Chombo + EB + MF
This is the complete list of members for MultiBlockMeshRefine, including all inherited members.
blockFactor() const | MeshRefine | |
blockFactor(const int a_block_factor) | MeshRefine | virtual |
breakBoxes(Vector< Box > &a_vboxin, const int &a_maxSize, const int &a_idir) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
BRMeshRefine() | BRMeshRefine | |
BRMeshRefine(const Box &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | BRMeshRefine | |
BRMeshRefine(const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | BRMeshRefine | |
bufferSize() const | MeshRefine | |
bufferSize(const int a_buffer_size) | MeshRefine | virtual |
buildSupport(const ProblemDomain &lvldomain, Vector< Box > &lvlboxes, IntVectSet &modifiedTags) | MultiBlockMeshRefine | protectedvirtual |
clipBox(Box &a_box, const ProblemDomain &a_domain) const | MultiBlockMeshRefine | protectedvirtual |
computeLocalBlockFactors() | MeshRefine | protectedvirtual |
define(const Box &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | BRMeshRefine | |
define(const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | BRMeshRefine | virtual |
fillRatio() const | MeshRefine | |
fillRatio(const Real a_fill_ratio) | MeshRefine | virtual |
findMaxInflectionPoint(const Vector< int > &a_trace, int &a_maxVal) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
findMaxInflectionPoint(const Vector< int > &a_trace, int &a_maxVal, const int a_maxSize) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
findSplit(const Vector< int > &a_trace) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
findSplit(const Vector< int > &a_trace, const int a_maxSize) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
getCoords(const ProblemDomain &a_lvldomain) const | MultiBlockMeshRefine | protected |
granularity(int a_granularity) | MeshRefine | |
inRefineDirs(int a_val) const | MeshRefine | |
isDefined() const | MeshRefine | |
longsideRefineDirs(const Box &a_bx, int &a_dir) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
m_blockFactor | MeshRefine | protected |
m_bufferSize | MeshRefine | protected |
m_coords | MultiBlockMeshRefine | mutableprotected |
m_dxCoarse | MultiBlockMeshRefine | protected |
m_factory | MultiBlockMeshRefine | protected |
m_fillRatio | MeshRefine | protected |
m_granularity | MeshRefine | protected |
m_isDefined | MeshRefine | protected |
m_lastBase | MeshRefine | protected |
m_lastBuffer | MeshRefine | protected |
m_lastTop | MeshRefine | protected |
m_level_blockfactors | MeshRefine | protected |
m_lowestRefineDir | MeshRefine | protected |
m_maxSize | MeshRefine | protected |
m_messageBuffer | BRMeshRefine | mutableprotected |
m_nRefVect | MeshRefine | protected |
m_PNDMode | MeshRefine | protected |
m_pnds | MeshRefine | protected |
m_refineDirs | MeshRefine | protected |
m_vectDomains | MeshRefine | protected |
makeBoxes(Vector< Box > &a_mesh, const IntVectSet &a_tags, const IntVectSet &a_pnd, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int a_maxSize, const int a_totalBufferSize) const | BRMeshRefine | virtual |
makeBoxes(std::list< Box > &a_mesh, IntVectSet &a_tags, const IntVectSet &a_pnd, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int a_maxSize, const int a_depth, const int a_totalBufferSize) const | BRMeshRefine | |
makeBoxesParallel(std::list< Box > &a_mesh, IntVectSet &a_tags, const IntVectSet &a_pnd, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const int a_maxSize, const int a_depth, const int a_totalBufferSize, const int a_minSize, const Interval &a_procInterval) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
makePNDs(Vector< IntVectSet > &a_pnds, Vector< int > &a_totalBufferSize, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains, const IntVectSet &a_baseMesh, const Vector< int > &a_bufferSize) const | MeshRefine | protectedvirtual |
makePNDs(Vector< IntVectSet > &a_pnds, Vector< int > &a_totalBufferSize, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains, const Vector< Box > &a_baseMesh, const Vector< int > &a_bufferSize) const | MeshRefine | protectedvirtual |
makeTrace(const IntVectSet &a_Ivs, int a_dir) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
makeTraces(const IntVectSet &a_Ivs, Vector< int > *a_traces) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
maxloc(const int *a_V, const int a_Size) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
maxSize() const | MeshRefine | |
maxSize(const int a_max_size) | MeshRefine | virtual |
MeshRefine() | MeshRefine | |
MeshRefine(const Box &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | MeshRefine | |
MeshRefine(const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | MeshRefine | |
MultiBlockMeshRefine(const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, RealVect dxCoarse, const RefCountedPtr< MultiBlockCoordSysFactory > &a_factory, const Vector< int > &a_refRatios, const Real a_fillRatio, const int a_blockFactor, const int a_bufferSize, const int a_maxSize) | MultiBlockMeshRefine | |
MultiBlockMeshRefine() | MultiBlockMeshRefine | inlineprotected |
properlyNested(const Box &a_box, const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const IntVectSet &a_pnd, int a_totalBufferSize) const | MultiBlockMeshRefine | protectedvirtual |
receiveBoxesParallel(const Interval &a_from, const Interval &a_to, std::list< Box > &a_mesh, int tag) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
refRatios() const | MeshRefine | |
refRatios(const Vector< int > &a_nRefVect) | MeshRefine | |
regrid(Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_newmeshes, const IntVectSet &a_tags, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_oldMeshes) | MeshRefine | virtual |
regrid(Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_newmeshes, Vector< IntVectSet > &a_tags, const int a_baseLevel, const int a_topLevel, const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_oldMeshes) | MeshRefine | virtual |
restrictUnrefined(Box &a_box) const | MeshRefine | |
restrictUnrefined(IntVectSet &a_ivs) const | MeshRefine | |
sendBoxesParallel(const std::list< Box > &a_mesh, int tag) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
setPNDMode(int a_mode) | MeshRefine | |
setRefineDirs(const IntVect &a_refineDirs) | MeshRefine | |
splitBox(std::list< Box > &a_boxes, const std::list< Box >::iterator &a_boxindex, const int a_dimension, const int a_maxboxsize) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
splitBox(std::list< Box > &a_boxes, const std::list< Box >::iterator &a_boxindex, const int a_maxboxsize) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
splitTags(const IntVectSet &a_tags, const int a_split_dir, const int a_split_indx, IntVectSet &a_tags_lo, IntVectSet &a_tags_hi) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
splitTagsInBestDimension(IntVectSet &a_tags_inout_lo, IntVectSet &a_tags_hi, const int a_maxSize) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
splitTagsInPlace(const int a_split_dir, const int a_split_indx, IntVectSet &a_tags_inout_lo, IntVectSet &a_tags_hi) const | BRMeshRefine | protected |
~BRMeshRefine() | BRMeshRefine | virtual |
~MeshRefine() | MeshRefine | virtual |
~MultiBlockMeshRefine() | MultiBlockMeshRefine | virtual |