11 #ifndef _PATCHMAPPEDCONSOPERATOR_H_ 12 #define _PATCHMAPPEDCONSOPERATOR_H_ 27 #include "NamespaceHeader.H" 66 const int& a_numStates);
77 const Box& a_currentBox);
98 bool a_setFlattening);
197 #include "NamespaceFooter.H" virtual Real getMaxWaveSpeed(const FArrayBox &a_U, const Box &a_bx)
PatchMappedConsOperator & operator=(const PatchMappedConsOperator &a_input)
MOLMappedPhysics * m_molMappedPhysics
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:167
virtual ~PatchMappedConsOperator()
virtual void setCurrentBox(const DataIndex &a_currentDataIdx, const Box &a_currentBox)
Set the current data index and box before calling.
A class to facilitate interaction with physical boundary conditions.
Definition: ProblemDomain.H:141
Definition: MOLMappedPhysics.H:28
virtual void reverseBasisTransform(FArrayBox &a_W, const int a_dir, const Box &a_box)
Grid metrics on and between levels.
Data that maintains a one-to-one mapping of T to the boxes in a BoxLayout.
Definition: BoxLayout.H:26
virtual void preRiemann(FArrayBox &a_WLeft, FArrayBox &a_WRight, int a_dir, const Box &a_box)
may be used in derived classes just before calling Riemann solver in direction a_dir ...
bool m_useArtificialDissipation
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:177
void setMaxSpeed(Real a_maxSpeed)
sets m_maxSpeed
void unitNormals(const LayoutData< FluxBox > *const a_unitNormalLayPtr)
sets m_unitNormalLayPtr
Definition: MOLPhysics.H:37
Real m_artificialDissipation
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:180
virtual void evalFlux(const FArrayBox &a_UavgFab, FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg, FluxBox &a_FfromWfaceAvg, Real a_weight, bool a_setFlattening, FArrayBox &a_flatteningFab)
Evaluate the flux at a given time.
virtual void forwardBasisTransform(FArrayBox &a_W, const int a_dir, const Box &a_box)
virtual void define(const ProblemDomain &a_domain, const Real &a_dx, LevelGridMetrics *a_levelGridMetrics, const MOLPhysics *const a_molPhysics, const int &a_numStates)
Actual constructor.
void useArtificialDissipation(bool a_useArtificialDissipation)
sets whether to use artificial dissipation
A FArrayBox-like container for face-centered fluxes.
Definition: FluxBox.H:22
virtual void setCurrentTime(const Real &a_currentTime)
Set the current time before calling evalRHS or addArtificialViscosity.
virtual void getFaceAvg(FluxBox &a_faceW, const FArrayBox &a_cellW, const FArrayBox &a_WofUavg, FArrayBox &a_flatteningFab, bool a_setFlattening)
finds face-centered W and limits it using Colella&Sekora limiter; also solves Riemann problem ...
PatchMappedConsOperator(const int a_numFluxesPerField=1)
void addMappedArtificialViscosity(FArrayBox &a_JUnewFab, const FArrayBox &a_UoldFab, FluxBox &a_flux, const FluxBox &a_N, const FArrayBox &a_J, const Box &a_box, Real a_weight)
Add artificial viscosity to a_JUnew for mapped grids.
virtual void fluxCorrection(FluxBox &a_fluxAvg, const FArrayBox &a_UavgFab)
const LayoutData< FluxBox > * m_unitNormalLayPtr
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:174
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:38
double Real
Definition: REAL.H:33
Grid metrics for a level.
Definition: LevelGridMetrics.H:223
virtual void addArtificialViscosity(FArrayBox &a_UnewFab, const FArrayBox &a_UoldFab, FluxBox &a_flux, Real a_weight)
add artificial viscosity to a_Unew
Patch Cons Operator - a class for evaluating the Laplacian.
Definition: PatchConsOperator.H:30
virtual void evalRHS(FArrayBox &a_LofU, const FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg)
Evaluate the operator (div(flux)) at a given time.
virtual void postRiemann(FArrayBox &a_Wface, int a_dir, const Box &a_box)
may be used in derived classes just after calling Riemann solver in direction a_dir ...
virtual interface class encapsulating multi-block mapping API
Definition: MultiBlockCoordSys.H:34
A Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice.
Definition: Box.H:469
void artificialDissipation(Real a_artificialDissipation)
sets coefficient of artificial dissipation
const MultiBlockCoordSys * m_coordSys
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:165
Definition: DataIndex.H:114
LevelGridMetrics * m_levelGridMetrics
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:171
Definition: FArrayBox.H:45
bool m_isMaxSpeedSet
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:186
virtual void getAllFluxes(FluxBox &a_FfaceAvg, FluxBox &a_FfaceCen, const FluxBox &a_WfaceAvg, const FluxBox &a_WfaceCen)
DataIndex m_currentDataIdx
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:189
Real m_maxSpeed
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:183
ProblemDomain m_blockDomain
Definition: PatchMappedConsOperator.H:161