Chombo + EB + MF  3.2
MFIndexSpace Member List

This is the complete list of members for MFIndexSpace, including all inherited members.

define(const Box &a_domain, const RealVect &a_origin, const Real &a_dx, const Vector< GeometryService *> &a_geoservers, int a_nCellMax=-1, int a_maxCoarsenings=-1, bool a_fixOnlyFirstPhaseRegNextToMultiValued=false)MFIndexSpace
EBIS(int a_phase) constMFIndexSpaceinline
fillEBISLayout(Vector< EBISLayout > &a_ebis, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, const Box &a_domain, const int &nghost) constMFIndexSpace
fillEBISLayout(EBISLayout &a_ebis, int phase, const DisjointBoxLayout &a_grids, const Box &a_domain, const int &nghost) constMFIndexSpace
interfaceRegion(int a_depth=0) constMFIndexSpace
MFIndexSpace(const MFIndexSpace &)MFIndexSpaceprivate
numPhases() constMFIndexSpaceinline
operator=(const MFIndexSpace &)MFIndexSpaceprivate