HDF5 documents and links Introduction to HDF5 HDF5 User Guide Other High-level API documents |
And in this document, the
HDF5 Reference Manual
H5DS H5IM H5LT H5PT H5TB H5 H5A H5D H5E H5F H5G H5I H5L H5O H5P H5R H5S H5T H5Z Tools Datatypes |
The HDF5 Image API defines a standard storage for HDF5 datasets that are indented to be interpreted as images. The specification for this API is presented in another document: HDF5 Image and Palette Specification. This version of the API is primarily concerned with two dimensional raster data similar to HDF4 Raster Images. The HDF5 image API uses the Lite HDF5 API.
The following functions are part of the HDF5 Image API version 1.0.
The C Interfaces:
Image functions
Palette functions |
The FORTRAN90 Interfaces:
In general, each FORTRAN90 subroutine performs exactly the same task
as the corresponding C function.
Image functions
Palette functions |
creates and writes a dataset named
attached to the file or group specified by the
identifier loc_id
. Attributes conforming to the HDF5 Image
and Palette specification for an indexed image are attached to the
dataset, thus identifying it as an image. The image data is of the type
H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR. An indexed image is an image in which each each pixel
information storage is an index to a table palette.
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group to create the dataset within. |
const char *dset_name |
IN: The name of the dataset to create. |
hsize_t width | IN: The width of the image. |
hsize_t height | IN: The height of the image. |
const unsigned char *buffer |
IN: Buffer with data to be written to the dataset. |
subroutine h5immake_image_8bit_f(loc_id, dset_name, width, height, buf, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer(HSIZE_T), intent(IN) :: width ! width of image integer(HSIZE_T), intent(IN) :: height ! height of image integer*1, intent(IN), dimension(*) :: buf ! 1 byte integer data buffer integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5immake_image_8bit_f
creates and writes a dataset named
attached to the file or group specified by the
identifier loc_id
. This function defines a true color image
conforming to the HDF5 Image and Palette specification. The function
assumes that the image data is of the type H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR.
A true color image is an image where the pixel storage contains several color planes. In a 24 bit RGB color model, these planes are red, green and blue. In a true color image the stream of bytes can be stored in several different ways, thus defining the interlace (or interleaving) mode. The 2 most used types of interlace mode are interlace by pixel and interlace by plane. In the 24 bit RGB color model example, interlace by plane means all the red components for the entire dataset are stored first, followed by all the green components, and then by all the blue components. Interlace by pixel in this example means that for each pixel the sequence red, green, blue is defined. In this function, the interlace mode is defined in the parameter interlace, a string that can have the values INTERLACE_PIXEL or INTERLACE_PLANE.
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group to create the dataset within. |
const char *dset_name |
IN: The name of the dataset to create. |
hsize_t width | IN: The width of the image. |
hsize_t height | IN: The height of the image. |
const char * interlace |
IN: String defining the interlace mode. |
const unsigned char * buffer |
IN: Buffer with data to be written to the dataset. |
subroutine h5immake_image_24bit_f(loc_id, dset_name, width, height, il, & buf, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer(HSIZE_T), intent(IN) :: width ! width of image integer(HSIZE_T), intent(IN) :: height ! height of image character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: il ! interlace integer*1, intent(IN), dimension(*) :: buf ! 1 byte integer data buffer integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5immake_image_24bit_f
gets information about an image
named dset_name
attached to the file or group specified
by the identifier loc_id
. .
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group in which the dataset is located. |
const char *dset_name |
IN: The name of the dataset. |
hsize_t * width |
OUT: The width of the image. |
hsize_t * height |
OUT: The height of the image. |
hsize_t * planes |
OUT: The number of color planes of the image. |
char * interlace |
OUT: The interlace mode of the image. |
hssize_t * npals |
OUT: The number of palettes associated to the image. |
subroutine h5imget_image_info_f(loc_id, dset_name, width, height, planes, & interlace, npals, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer(HSIZE_T), intent(INOUT) :: width ! width of image integer(HSIZE_T), intent(INOUT) :: height ! height of image integer(HSIZE_T), intent(INOUT) :: planes ! color planes integer(HSIZE_T), intent(INOUT) :: npals ! palettes character(LEN=*), intent(INOUT) :: interlace ! interlace integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imget_image_info_f
reads a dataset named
attached to the file or group specified by the
identifier loc_id
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group to read the dataset from. |
const char *dset_name |
IN: The name of the dataset. |
unsigned char *buffer |
OUT: Buffer with data to store the image. |
subroutine h5imread_image_f(loc_id, dset_name, buf, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer*1, intent(INOUT), dimension(*) :: buf ! 1 byte integer data buffer integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imread_image_f
inquires if a dataset named
, attached to the file or group specified by
the identifier loc_id
, is an image based on the HDF5 Image
and Palette Specification.
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group in which the dataset is located. |
const char *dset_name |
IN: The name of the dataset. |
integer function h5imis_image_f(loc_id, dset_name) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer :: errcode ! error code end function h5imis_image_f
creates and writes a dataset named
. Attributes conforming to the HDF5 Image and
Palette specification are attached to the dataset, thus identifying it
as a palette. The palette data is of the type H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR.
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group to create the dataset within. |
const char *pal_name |
IN: The name of the palette. |
const hsize_t *
pal_dims |
IN: An array of the size of the palette dimensions. |
const unsigned char *pal_data |
IN: Buffer with data to be written to the dataset. |
subroutine h5immake_palette_f(loc_id, dset_name, pal_dims, buf, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer(HSIZE_T), intent(IN), dimension(*) :: pal_dims ! dimensions integer*1, intent(IN), dimension(*) :: buf ! 1 byte integer data buffer integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5immake_palette_f
attaches a palette named
to an image specified by image_name
The image dataset may or not already have an attached palette.
If it has, the array of palette references is extended to hold the
reference to the new palette.
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group. |
const char *image_name |
IN: The name of the dataset to attach the palette to. |
const char *pal_name |
IN: The name of the palette. |
subroutine h5imlink_palette_f(loc_id, dset_name, pal_name, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: pal_name ! palette name integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imlink_palette_f
dettaches a palette from an image
specified by image_name
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group. |
const char *image_name |
IN: The name of the image dataset. |
const char *pal_name |
IN: The name of the palette. |
subroutine h5imunlink_palette_f(loc_id, dset_name, pal_name, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: pal_name ! palette name integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imunlink_palette_f
gets the number of palettes
associated to an image specified by image_name
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group in which the image dataset is located. |
const char *image_name |
IN: The name of the image dataset. |
hssize_t *npals |
OUT: The number of palettes. |
subroutine h5imget_npalettes_f(loc_id, dset_name, npals, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer(HSIZE_T), intent(INOUT) :: npals ! palettes integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imget_npalettes_f
gets the dimensions of the palette
dataset identified by pal_number
(a zero based index)
associated to an image specified by image_name
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group in which the image dataset is located. |
const char *image_name |
IN: The name of the image dataset. |
int pal_number |
IN: The zero based index that identifies the palette. |
hsize_t *pal_dims |
OUT: The dimensions of the palette dataset. |
subroutine h5imget_palette_info_f(loc_id, dset_name, pal_number, dims, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer, intent(IN) :: pal_number ! palette number integer(HSIZE_T), dimension(*), intent(INOUT) :: dims ! dimensions integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imget_palette_info_f
gets the palette dataset identified by
(a zero based index) associated to an image
specified by image_name
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group in which the image dataset is located. |
const char *image_name |
IN: The name of the image dataset. |
int pal_number |
IN: The zero based index that identifies the palette. |
unsigned char *pal_data |
OUT: The palette dataset. |
subroutine h5imget_palette_f(loc_id, dset_name, pal_number, buf, errcode) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer, intent(IN) :: pal_number ! palette number integer*1, intent(INOUT), dimension(*) :: buf ! 1 byte integer data buffer integer :: errcode ! error code end subroutine h5imget_palette_f
inquires if a dataset named
, attached to the file or group specified by
the identifier loc_id
, is a palette based on the HDF5
Image and Palette Specification.
hid_t loc_id |
IN: Identifier of the file or group in which the dataset is located. |
const char *dset_name |
IN: The name of the dataset. |
integer function h5imis_palette_f(loc_id, dset_name) implicit none integer(HID_T), intent(IN) :: loc_id ! file or group identifier character(LEN=*), intent(IN) :: dset_name ! name of the dataset integer :: errcode ! error code end function h5imis_palette_f
HDF5 documents and links Introduction to HDF5 HDF5 User Guide Other High-level API documents |
And in this document, the
HDF5 Reference Manual
H5DS H5IM H5LT H5PT H5TB H5 H5A H5D H5E H5F H5G H5I H5L H5O H5P H5R H5S H5T H5Z Tools Datatypes |