | |
virtual void | dXdXi (FArrayBox &a_dxdXi, const FArrayBox &a_Xi, int a_destComp, int a_dirX, int a_dirXi, const Box &a_box) const |
note that a_X is in mapped space. More... | |
virtual int | getNumN () const |
returns number of components in the metric term matrix (N) More... | |
virtual int | getNcomponent (const int a_row, const int a_col) const |
index function into face-centered metric terms More... | |
virtual void | getAvgJinverse (FluxBox &a_avgJinverse, const FArrayBox &a_avgJ, const Box &a_box) const |
computes cell-averaged 1/J, using pre-computed cell-avg J More... | |
virtual void | computeMetricTermProductAverage (FluxBox &a_product, const FluxBox &a_F, const FluxBox &a_N, const int a_NNumComp, const FluxBox &a_FforGrad, const Box &a_box, bool a_fourthOrder=true, Interval a_varIntervalProduct=Interval(), Interval a_varIntervalF=Interval(), int a_fluxSpaceContiguous=1, const ProblemDomain *const a_problemDomainPtr=NULL) const |
Computes 4th-order average of product = N^T*F. F can be a flux dyad. More... | |
virtual void | computeMetricTermProductAverage (FluxBox &a_product, const FluxBox &a_F, const FluxBox &a_N, const FluxBox &a_FforGrad, const Box &a_box, bool a_fourthOrder=true) const |
computes 4th-order average of product = N^T*F. F is vector of a scalar More... | |
virtual void | computeMetricTermProductAverage (FluxBox &a_product, const FluxBox &a_F, const FluxBox &a_N, const Box &a_box, bool a_fourthOrder=true) const |
computes 4th-order average of product = N^T*F. F is vector of a scalar More... | |
void | magnitudeN (FluxBox &a_NMag, const FluxBox &a_N, const Box &a_box) const |
Computes magnitude of <N^T> on each face. More... | |
virtual void | computeNJinverse (FluxBox &a_NJinverse, const FluxBox &a_Jinverse, const FluxBox &a_N, const Box &a_cellBox) const |
given N and Jinverse, computes N/J More... | |
virtual const RealVect & | dx () const |
access function to simplify things – returns mapped-space cell spacing More... | |
virtual void | integrateScriptN (FArrayBox &a_scrN, const int a_dir0, const int a_dir1, const Box &a_box) const |
virtual void | incrementFaceMetricWithEdgeTerm (FArrayBox &a_faceMetrics, int a_faceDir, int a_edgeDir, const Box &a_box, const Side::LoHiSide &a_side) const |
virtual void | computeTransverseFaceMetric (FArrayBox &a_faceMetrics, const Box &a_box, int a_faceDir, int a_dDir) const |
virtual void | computeTangentialGrad (FluxBox &a_gradPhi, const FluxBox &a_phiFace, const Box &a_box) const |
virtual int | tanGradComp (const int a_faceDir, const int a_tanDir, const int a_comp) const |
virtual void | orthonormalize (FluxBox &a_flux, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
convert vector components (in a_vectorIntv) of a_flux to orthonormal frame to that of this block More... | |
virtual void | orthonormalize (FArrayBox &a_fluxFab, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
overwrite vector components (in a_vectorIntv) of a_fluxFab with orthonormalized More... | |
virtual void | deorthonormalize (FluxBox &a_flux, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
convert vector components (in a_vectorIntv) of a_flux from orthonormal frame to that of this block More... | |
virtual void | deorthonormalize (FArrayBox &a_fluxFab, const Interval &a_vectorIntv) const |
overwrite vector components (in a_vectorIntv) of a_fluxFab with deorthonormalized More... | |
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NewCoordSys () | |
default constructor More... | |
virtual | ~NewCoordSys () |
virtual void | getCenterMappedCoordinates (FArrayBox &a_Xi, const Box &a_box) const |
given indices in a_box, return centers of cells (or of faces, or of edges) in mapped coordinates. The function does the right thing based on the centering of a_box, which must be the same centering as a_Xi. More... | |
virtual RealVect | centerMappedCoordinates (const IntVect &a_iv) const |
given indices, return centers of cells in mapped coordinates More... | |
virtual VectorTransformation | vectorTransformationMappedToReal (const RealVect &a_Xi) const |
return matrix that transforms vector components from mapped space to real space at point a_Xi in mapped space More... | |
virtual VectorTransformation | vectorTransformationRealToMapped (const RealVect &a_Xi) const |
return matrix that transforms vector components from real space to mapped space at point a_Xi in mapped space More... | |
virtual VectorTransformation | vectorTransformationMappedToRealCenter (const IntVect &a_iv) const |
return matrix that transforms vector components from mapped space to real space at center of cell a_iv More... | |
virtual VectorTransformation | vectorTransformationRealToMappedCenter (const IntVect &a_iv) const |
return matrix that transforms vector components from real space to mapped space at center of cell a_iv More... | |
virtual void | vectorTransformMappedToRealAvgFab (FArrayBox &a_vectorFab, const FArrayBox &a_gradVectorFab) const |
transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from mapped-coordinate basis to real-coordinate basis, averaged over cells More... | |
virtual void | vectorTransformRealToMappedAvgFab (FArrayBox &a_vectorFab, const FArrayBox &a_gradVectorFab) const |
transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from real-coordinate basis to mapped-coordinate basis, averaged over cells More... | |
virtual void | setTime (const Real &a_time) const |
Set time for moving grids. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
int | m_nPanel |
int | m_realDim |
Real | m_height |
Real | m_radius |
bool | m_flatMap |
RefCountedPtr< Spline1DMapping > | m_verticalMap |
IntVect | m_ix |
![]() | |
RealVect | m_dx |
Interval | m_volInterval |
EdgeQuadrature * | m_quadraturePtr |
![]() | |
Real | m_time |
Const is already well entrenched. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static const IntVect & | metricsCompDir (const int a_iDir) |
Same as getNcomponent but returns an IntVect for an 'a_col' (direction) More... | |
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virtual void | vectorTransformInternalAvgFab (FArrayBox &a_vectorFab, const FArrayBox &a_gradVectorFab, const BaseFab< VectorTransformation > &a_tfmCenterFab) const |
internal function to transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from one basis to another, averaged over cells, given BaseFab of vector transformations at cell centers More... | |
Basic single-panel cubed sphere Coordinates Multiblock coordinate system for single-panel cubed sphere shell with variable-thickness spherical layers The CubedSphereShellPanelCS class implements the NewFourthOrderCoordSys class for cubed sphere panels in equiangular coordinates, with variable-thickness layers making up the shell in the r direction, total r thickness "height". NOTE: Assumes a "thin atmosphere" approximation which ignores the r dependencies of the horizontal grid metrics NOTE: For 2D, hdf5 output uses sphere radius = 1, and for 3D r [1,2]
nPanel (0-3 Equatorial, 4 North Pole, 5 South Pole) and defines the panel on the cubed sphere described by this object. dDX The cell spacing on this panel. ix Index of the bottom-left edge of this panel in index space.
virtual |
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::setFlatMap | ( | bool | a_flatMap | ) |
inline |
References m_verticalMap.
inline |
given coordinate in mapped space, return its location in real space
Implements NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
given coordinates in mapped space, return locations in real space
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
given coordinate in real space, return its location in the mapped space
Implements NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
return Cartesian XYZ locations of cell centers
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
note that a_Xi is in mapped space.
Implements NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
virtual |
Referenced by getVerticalMap().
inlinevirtual |
returns dimensionality of the space (3, or 2 if flat)
Reimplemented from NewCoordSys.
References cellVol(), computeDivergence(), contravariantMetric(), curlRadial(), curlSpherical(), deorthonormalize(), deorthonormalizeVectorFluxes(), divSpherical(), fabTransformEquiangularToCartesian(), fabTransformEquiangularToLonLat(), fabVectorTransformEquiangularToLatLon(), fabVectorTransformLatLonToEquiangular(), getAvgJ(), getAvgJinverse(), getLineMetrics(), getN(), getNMatrixEntry(), gradient(), m_realDim, magnitude(), magnitudeNatural(), orthonormalize(), orthonormalizeVectorFluxes(), pointTransformEquiangularToCartesian(), pointTransformEquiangularToLonLat(), pointwiseJ(), vectorTransformCartesianToEquiangular(), vectorTransformEquiangularToCartesian(), vectorTransformLatLonToEquiangular(), vectorTransformMappedToRealCenterFab(), vectorTransformRealToMappedCenterFab(), and volFlux().
computes line element metrics in each coordinate direction
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
computes cell-averaged J; ignores a_volFlux
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Jacobian evaluated at location X in real space.
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
Jacobian evaluated at locations Xi in mapped space.
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
virtual |
returns integral of divergence over mapped-grid cells
Reimplemented from NewCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
this evaluates the script N values from equation 12 in Phil's notes
note that a_Xi is in mapped space.
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
virtual |
note that a_Xi is in mapped space.
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::pointTransformEquiangularToLonLat | ( | const RealVect & | a_xi, |
RealVect & | a_rllXi | ||
) | const |
transform a point from mapped-coordinate basis to longitude-latitude coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::pointTransformEquiangularToCartesian | ( | const RealVect & | a_xi, |
Real * | a_xyz | ||
) | const |
transform a point from mapped-coordinate basis to Cartesian coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::fabTransformEquiangularToLonLat | ( | const FArrayBox & | a_xiFab, |
FArrayBox & | a_rllXiFab | ||
) | const |
transform a FAB of points from mapped-coordinate basis to latitude-longitude coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::fabTransformEquiangularToCartesian | ( | const FArrayBox & | a_xiFab, |
FArrayBox & | a_xyzFab | ||
) | const |
transform a FAB of points from mapped-coordinate basis to Cartesian coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::vectorTransformEquiangularToCartesian | ( | const RealVect & | a_xi, |
const Real * | a_vecCS, | ||
Real * | a_vecXYZ | ||
) | const |
transform a vector from mapped-coordinate basis to real-coordinate basis, given a point a_xi in mapped space
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::vectorTransformCartesianToEquiangular | ( | const RealVect & | a_xi, |
const Real * | a_vecXYZ, | ||
Real * | a_vecCS | ||
) | const |
transform a vector from real-coordinate basis to mapped-coordinate basis, given a point a_xi in mapped space
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::vectorTransformLatLonToEquiangular | ( | const RealVect & | a_xi, |
const RealVect & | a_vecRLL, | ||
RealVect & | a_vecCS | ||
) | const |
transform a vector from longitude-latitude coordinate basis to mapped-coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::fabVectorTransformLatLonToEquiangular | ( | const FArrayBox & | a_xiFab, |
const FArrayBox & | a_vecRLLFab, | ||
FArrayBox & | a_vecCSFab | ||
) | const |
transform a FAB of vectors from latitude-longitude coordinate basis to mapped-coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::fabVectorTransformEquiangularToLatLon | ( | const FArrayBox & | a_xiFab, |
const FArrayBox & | a_vecCSFab, | ||
FArrayBox & | a_vecRLLFab | ||
) | const |
transform a FAB of vectors from mapped-coordinate basis to latitude-longitude coordinate basis
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from mapped-coordinate basis to real-coordinate basis at cell centers
Reimplemented from NewCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
transform a FAB of SpaceDim-vectors from real-coordinate basis to mapped-coordinate basis at cell centers
Reimplemented from NewCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
return row a_idir of contravariant metric
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
convert components in a_csComps of vector a_csFab in coordinate-system basis to components in a_orthoComps of vector a_orthoFab in orthonormal basis, at points with indices in a_box, on lines where direction a_idir is constant
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
convert components in a_orthoComps of vector a_orthoFab in orthonormal basis to components in a_csComps of vector a_csFab in coordinate-system basis, at points with indices in a_box, on lines where direction a_idir is constant
Reimplemented from NewFourthOrderCoordSys.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
convert from fluxes in block frame in component directions to fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
convert from fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions to fluxes in block frame in component directions
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
convert from fluxes in block frame in component directions to fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions
virtual |
convert from fluxes in orthonormal frame in normal and tangential directions to fluxes in block frame in component directions
virtual |
return cell-centered radial component of curl of a_vecFab, which has SpaceDim components and is cell-centered.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
return radial component of curl of a_vecRLLFab, which has SpaceDim components and is cell-centered, by converting to spherical coordinates.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
return face-centered divergence of a_vecRLLFab, which has SpaceDim components and is cell-centered, by converting to spherical coordinates.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
return cell-centered gradient of a_fab, with derivatives of all components in the alpha direction, then all in beta direction, then all in r direction.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
return magnitude of SpaceDim-vector with all components (in UNIT basis) in alpha direction, then all in beta direction, then all in r direction.
Referenced by dimension().
virtual |
return magnitude of SpaceDim-vector with components in NATURAL basis.
Referenced by dimension().
inline |
access function to panel id
References getContravariantMetricJAverage(), and m_nPanel.
void CubedSphereShellPanelCS::getContravariantMetricJAverage | ( | FArrayBox & | a_matrixFab, |
const int | a_dir | ||
) | const |
returns G^{ij}J averaged over faces of direction a_dir
Referenced by panel().
protected |
Referenced by panel().
protected |
Referenced by dimension().
protected |
Referenced by getHeight(), and setHeight().
protected |
Referenced by getRadius(), and setRadius().
protected |
protected |
Referenced by getVerticalMap(), and setVerticalMap().
protected |