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PAmrNS Class Reference

Class to manage non-subcycled advance for AMRINS with particles. More...

#include <PAmrNS.H>

Collaboration diagram for PAmrNS:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Methods

 PAmrNS ()
 default constructor

 PAmrNS (const ProblemDomain &a_vectDomain, const Vector< int > &a_vectRefRatio, const RealVect &a_domainLength, int a_maxLevel)
 full constructor -- calls matching define function

 ~PAmrNS ()

void define (const ProblemDomain &a_baseDomain, const Vector< int > &a_vectRefRatio, const RealVect &a_domainLength, int a_maxLevel)
 full define function

void setupForFixedHierarchyRun (Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_vectBoxes)
 set up grids, etc for fixed-hiearchy run

void setupForAmrRun ()
 set up grids, etc for AMR run

void setupForRestart (const string &a_restartFile)
 set up for restart

void setupForRestart (const HDF5Handle &a_restartFile)
 set up for restart

Real doRun (Real a_maxTime, int a_maxStep)
 advance solution. returns time of final solution

void conclude ()
 write final checkpoint and plot files, tells final stats, etc.

void checkpointInterval (int a_checkpointInterval)
 related I/O stuff

void plotInterval (int a_plotInterval)
void checkpointPrefix (const string &a_prefix)
void plotPrefix (const string &a_prefix)
void maxGridSize (int a_maxGridSize)
void maxBaseGridSize (int a_maxBaseGridSize)
void fillRatio (Real a_fillRatio)
void blockFactor (int a_blockFactor)
void regridInterval (int a_regridInterval)
void maxDtGrow (Real &a_maxDtGrow)
void fixedDt (Real a_dt)
void CFL (Real a_cfl)
 set CFL number

void particleCFL (Real a_particle_cfl)
 set CFL number for computing timestep based on particles

void refinementThreshold (Real a_refine_threshold)
 set refinement threshold

void limitSolverCoarsening (bool a_limitSolverCoarsening)
 set solver parameter

void verbosity (int a_verbosity)
 set verbosity level

int finestLevel () const
 what is the finest defined level? (may be less than maxLevel)

int maxLevel () const
 what is the finest allowable level?

bool isEmpty (int a_level) const
 is a_level an empty level?

Real Dx (int a_level) const
Real Nu () const
 viscous coefficient

void setPhysBC (const PhysBCUtil &a_BC)
 sets physical BC object

bool isDefined () const
 has this object been defined?

Protected Methods

void advance (Real a_dt)
 advance by one timestep (returns what, if anything?)

void postTimeStep ()
 things to do after a timestep

void tagCells (Vector< IntVectSet > &a_tags)
 create tags

void tagCellsLevel (IntVectSet &a_tags, int a_level)
 create tags

void tagCellsInit (Vector< IntVectSet > &a_tags)
 create tags at initialization

void regrid ()

void postRegrid ()
 perform any post-regridding ops

void initialGrid (const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_new_grids, int a_baseLevel, bool a_clearStorage=false)
 initialize grids -- does load balancing as well

void initialGrid (const Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &a_new_grids, const Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &a_new_particle_grids, int a_baseLevel, bool a_clearStorage=false)
 initialize grids -- no need to load-balance.

void initialData ()
 initialize data

void postInitialize ()
 things do do after initialization

Real computeDt ()
 compute dt

Real computeInitialDt ()
 compute dt with initial data

void computeVorticity (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_vorticity, int a_level) const
 compute vorticity on level a_level

void computeKineticEnergy (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_energy, int a_level) const
 compute kinetic energy on a_level (only on interior cells)

Real particleKineticEnergy () const
 returns kinetic energy of all the particles in valid cells on all levels

void dumpParticlesASCII (std::ostream &os) const
 dumps ASCII list of particles

void dumpLoadBalanceInfo () const
 dumps load balance stats

LevelData< FArrayBox > & newVel (int a_level)
const LevelData< FArrayBox > & newVel (int a_level) const
LevelData< FArrayBox > & oldVel (int a_level)
const LevelData< FArrayBox > & oldVel (int a_level) const
void velocity (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_vel, Real a_time, int a_level) const
 returns velocity at time t

LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > & particles (int a_level)
 returns particles

const LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > & particles (int a_level) const
 returns particles (const version)

int numParticles (int a_level) const
 number of particles on this AMR level

LevelData< FArrayBox > & newScal (const int a_comp, int a_level)
const LevelData< FArrayBox > & newScal (const int a_comp, int a_level) const
LevelData< FArrayBox > & oldScal (const int a_comp, int a_level)
const LevelData< FArrayBox > & oldScal (const int a_comp, int a_level) const
void scalars (LevelData< FArrayBox > &a_scalars, const Real a_time, const int a_comp, int a_level) const
 returns scalars at time t

PhysBCUtilgetPhysBCPtr () const
 gets physical BC object

void loadBalance (Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &a_vectGrids, Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &a_vectParticleGrids, const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_vectBoxes, int a_lbase)
void setup ()
 set up the AMR hierarchy, etc for a_vectGrids.

void regrid (const Vector< Vector< Box > > &a_new_grids)
 regrid once new boxes have been generated

void defineParticles (List< DragParticle > &a_particles) const
 define particle list for entire domain

void readParameters ()
 read parameters from parmParse database

void finestLevel (int a_finest_level)
 set whether this is the finest level or not

void swapOldAndNewStates ()
 move new-time state into old-time state -- also advances time by dt

void resetStates (const Real a_time)
 exchange old and new states, resets time to a_time

void computeAdvectionVelocities (Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &a_adv_vel, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_phi, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_dragForce)
 compute advection velocities

void predictVelocities (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_uDelU, Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &a_advVel, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_phi, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_dragForce)
void computeUStar (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_uStar, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_dragForce, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_Pi)
void updateParticlePositions (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_newDrag, Vector< LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > * > &a_particles, const Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_fluidVel, bool a_completeUpdate)
 move particles and compute new-time drag forcing

void updateParticleForces (Vector< LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > * > &a_particles)
 update particle forces

void interpVelToParticles (Vector< LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > * > &a_particles, const Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_velocity)
 update particle velocities by interpolating a_vel to particles

void advectScalar (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_new_scal, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_old_scal, Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &a_adv_vel, OldPhysIBC *a_scalIBC, Real a_dt)
 do scalar advection -- assumes all BC's already done

void advectDiffuseScalar (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_new_scal, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_old_scal, Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &a_adv_vel, const Real &a_diffusive_coeff, DomainGhostBC &a_scalPhysBC, OldPhysIBC *a_scalIBC, Real a_dt)
 advect/diffuse scalar -- assumes all BC's already done?

void initializePressure ()
 manages pressure initialization after init or regrid

void computeLapVel (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_lapVel, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_vel)
 compute Laplacian(velocity)

void computeLapScal (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_lapScal, Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_scal, DomainGhostBC &a_physBC)
 compute Laplacian(scalars)

void fillVelocity (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_vel, Real a_time)
 fill grown velocity field using piecewise-constant interp

void fillVelocity (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_vel, Real a_time, int vel_comp, int dest_comp, int num_comp)
 fill grown velocity field using piecewise-constant interp

void fillScalars (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_scal, Real a_time, const int a_comp) const
 fill interior and boundary cells (assume a_scal already sized)

int numPlotComps () const
 number of components in plotfiles

void getPlotDataNames (Vector< string > &a_vectNames)
 names of plot data components

void getPlotData (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_plot_data)
 stuff plotfile data -- not const because of ghost cell issues

void fillCheckpointData (Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &a_vectData, Vector< string > &a_checkDataNames)
 allocate and stuff cell-centered checkpoint data.

void setDefaultValues ()
 set default values for parameters at initialization

Protected Attributes

Vector< int > m_vectRefRatio
 refinement ratios

Vector< ProblemDomainm_vectDomain
 problem domains

Vector< Realm_vectDx
 grid spacings

Vector< DisjointBoxLayoutm_vectGrids
 grid hierarchy

Vector< DisjointBoxLayoutm_vectParticleGrids
 grid hierarchy for particles

Vector< Vector< Box > > m_vectBoxes
 need to save boxes?

int m_maxLevel
 maximum allowable level

int m_finestLevel
 finest extant level

int m_regrid_interval
 how many timesteps between regridding

int m_block_factor
 blocking factor

Real m_fill_ratio
 grid effiency for meshrefine

int m_nesting_radius
 proper nesting radius

int m_max_box_size
 max box size

int m_max_base_box_size
 max box size on level 0 (default is same as max_box_size)

Real m_time
int m_cur_step
Real m_dt
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > m_vectOldVel
 velocity vector at old time

Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > m_vectNewVel
 velocity vector at new time

Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > m_vectPi
 pressure from projection

Vector< LevelData< BinFab<
DragParticle > > * > 

Vector< Vector< LevelData<
FArrayBox > * > > 
 scalars at old time

Vector< Vector< LevelData<
FArrayBox > * > > 
 scalars at new time

int m_num_vel_comps
 number of components of m_state (vel comps + lambda)

int m_num_scal_comps
 number of scalars

int m_max_scal_comps
 maximum possible number of scalar components

Vector< Realm_scal_coeffs
 diffusion coefficients for scalar advection-diffusion

RealVect m_domLength
 size of physical domain

Real m_init_shrink
 factor to shrink initial timestep

Real m_max_dt
 maximum allowable timestep

Real m_min_dt
 minimum allowable timestep

Real m_prescribedDt
Real m_max_dt_grow
int m_verbosity
 how verbose to make output?

bool m_project_initial_vel
 should we project initial velocity field (default is yes)

bool m_update_velocity
 if this is false, velocity field is not updated... (useful for debugging)

bool m_initialize_pressures
 should we initialize pressures after grid generation & regridding?

int m_num_init_passes
 number of times to iterate when initializing pressures

bool m_set_bogus_values
 debugging option -- initially set arrays to m_bogus_value

Real m_bogus_value
 debugging option -- value to which arrays are initially set

bool m_tag_vorticity
 tag on vorticity?

Real m_vort_factor
 factor for tagging -- tag if vorticity greater than factor*max_vort

bool m_tag_particles
 tag on particles?

int m_tags_grow
 amount by which to grow tagged regions before calling meshrefine

int m_viscous_solver_type
 viscous solver type: 0 = backwards euler, 1=Crank-Nicolson, 2=TGA

Real m_viscous_solver_tol
 viscous solver tolerance (defaults to 1e-7)

int m_viscous_num_smooth_up
 multigrid parameter for viscous solves

int m_viscous_num_smooth_down
 multigrid parameter for viscous solves

bool m_limitSolverCoarsening
Real m_nu

bool m_doRestart
 true if we're starting from a restart

bool m_do_particles
 if true, do particle stuff, if false, don't

bool m_read_particles_from_file
 read particle info from file?

string m_particle_file
 file containing particle info

Real m_particle_drag_coeff
 particle drag coefficient

RealVect m_particle_body_force
 particle body force (gravity)

Real m_particle_epsilon
 particle delta function parameter

Real m_spreading_radius
 spreading radius for particle projector

Real m_correction_radius
 safety radius for particle projector

int m_particle_grids_buffer
 amount to grow auxiliary grids for particles

bool m_use_image_particles
 if true, use image particles in particle projector near phys boundaries

int m_order_vel_interp
 order of velocity interpolation for particles

bool m_limit_vel_interp
 if order_vel_interp > 0, should we limit slopes?

int m_particle_update_type
 method to update particle positions, velocities

bool m_specifyInitialGrids
 do we specify initial grids in a gridFile?

string m_initialGridFile
 gridfile where initial grids are spec'd, if relevant

bool m_init_vel_from_vorticity
 initialize velocity field from vorticity field

Real m_backgroundVel
 background velocity (in the z-direction)

bool m_write_particles
 include particles in plotfile?

bool m_write_divergence
 include divergence in plotfile?

bool m_write_time_derivatives
 include du/dt in plotfile?

bool m_write_vorticity
 include vorticity in plotfile?

bool m_write_scalars
 include scalars in plotfile?

bool m_write_dScalar_dt
 include d(scalars)/dt in plotfile?

bool m_write_error
 include error (if there is an exact solution) in plotfile?

bool m_write_proc_ids
 include processor distribution visualization in plotfile?

bool m_compute_scal_err
 compute error and report norms after composite timesteps

bool m_write_initial_solve_rhs
 dump out initial vorticity->stream function RHS's into plotfiles

bool m_write_grids
 dump out grid info

Real m_cfl
 cfl number

Real m_particleCFL
 cfl number for particle updates

Vector< CoarseAverage * > m_coarse_average
 averaging from fine to coarse level for velocity

Vector< CoarseAverage * > m_coarse_average_scal
 averaging from fine to coarse level for scalar

AmrProjector m_projection
 cell-centered projection object

AMRParticleProjector m_particle_projector
 particle drag force projector object

int m_particleProjCoarsening
 parameter for particleProjector

Vector< QuadCFInterp * > m_velCFInterp_ptrs
 does quadratic coarse-fine interpolation for velocities

Vector< PoissonOp * > m_scalarsPoissonOp_ptrs
 PoissonOp for advected scalars (for diffusion).

Vector< PatchAdvection * > m_patchGod
Real m_refine_threshold
 refinement threshold for regridding

 physical BC object

int m_plot_interval
 interval between plotfiles

int m_check_interval
 interval between checkpoint files

int m_lastcheck_step
 bookkeeping stuff last timestep we wrote a checkpoint file

int m_restart_step
 if we're restarting, the timestep at restart

Vector< int > m_cell_updates
 counts number of cells updated on each level

bool m_ppInit
bool m_isDefined
std::string m_plotfile_prefix
std::string m_checkpointfile_prefix

Static Protected Attributes

const char * s_vel_names [CH_SPACEDIM]
 names of components

const char * s_scal_names [NUM_SCAL_TYPES]
 names of scalars

Detailed Description

Class to manage non-subcycled advance for AMRINS with particles.

This class manages the entire AMR hierarchy and non-subcycled advance for the AMR Incompressible Navier-Stokes with suspended drag particles problem

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


default constructor

PAmrNS::PAmrNS const ProblemDomain   a_vectDomain,
const Vector< int > &    a_vectRefRatio,
const RealVect   a_domainLength,
int    a_maxLevel

full constructor -- calls matching define function

note that the PAmrNS class defines its own grid hierarchy



Member Function Documentation

void PAmrNS::advance Real    a_dt [protected]

advance by one timestep (returns what, if anything?)

void PAmrNS::advectDiffuseScalar Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_new_scal,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_old_scal,
Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &    a_adv_vel,
const Real   a_diffusive_coeff,
DomainGhostBC   a_scalPhysBC,
OldPhysIBC *    a_scalIBC,
Real    a_dt

advect/diffuse scalar -- assumes all BC's already done?

void PAmrNS::advectScalar Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_new_scal,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_old_scal,
Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &    a_adv_vel,
OldPhysIBC *    a_scalIBC,
Real    a_dt

do scalar advection -- assumes all BC's already done

void PAmrNS::blockFactor int    a_blockFactor

void PAmrNS::CFL Real    a_cfl

set CFL number

void PAmrNS::checkpointInterval int    a_checkpointInterval

related I/O stuff

void PAmrNS::checkpointPrefix const string &    a_prefix

void PAmrNS::computeAdvectionVelocities Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &    a_adv_vel,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_phi,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_dragForce

compute advection velocities

a_phi is the correction from the MAC projection.

Real PAmrNS::computeDt   [protected]

compute dt

Real PAmrNS::computeInitialDt   [protected]

compute dt with initial data

void PAmrNS::computeKineticEnergy LevelData< FArrayBox > &    a_energy,
int    a_level
const [protected]

compute kinetic energy on a_level (only on interior cells)

void PAmrNS::computeLapScal Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_lapScal,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_scal,
DomainGhostBC   a_physBC

compute Laplacian(scalars)

void PAmrNS::computeLapVel Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_lapVel,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_vel

compute Laplacian(velocity)

void PAmrNS::computeUStar Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_uStar,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_dragForce,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_Pi

void PAmrNS::computeVorticity LevelData< FArrayBox > &    a_vorticity,
int    a_level
const [protected]

compute vorticity on level a_level

void PAmrNS::conclude  

write final checkpoint and plot files, tells final stats, etc.

void PAmrNS::define const ProblemDomain   a_baseDomain,
const Vector< int > &    a_vectRefRatio,
const RealVect   a_domainLength,
int    a_maxLevel

full define function

void PAmrNS::defineParticles List< DragParticle > &    a_particles const [protected]

define particle list for entire domain

Defines all particles in domain; a_particles will then be distributed among the AMR levels

Real PAmrNS::doRun Real    a_maxTime,
int    a_maxStep

advance solution. returns time of final solution

void PAmrNS::dumpLoadBalanceInfo   const [protected]

dumps load balance stats

for each box, dumps box no, numPts, and numParticles, then sums for each proc -- for now, dump to std output

void PAmrNS::dumpParticlesASCII std::ostream &    os const [protected]

dumps ASCII list of particles

Real PAmrNS::Dx int    a_level const [inline]

void PAmrNS::fillCheckpointData Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_vectData,
Vector< string > &    a_checkDataNames

allocate and stuff cell-centered checkpoint data.

void PAmrNS::fillRatio Real    a_fillRatio

void PAmrNS::fillScalars Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_scal,
Real    a_time,
const int    a_comp
const [protected]

fill interior and boundary cells (assume a_scal already sized)

void PAmrNS::fillVelocity Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_vel,
Real    a_time,
int    vel_comp,
int    dest_comp,
int    num_comp

fill grown velocity field using piecewise-constant interp

void PAmrNS::fillVelocity Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_vel,
Real    a_time

fill grown velocity field using piecewise-constant interp

void PAmrNS::finestLevel int    a_finest_level [protected]

set whether this is the finest level or not

int PAmrNS::finestLevel   const [inline]

what is the finest defined level? (may be less than maxLevel)

void PAmrNS::fixedDt Real    a_dt

PhysBCUtil* PAmrNS::getPhysBCPtr   const [protected]

gets physical BC object

void PAmrNS::getPlotData Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_plot_data [protected]

stuff plotfile data -- not const because of ghost cell issues

void PAmrNS::getPlotDataNames Vector< string > &    a_vectNames [protected]

names of plot data components

void PAmrNS::initialData   [protected]

initialize data

void PAmrNS::initialGrid const Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &    a_new_grids,
const Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &    a_new_particle_grids,
int    a_baseLevel,
bool    a_clearStorage = false

initialize grids -- no need to load-balance.

baseLevel is coarsest level to initialize if clearStorage = true, clear any existing storage

void PAmrNS::initialGrid const Vector< Vector< Box > > &    a_new_grids,
int    a_baseLevel,
bool    a_clearStorage = false

initialize grids -- does load balancing as well

baseLevel is coarsest level to initialize if clearStorage = true, clear any existing storage

void PAmrNS::initializePressure   [protected]

manages pressure initialization after init or regrid

void PAmrNS::interpVelToParticles Vector< LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > * > &    a_particles,
const Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_velocity

update particle velocities by interpolating a_vel to particles

bool PAmrNS::isDefined   const

has this object been defined?

bool PAmrNS::isEmpty int    a_level const [inline]

is a_level an empty level?

void PAmrNS::limitSolverCoarsening bool    a_limitSolverCoarsening

set solver parameter

void PAmrNS::loadBalance Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &    a_vectGrids,
Vector< DisjointBoxLayout > &    a_vectParticleGrids,
const Vector< Vector< Box > > &    a_vectBoxes,
int    a_lbase

void PAmrNS::maxBaseGridSize int    a_maxBaseGridSize

void PAmrNS::maxDtGrow Real   a_maxDtGrow

void PAmrNS::maxGridSize int    a_maxGridSize

int PAmrNS::maxLevel   const [inline]

what is the finest allowable level?

const LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::newScal const int    a_comp,
int    a_level
const [protected]

LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::newScal const int    a_comp,
int    a_level

const LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::newVel int    a_level const [protected]

LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::newVel int    a_level [protected]

Real PAmrNS::Nu   const [inline]

viscous coefficient

int PAmrNS::numParticles int    a_level const [protected]

number of particles on this AMR level

int PAmrNS::numPlotComps   const [protected]

number of components in plotfiles

const LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::oldScal const int    a_comp,
int    a_level
const [protected]

LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::oldScal const int    a_comp,
int    a_level

const LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::oldVel int    a_level const [protected]

LevelData<FArrayBox>& PAmrNS::oldVel int    a_level [protected]

void PAmrNS::particleCFL Real    a_particle_cfl

set CFL number for computing timestep based on particles

Real PAmrNS::particleKineticEnergy   const [protected]

returns kinetic energy of all the particles in valid cells on all levels

const LevelData<BinFab<DragParticle> >& PAmrNS::particles int    a_level const [protected]

returns particles (const version)

LevelData<BinFab<DragParticle> >& PAmrNS::particles int    a_level [protected]

returns particles

void PAmrNS::plotInterval int    a_plotInterval

void PAmrNS::plotPrefix const string &    a_prefix

void PAmrNS::postInitialize   [protected]

things do do after initialization

void PAmrNS::postRegrid   [protected]

perform any post-regridding ops

void PAmrNS::postTimeStep   [protected]

things to do after a timestep

void PAmrNS::predictVelocities Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_uDelU,
Vector< LevelData< FluxBox > * > &    a_advVel,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_phi,
Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_dragForce

void PAmrNS::readParameters   [protected]

read parameters from parmParse database

void PAmrNS::refinementThreshold Real    a_refine_threshold

set refinement threshold

void PAmrNS::regrid const Vector< Vector< Box > > &    a_new_grids [protected]

regrid once new boxes have been generated

void PAmrNS::regrid   [protected]


void PAmrNS::regridInterval int    a_regridInterval

void PAmrNS::resetStates const Real    a_time [protected]

exchange old and new states, resets time to a_time

void PAmrNS::scalars LevelData< FArrayBox > &    a_scalars,
const Real    a_time,
const int    a_comp,
int    a_level
const [protected]

returns scalars at time t

void PAmrNS::setDefaultValues   [protected]

set default values for parameters at initialization

void PAmrNS::setPhysBC const PhysBCUtil   a_BC

sets physical BC object

void PAmrNS::setup   [protected]

set up the AMR hierarchy, etc for a_vectGrids.

void PAmrNS::setupForAmrRun  

set up grids, etc for AMR run

void PAmrNS::setupForFixedHierarchyRun Vector< Vector< Box > > &    a_vectBoxes

set up grids, etc for fixed-hiearchy run

void PAmrNS::setupForRestart const HDF5Handle &    a_restartFile

set up for restart

void PAmrNS::setupForRestart const string &    a_restartFile

set up for restart

void PAmrNS::swapOldAndNewStates   [protected]

move new-time state into old-time state -- also advances time by dt

void PAmrNS::tagCells Vector< IntVectSet > &    a_tags [protected]

create tags

void PAmrNS::tagCellsInit Vector< IntVectSet > &    a_tags [protected]

create tags at initialization

void PAmrNS::tagCellsLevel IntVectSet   a_tags,
int    a_level

create tags

void PAmrNS::updateParticleForces Vector< LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > * > &    a_particles [protected]

update particle forces

void PAmrNS::updateParticlePositions Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_newDrag,
Vector< LevelData< BinFab< DragParticle > > * > &    a_particles,
const Vector< LevelData< FArrayBox > * > &    a_fluidVel,
bool    a_completeUpdate

move particles and compute new-time drag forcing

This is a little complicated, in order to avoid creating a second particle list. We first move particles to a predicted position P^* (where P refers to the particle state). Then, we compute an estimate of the particle forcing term at the new time and place it in a_newDrag. Then, if completeUpdate is true, we go back and correct the new particle state to be formally second-order accurate.

void PAmrNS::velocity LevelData< FArrayBox > &    a_vel,
Real    a_time,
int    a_level
const [protected]

returns velocity at time t

void PAmrNS::verbosity int    a_verbosity

set verbosity level

Member Data Documentation

Real PAmrNS::m_backgroundVel [protected]

background velocity (in the z-direction)

int PAmrNS::m_block_factor [protected]

blocking factor

Real PAmrNS::m_bogus_value [protected]

debugging option -- value to which arrays are initially set

Vector<int> PAmrNS::m_cell_updates [protected]

counts number of cells updated on each level

Real PAmrNS::m_cfl [protected]

cfl number

int PAmrNS::m_check_interval [protected]

interval between checkpoint files

std::string PAmrNS::m_checkpointfile_prefix [protected]

Vector<CoarseAverage*> PAmrNS::m_coarse_average [protected]

averaging from fine to coarse level for velocity

Vector<CoarseAverage*> PAmrNS::m_coarse_average_scal [protected]

averaging from fine to coarse level for scalar

bool PAmrNS::m_compute_scal_err [protected]

compute error and report norms after composite timesteps

Real PAmrNS::m_correction_radius [protected]

safety radius for particle projector

int PAmrNS::m_cur_step [protected]

bool PAmrNS::m_do_particles [protected]

if true, do particle stuff, if false, don't

RealVect PAmrNS::m_domLength [protected]

size of physical domain

bool PAmrNS::m_doRestart [protected]

true if we're starting from a restart

Real PAmrNS::m_dt [protected]

Real PAmrNS::m_fill_ratio [protected]

grid effiency for meshrefine

int PAmrNS::m_finestLevel [protected]

finest extant level

Real PAmrNS::m_init_shrink [protected]

factor to shrink initial timestep

bool PAmrNS::m_init_vel_from_vorticity [protected]

initialize velocity field from vorticity field

string PAmrNS::m_initialGridFile [protected]

gridfile where initial grids are spec'd, if relevant

bool PAmrNS::m_initialize_pressures [protected]

should we initialize pressures after grid generation & regridding?

bool PAmrNS::m_isDefined [protected]

int PAmrNS::m_lastcheck_step [protected]

bookkeeping stuff last timestep we wrote a checkpoint file

bool PAmrNS::m_limit_vel_interp [protected]

if order_vel_interp > 0, should we limit slopes?

bool PAmrNS::m_limitSolverCoarsening [protected]

int PAmrNS::m_max_base_box_size [protected]

max box size on level 0 (default is same as max_box_size)

int PAmrNS::m_max_box_size [protected]

max box size

Real PAmrNS::m_max_dt [protected]

maximum allowable timestep

Real PAmrNS::m_max_dt_grow [protected]

int PAmrNS::m_max_scal_comps [protected]

maximum possible number of scalar components

int PAmrNS::m_maxLevel [protected]

maximum allowable level

Real PAmrNS::m_min_dt [protected]

minimum allowable timestep

int PAmrNS::m_nesting_radius [protected]

proper nesting radius

Real PAmrNS::m_nu [protected]


int PAmrNS::m_num_init_passes [protected]

number of times to iterate when initializing pressures

int PAmrNS::m_num_scal_comps [protected]

number of scalars

int PAmrNS::m_num_vel_comps [protected]

number of components of m_state (vel comps + lambda)

int PAmrNS::m_order_vel_interp [protected]

order of velocity interpolation for particles

RealVect PAmrNS::m_particle_body_force [protected]

particle body force (gravity)

Real PAmrNS::m_particle_drag_coeff [protected]

particle drag coefficient

Real PAmrNS::m_particle_epsilon [protected]

particle delta function parameter

string PAmrNS::m_particle_file [protected]

file containing particle info

int PAmrNS::m_particle_grids_buffer [protected]

amount to grow auxiliary grids for particles

this is a buffer to ensure that particles don't run off of the grown grids in the ParticleProjector. It should be something along the lines of particle_cfl*regridInteval

AMRParticleProjector PAmrNS::m_particle_projector [protected]

particle drag force projector object

int PAmrNS::m_particle_update_type [protected]

method to update particle positions, velocities

Real PAmrNS::m_particleCFL [protected]

cfl number for particle updates

int PAmrNS::m_particleProjCoarsening [protected]

parameter for particleProjector

Vector<PatchAdvection*> PAmrNS::m_patchGod [protected]

PhysBCUtil* PAmrNS::m_physBCPtr [protected]

physical BC object

int PAmrNS::m_plot_interval [protected]

interval between plotfiles

std::string PAmrNS::m_plotfile_prefix [protected]

bool PAmrNS::m_ppInit [protected]

Real PAmrNS::m_prescribedDt [protected]

bool PAmrNS::m_project_initial_vel [protected]

should we project initial velocity field (default is yes)

AmrProjector PAmrNS::m_projection [protected]

cell-centered projection object

bool PAmrNS::m_read_particles_from_file [protected]

read particle info from file?

Real PAmrNS::m_refine_threshold [protected]

refinement threshold for regridding

int PAmrNS::m_regrid_interval [protected]

how many timesteps between regridding

int PAmrNS::m_restart_step [protected]

if we're restarting, the timestep at restart

this is to avoid clobbering the existing checkpoint file upon restart

Vector<Real> PAmrNS::m_scal_coeffs [protected]

diffusion coefficients for scalar advection-diffusion

Vector<PoissonOp*> PAmrNS::m_scalarsPoissonOp_ptrs [protected]

PoissonOp for advected scalars (for diffusion).

bool PAmrNS::m_set_bogus_values [protected]

debugging option -- initially set arrays to m_bogus_value

bool PAmrNS::m_specifyInitialGrids [protected]

do we specify initial grids in a gridFile?

Real PAmrNS::m_spreading_radius [protected]

spreading radius for particle projector

bool PAmrNS::m_tag_particles [protected]

tag on particles?

bool PAmrNS::m_tag_vorticity [protected]

tag on vorticity?

int PAmrNS::m_tags_grow [protected]

amount by which to grow tagged regions before calling meshrefine

Real PAmrNS::m_time [protected]

bool PAmrNS::m_update_velocity [protected]

if this is false, velocity field is not updated... (useful for debugging)

bool PAmrNS::m_use_image_particles [protected]

if true, use image particles in particle projector near phys boundaries

Vector<Vector<Box> > PAmrNS::m_vectBoxes [protected]

need to save boxes?

Vector<ProblemDomain> PAmrNS::m_vectDomain [protected]

problem domains

Vector<Real> PAmrNS::m_vectDx [protected]

grid spacings

Vector<DisjointBoxLayout> PAmrNS::m_vectGrids [protected]

grid hierarchy

Vector<Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* > > PAmrNS::m_vectNewScal [protected]

scalars at new time

Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* > PAmrNS::m_vectNewVel [protected]

velocity vector at new time

Vector<Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* > > PAmrNS::m_vectOldScal [protected]

scalars at old time

Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* > PAmrNS::m_vectOldVel [protected]

velocity vector at old time

Vector<DisjointBoxLayout> PAmrNS::m_vectParticleGrids [protected]

grid hierarchy for particles

Vector<LevelData<BinFab<DragParticle> >* > PAmrNS::m_vectParticles [protected]


Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* > PAmrNS::m_vectPi [protected]

pressure from projection

Vector<int> PAmrNS::m_vectRefRatio [protected]

refinement ratios

Vector<QuadCFInterp*> PAmrNS::m_velCFInterp_ptrs [protected]

does quadratic coarse-fine interpolation for velocities

int PAmrNS::m_verbosity [protected]

how verbose to make output?

int PAmrNS::m_viscous_num_smooth_down [protected]

multigrid parameter for viscous solves

int PAmrNS::m_viscous_num_smooth_up [protected]

multigrid parameter for viscous solves

Real PAmrNS::m_viscous_solver_tol [protected]

viscous solver tolerance (defaults to 1e-7)

int PAmrNS::m_viscous_solver_type [protected]

viscous solver type: 0 = backwards euler, 1=Crank-Nicolson, 2=TGA

Real PAmrNS::m_vort_factor [protected]

factor for tagging -- tag if vorticity greater than factor*max_vort

bool PAmrNS::m_write_divergence [protected]

include divergence in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_dScalar_dt [protected]

include d(scalars)/dt in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_error [protected]

include error (if there is an exact solution) in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_grids [protected]

dump out grid info

bool PAmrNS::m_write_initial_solve_rhs [protected]

dump out initial vorticity->stream function RHS's into plotfiles

bool PAmrNS::m_write_particles [protected]

include particles in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_proc_ids [protected]

include processor distribution visualization in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_scalars [protected]

include scalars in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_time_derivatives [protected]

include du/dt in plotfile?

bool PAmrNS::m_write_vorticity [protected]

include vorticity in plotfile?

const char* PAmrNS::s_scal_names[NUM_SCAL_TYPES] [static, protected]

names of scalars

const char* PAmrNS::s_vel_names[CH_SPACEDIM] [static, protected]

names of components

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Jan 19 17:56:23 2005 for Chombo&INSwithParticles by doxygen1.2.16